Speaking of rearing ITS ugly head....when all else fails you fall back on punctuation & spelling.
Thanks Magoo...you are the smartest poster in the kitchen.
We all have our special purpose.Don't feel bad - the old CSL rules page used to have many instances of its' - a word that existed nowhere else in the Englishiverse. I made a little joke about it and they are all gone now.
I'll take note of that opinion next time the turd wrangler points out one of my various unforced grammatical or spelling errors.Speaking of rearing ITS ugly head....when all else fails you fall back on punctuation & spelling.
Thanks Magoo...you are the smartest poster in the kitchen.
Magoo is a turd wrangler?I'll take note of that opinion next time the turd wrangler points out one of my various unforced grammatical or spelling errors.
Feel bad...not at all.Don't feel bad - the old CSL rules page used to have many instances of its' - a word that existed nowhere else in the Englishiverse. I made a little joke about it and they are all gone now.
U.S. House, 50th District: Anyone but Duncan Hunter
Any of the five candidates would be superior to the incumbent. And come this fall, we’ll make a more comprehensive case for one of them. For now, here’s the short version of our view: anyone but Hunter.
He's just not smart enough to use it to his advantage like some of the others . . . and not get caught.Junior obviously needs a better paying job than being a Congressman.