I think part of the problem is people are being misled by the gratuitous description in the book. Salacious sells and here is some guys account of what he saw. It was obviously something new to this guy and wasn't familiar with the fairly common activity of "butts up" and he exaggerated the activity. To be honest I've never seen a coach suggest butts up, but kids do it all the time as a suggestion for the "loser" of some activity at practice. It's far from point blank shots "as hard as they could" and anyone who has seen butts up can attest that its not some "pseudo sexual dominance thing" as many of you are suggesting. Why you see it that way is probably a discussion for the Off Topic forum. You'd be really uncomfortable with my daughter's dance competitions... I haven't been exactly thrilled on occasion.Re the Cal Berkeley coach's behavior, I was recently reminded of this re UNC's Anson Dorrance:
I traveled back down to North Carolina in 2007 to watch Anson Dorrance put his team through preseason workouts...The losers in bogies (a 2v2 drill with a goalie) had to, as Dorrance put it, "bend over." They trudged into the goal area, turned their backs to the field, and put their hands on their ankles as teammates kicked soccer balls as hard as they could into their backsides. ---Warrior Girls, page 216