...you do realize you're having a conversation with yourself, right? also, explains the typing with one hand as well. Enjoy.
You do understand that you’re responding to me, which means the exact opposite of what you’re claiming.
...you do realize you're having a conversation with yourself, right? also, explains the typing with one hand as well. Enjoy.
To all Maga and t supporters. Please keep everything to soccerWhy don’t you ever ask your magat friends to keep it about soccer?
Of course. Have you thought about half a million dead people? Have you thought about the emotional impact on their families?
It is great that Newsom is taking a stand despite the obvious political consequences. All you magats whine all day about weak politicians, and now you’re whining about one who doesn’t give a s**t about the consequences.
Yes, you do understand that there are different standards in place in different regions based on transmission rates, a school or district’s ability to limit spread, and measures taken to limit spread?
Or are you so dumb that you think every school in CA has the exact same circumstances so they should all be open without regard to how dangerous it is in that particular school? Yes, magats are that dumb.
Oh, so private schools are safer than public schools even if they’re across the street from each other. Got it.
Public schools don't like privates and charters. Makes them look bad. Usually grade wise. Past year or so, grade wise and the "miracle" of being open and not having the problems the teachers unions claim schools will have if open.Oh, so private schools are safer than public schools even if they’re across the street from each other. Got it.
I am so thoroughly enjoying the self-pity all you trumpanzees are going through right now.
Oh, so private schools are safer than public schools even if they’re across the street from each other. Got it.
I am so thoroughly enjoying the methodical meltdown that is you. Have you noticed we’re down to you telling everyone how stupid they are and nobody liking your posts?
Can't bring people down today @EOTL the tides are turning. What are you going to do when soccer opens up and you cant talk about covid, politics, or any of the other nonsenseNo doubt that is an important way for you to find validation that is lacking in your life. I don’t have that problem.
You do understand that your opinion here matters not at all right? You and your magat friends haven’t gotten what you wanted despite almost a year now of nothing but whining. I am sure you had high hopes for that soccer petition that y’all signed and paraded up to the governor’s mansion. So disappointing for you.
Back to the dinner, eh? Newsom acted stupidly once, so you and everyone else should be able to act stupidly all the time and kill as many people ad you want. That makes a lot sense if you’ve got an orange nose from sticking it up your bloated cheeto master’s arse.
Back to the dinner, eh? Newsom acted stupidly once, so you and everyone else should be able to act stupidly all the time and kill as many people ad you want. That makes a lot sense if you’ve got an orange nose from sticking it up your bloated cheeto master’s arse.
Hey Dumb Ass! My point is that his guidelines are so difficult that he can't even meet them. What's the point of making these guidelines so difficult that it's not keeping our deaths down. We surpassed NY in terms of covid deaths this week. There is no way that we can get to yellow unless we make covid go away for ever. The fact is that his science is not working.
So stop insulting everyone when you have nothing smart to say.
Too cold in the dakotas for soccer, they play hockey and stuff.Tsk tsk, such language. CA also had a lot more people than NY, meaning a much lower death rate overall. Are you going to start trashing the Dakotas, MS and AZ governors when they pass even NY in death rate? And why aren’t you trashing them instead of Newsom if you actually gave a s**t about people dying? It is because you don’t. You don’t care how many Americans die if it means little Sally gets to play in kiddie soccer tournaments.
No, he’s fucked up multiple times. Like choosing bums over taxpaying business owners in San Francisco, screwing his best friend’s wife, blaming it on alcohol, going to rehab (well, he didn’t actually go because it’s beneath him) and drinking wine at his “early and outdoor dinner” that wasn’t. Botching the vaccine so badly that doses had to be discarded. Making sure HIS winery stayed open while others didn’t. The high speed rail fiasco he continues to support. Doing nothing to deal with a severe PG&E monopoly. Nevermind the shutdowns.
But nothing Pelosi’s nephew has done beats The Mango Master teabagging you all day; everyday.