Yours in futbol
You must have missed this by the CDC. A study from the CDC published late last monthfound little evidence of the virus spreading at schools in the U.S. and abroad when precautions were taken, such as wearing masks, social distancing and ventilating rooms.
CDC director says schools can safely reopen without vaccinating teachers
Teachers do not need to get vaccinated against Covid-19 before schools can safely reopen, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
I have colleagues in other states whom kids have been attending school since last September and have had very low COVID cases just an FYI
Do you realize you are saying the same thing?
The only difference is, when he says schools cannot open until restrictions can be put into place like wearing masks, social distancing and ventilating rooms, right-identifying people claim it's an endless lockdown.
And when right-identifying people says schools can reopen with restrictions like wearing masks, social distancing and ventilating rooms, it's common sense and perfectly reasonable.
The problems are that (1) some schools are clearly having a problem implementing restrictions like wearing masks, social distancing and ventilating rooms -- in my school district, it's due to limited resources and severe overcrowding, and (2) the right-identifying people's use of the term "lockdown" is muddying what would otherwise be a unified effort to equip schools and teachers with the reasonable restrictions they need to safely reopen.