We live in a meritocracy? Sure. That’s just what you want to believe to help rationalize that you actually earned everything in your life, when the truth is you didn’t.
Your bullets, flag, and dying for the country drivel is such typical jingoistic nonsense. People like you have this bizarre, inaccurate idea that the military is some metaphor for a perfect America. People like you grew up believing a few things were infallible, could not ever be questioned, and anyone who did so was un-American, specifically the military, Christianity, the flag and cops. But it turns out that no matter how many American flags you wrap your Bible in, the vast majority of Christianity is just a cult of racism, homophobia and misogyny, there are a lot of bad cops, and the military is no better. I’m sure it makes you angry that the gays killed off the infallibility of your holy trinity when Obergfell proved to the USSC that they’re just a trifecta of bigots who aren’t even real. It obviously made you even more angry that Kaepernick made you confront that your opinion about what the flag means, and what many cops are, is also deeply flawed and highly bigoted. Well, I hate to tell you this, but your precious military is no different. In fact, this constant blathering about military metaphors is a joke even, especially when you hold them uo on a pedestal while simultaneously trashing teachers. The days in which nut jobs like yourself thought you could state some stupid a** opinion in the name of god, cops, the flag, or the military is over.