CA youth sports


But, some of teaching involves saying "wrong". That's ok. You also get to say "right". It's all good.

Math is especially brutal that way. It is the great leveler and you can't hide behind penumbras, points of view, theories, ideologies, observations, tautologies, or critical thought. It's right or wrong, especially with the basic stuff, and the best you can hope for if you are wrong is partial credit.
My community is the victim of racist and classist policies. I think most folks wants what’s best for their kids.

I worked hard, got good grades, excelled in the corps, college, law school, and career. I have never been accused of acting white. Most would describe me as being unapologetically black. However, I went to school with a few black kids that were called whitewashed assimilators primarily because they are. I find it odd when I meet a black person that is culturally white and uncomfortable around black people and don’t understand black culture. Due to white supremacy many of these folks hate themselves and their blackness-Sammy Sosa or Michael Jackson for example. So they walk around with their noses wedged up white folks asses talking about how they’re hated in the ghetto for being smart. White folks tend to like these clowns because getting your ass kissed feels good.

As for me, I grew up in a tough neighborhood but I also attended Mission San Jose one of the best public high schools in the USA. I hang out with white guys but I don’t try to assimilate and be something that I’m not.
There we go again, driving around the same circle just in opposite directions. Although dizzying, I do appreciate the genuine conversation and respect your opinion.

Impressive resume and the plight achieving it...textbook example of individual responsibility. But then you go right back to collective groups and immutable fact, race appears to play a big role in your thought process.. This is where we part ways see, I do not use group status or immutable characteristics in my decision process when judging character or considering associations and friendships...nor can I imagine race always being the predominate factor in thoughts and decision.

Of course back to Sosa's and Jackson's personal problems being a result of the usual victimization of an outside influence or entity. Although, I can agree with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart.

Sad, but not surprising, the way you personally speak of assimilation in terms of race. I believe most folks associate assimilation with a Nation or common national identity.
There we go again, driving around the same circle just in opposite directions. Although dizzying, I do appreciate the genuine conversation and respect your opinion.

Impressive resume and the plight achieving it...textbook example of individual responsibility. But then you go right back to collective groups and immutable fact, race appears to play a big role in your thought process.. This is where we part ways see, I do not use group status or immutable characteristics in my decision process when judging character or considering associations and friendships...nor can I imagine race always being the predominate factor in thoughts and decision.

Of course back to Sosa's and Jackson's personal problems being a result of the usual victimization of an outside influence or entity. Although, I can agree with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart.

Sad, but not surprising, the way you personally speak of assimilation in terms of race. I believe most folks associate assimilation with a Nation or common national identity.
I was primarily making a class based argument and you raised the issue of race when you said some blacks are accused of acting white. I was merely responding to your uninformed position. In any event, I have a few questions for you:

Do you think we live in a meritocracy?
Could you share your personal experience with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart?
Could you explain this so called common national identity?

I was primarily making a class based argument and you raised the issue of race when you said some blacks are accused of acting white. I was merely responding to your uninformed position. In any event, I have a few questions for you:

Do you think we live in a meritocracy?
Could you share your personal experience with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart?
Could you explain this so called common national identity?

...and as I responded to your uninformed position as well, I'll gladly take your questions to help further inform you.

Do you think we live in a meritocracy? Yes, and it should be...although, constantly under pressure from SJW's on the left.

Could you share your personal experience with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart? First hand experience with HS friend / his family, and many trips to Compton, CA visiting their extended family. Accounts and discussions with friends and peers from over 20 years in the Military. Second hand knowledge from readings and lectures by Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell, and Clarence Thomas to name a few.

Could you explain this so called common national identity? When the bullets start flying...gender, race, nationality, class, politics - basically all personal beliefs and differences go out the window...and what remains is the flag on every uniform, a sense to fight and die for those on your right and left, and a strong belief that you are fighting, not because you hate what is in front of you...but because you love what is behind you. That about sums it up.
I was primarily making a class based argument and you raised the issue of race when you said some blacks are accused of acting white. I was merely responding to your uninformed position. In any event, I have a few questions for you:

Do you think we live in a meritocracy?
Could you share your personal experience with folks being hated in the ghetto for being smart?
Could you explain this so called common national identity?

We live in a meritocracy? Sure. That’s just what you want to believe to help rationalize that you actually earned everything in your life, when the truth is you didn’t.

Your bullets, flag, and dying for the country drivel is such typical jingoistic nonsense. People like you have this bizarre, inaccurate idea that the military is some metaphor for a perfect America. People like you grew up believing a few things were infallible, could not ever be questioned, and anyone who did so was un-American, specifically the military, Christianity, the flag and cops. But it turns out that no matter how many American flags you wrap your Bible in, the vast majority of Christianity is just a cult of racism, homophobia and misogyny, there are a lot of bad cops, and the military is no better. I’m sure it makes you angry that the gays killed off the infallibility of your holy trinity when Obergfell proved to the USSC that they’re just a trifecta of bigots who aren’t even real. It obviously made you even more angry that Kaepernick made you confront that your opinion about what the flag means, and what many cops are, is also deeply flawed and highly bigoted. Well, I hate to tell you this, but your precious military is no different. In fact, this constant blathering about military metaphors is a joke even, especially when you hold them uo on a pedestal while simultaneously trashing teachers. The days in which nut jobs like yourself thought you could state some stupid a** opinion in the name of god, cops, the flag, or the military is over.
We live in a meritocracy? Sure. That’s just what you want to believe to help rationalize that you actually earned everything in your life, when the truth is you didn’t.

Your bullets, flag, and dying for the country drivel is such typical jingoistic nonsense. People like you have this bizarre, inaccurate idea that the military is some metaphor for a perfect America. People like you grew up believing a few things were infallible, could not ever be questioned, and anyone who did so was un-American, specifically the military, Christianity, the flag and cops. But it turns out that no matter how many American flags you wrap your Bible in, the vast majority of Christianity is just a cult of racism, homophobia and misogyny, there are a lot of bad cops, and the military is no better. I’m sure it makes you angry that the gays killed off the infallibility of your holy trinity when Obergfell proved to the USSC that they’re just a trifecta of bigots who aren’t even real. It obviously made you even more angry that Kaepernick made you confront that your opinion about what the flag means, and what many cops are, is also deeply flawed and highly bigoted. Well, I hate to tell you this, but your precious military is no different. In fact, this constant blathering about military metaphors is a joke even, especially when you hold them uo on a pedestal while simultaneously trashing teachers. The days in which nut jobs like yourself thought you could state some stupid a** opinion in the name of god, cops, the flag, or the military is over.
You work for Epoch or something?
It’s not that no one cares.

It’s that the people who do care don’t necessarily feel welcome.

I know math inside out, backwards, and sideways. I am happy to help anyone with it.

But, some of teaching involves saying "wrong". That's ok. You also get to say "right". It's all good.

Now imagine every time I say "wrong", it becomes proof of my status as a neocolonial oppressor.

Read Hound's Oregon math example. I don't know why teaching Arabic manipulations of Hindu symbols counts as Eurocentric, but apparently it is.

Well, after not too long, I leave. Not that I don't like the kid. But people get worn down after a while. And they move on.
The Moors were an accomplished people who perpetuated math (and a great deal more) of today. I have always enjoyed reading about them.
The Moors were an accomplished people who perpetuated math (and a great deal more) of today. I have always enjoyed reading about them.
If you ever visit Spain go to Sevilla and especially Granada to visit the Alhambra for the history of the Moors. When I visited the Alhambra, I also learned that was the location Columbus reported back to after “discovering” America.
Math is especially brutal that way. It is the great leveler and you can't hide behind penumbras, points of view, theories, ideologies, observations, tautologies, or critical thought. It's right or wrong, especially with the basic stuff, and the best you can hope for if you are wrong is partial credit.
I never had problems with math courses and always scored very well. I see the math that my advance high school kids do and they will never apply that in real life unless they focus on a career that’s highly specialized. Advanced m

I can’t even help my kids with their math homework and I got an MBA in finance.
If you ever visit Spain go to Sevilla and especially Granada to visit the Alhambra for the history of the Moors. When I visited the Alhambra, I also learned that was the location Columbus reported back to after “discovering” America.

The Alhambra is an amazing place. Dinner at the terrazas across the street with an incredible view. The streets of Granada makes you feel like a blend of people from 4 continents into one town. At least this was the case 19 years ago, I need to go back soon.
If you ever visit Spain go to Sevilla and especially Granada to visit the Alhambra for the history of the Moors. When I visited the Alhambra, I also learned that was the location Columbus reported back to after “discovering” America.

I spent a gap year in Sevilla, studying EU competition law, learning to dance flamenco, and learning to cook southern Spanish food. Sevilla is city in the world (though it is colored by the wildness of my youth). In the library, I found the entry of my ancestors when they sailed off for the New World. I still follow Sevilla FC.
I never had problems with math courses and always scored very well. I see the math that my advance high school kids do and they will never apply that in real life unless they focus on a career that’s highly specialized. Advanced m

I can’t even help my kids with their math homework and I got an MBA in finance.

The Alhambra is an amazing place. Dinner at the terrazas across the street with an incredible view. The streets of Granada makes you feel like a blend of people from 4 continents into one town. At least this was the case 19 years ago, I need to go back soon.
Dude, my dd just taught me how to understand "There" "There're" and "Their." Math was getting out of hand, as was the GPA thing and the score thing. I believe in no GPA, no tests, just learning where one is at. Sink or swim loser is not how to teach someone, MOO!!!
I was thinking about the crocodile tears argument that schools should be reopened because kids are committing suicide. One of the indirect benefits of remote school has been the huge drop in school shootings. In fact, I’d betcha more lives have been saved from that drop in school shootings, which has ranged from about 25-50 dead kids a year the last couple years pre-Covid 19, than have committed suicide because they couldn’t go to school in person.

And where were these magat snowflakes with their contrived concern about others when people were getting killed in larger numbers, and suffering actual severe depression seeing their friends and family members gunned down in classrooms? Seriously, these mentally and emotionally soft morons are whining about how attending school remotely is ruining their kids’ lives right on the heels of constantly telling people they need to just suck it up when someone goes into a school and murders a bunch of their friends and children, and that it’s their fault it happened anyway because they’re opposed to “good guys” bringing lots more guns to schools. What a joke.
I was thinking about the crocodile tears argument that schools should be reopened because kids are committing suicide. One of the indirect benefits of remote school has been the huge drop in school shootings. In fact, I’d betcha more lives have been saved from that drop in school shootings, which has ranged from about 25-50 dead kids a year the last couple years pre-Covid 19, than have committed suicide because they couldn’t go to school in person.

And where were these magat snowflakes with their contrived concern about others when people were getting killed in larger numbers, and suffering actual severe depression seeing their friends and family members gunned down in classrooms? Seriously, these mentally and emotionally soft morons are whining about how attending school remotely is ruining their kids’ lives right on the heels of constantly telling people they need to just suck it up when someone goes into a school and murders a bunch of their friends and children, and that it’s their fault it happened anyway because they’re opposed to “good guys” bringing lots more guns to schools. What a joke.
Dude, my dd just taught me how to understand "There" "There're" and "Their." Math was getting out of hand, as was the GPA thing and the score thing. I believe in no GPA, no tests, just learning where one is at. Sink or swim loser is not how to teach someone, MOO!!!
Nah, this is why I like Howard Gardners theory on multiple intelligences. My kid sucks at art and the art studs help her in art class. The art studs usually suck at math and my kid helps them etc. etc.
Dude, my dd just taught me how to understand "There" "There're" and "Their." Math was getting out of hand, as was the GPA thing and the score thing. I believe in no GPA, no tests, just learning where one is at. Sink or swim loser is not how to teach someone, MOO!!!
Nah, this is why I like Howard Gardners theory on multiple intelligences. My kid sucks at art and the art studs help her in art class. The art studs usually suck at math and my kid helps them etc. etc.
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