
Tonight is the River Cats Pride Night. If you hurry, you can still make it.
It's supposed to be in the upper 90s up there. Hopefully most of them will melt.

Frankly, I'm too dehydrated to piss on all of those flags anyway.
After their disastrous trip to San Diego, Dodgers fans are accusing Padres of hacking Dodgers' Pitch-comm.
Relax, Fudd. The Dodgers have always struggled against the Padres. That's not your problem.

Your problem is that nobody else does.
I'm a Dodgers fan and have been for decades. You claim to be a Padres fan and have been for centuries.

You know as well as I do, no matter how awful the Padres are in a given season, they always do well against the Dodgers.
I'm not currently a Padres fan, although I had season tickets in the past, as many as 4 seats (for 1/3 season) ending in 1998. I have never bought a ticket to Petco Park, although I have been to several games as a guest (the Indians' private boxes are excellent).

I'm a Don and Mud fan. During the latest game, I switched the MLB.TV announcer source between the SD and LA announcer teams to make sure that that is still a rational decision. The weakness of the Don and Mud show is that sometimes their conversation (and guests' conversations) wander far away from the action on the field, requiring me to actually watch instead of just listen.

You call yourself a baseball fan? You can't cherry pick a single season. You can't cherry pick 2 seasons.

More often than not the Padres are winning 4-5 out of 10 against the Dodgers no matter how bad they are.
More often than not they are almost winning? You sound like a dedicated Padres fan.