Round and round we go...see above. As Campbell argues, it's sufficient, at a minimum, if we really wanted to "do something" that it would be investigated in formalized study by the health agencies and remdesivir was approved on flimsier data.
Weren't those studies that Dr. Campbell reviewed "formalized"?
To my amateur eye, they were inconclusive, slightly above placebo (which, by the way, is not "doing nothing", since the patient must perceive it as equivalent to "doing something" or the test results are invalid). My favorite placebo-ish treatment was that issued by Dr. Frank, the country doctor who lived down the street from us when I was growing up. After determining by telephone that the patient was not in imminent danger of dying, he would suggest "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning", and if the patient did call back he would administer a dose of penicillin the next day, either in his office or during a house call depending on the situation. I survived more than one bad fever with the aspirin, ginger ale, and penicillin routine - has anyone tried that as treatment for covid?