Bad News Thread

If you stick your head up your butt far enough you might see this thing called an immune system. It works a heck of a lot better than a mask and a fake vaccine.

The immune system is fabulous. I’d still rather trick mine to avoid getting sick than ‘rough it’ to avoid getting sick again.
The immune system is fabulous. I’d still rather trick mine to avoid getting sick than ‘rough it’ to avoid getting sick again.
I wouldn;t play with fake DNA and GMO bro but it's free so go ahead and get the "trick." Choice is clear. I now way 175, down from 218. Take personal responsibility of your own health. I will tell you their is no easy trick or easy way to be healthy. It takes saying, "no" to sugar and fast food. I eat all my "Vs" everyday. I eat fruit and nuts too, No meat at all. 6 pack in now showing some light and I turn 55 in November.
From my perspective (I know you were asking someone else), no.

Seatbelts are a requirement, more akin to a mask mandate. We don’t recommend them, we require them. Doing so in a state of emergency has been accomplished, but I don’t see that in a non-pandemic situation.

If the data suggests masking is effective protecting the wearer, I would expect Recommendations to mask up.

If the data shows it helps protect others from the sick, I would expect masking recommendations to be minimal (there is no justification for requiring heathy individuals to mask) but that other policies would be more effective. Covid like sick time expansions to avoid employees returning to the office when under the weather for example.

Either way, I assume that there will be an increase in flu vaccinations and social compliance to staying away from others when not feeling well. Not to mention the article I posted about two flu strains potentially being eradicated. Flu vaccines will likely be more accurate this season. That combined with the Covid related awareness/requirements will further drive down the spread of flu… I have a fever today, can’t pass the temperature screening at work so I’ll stay home, etc.

If another flu strain or two is eradicated on the way, that’s even better news.

I agree with what you are saying, but I’m trying to understand the perspective of a person who is very much in favor of masks.

We have been inundated with information during the pandemic, not all of which makes much sense.

Masks aren’t a new thing and in a world where we study and research the behavior and mating tendencies of Uruguayan lizards, surely we should have definitive information on masks. How effective they are or aren’t and what diseases they are effective against should all be well documented.

For me, there can’t be a middle ground. Either a)masks work against respiratory viruses and the like and our most trusted medical professionals are complicit in watching millions of people unnecessarily die over the years, or b) they don’t work which is the reason they haven’t been mandated or even recommended during flu season.

I can’t accept the answer that we are just now starting to gather and understand the data on a product that has been around since the 1960s. That just doesn’t make sense to me.
I agree with what you are saying, but I’m trying to understand the perspective of a person who is very much in favor of masks.

We have been inundated with information during the pandemic, not all of which makes much sense.

Masks aren’t a new thing and in a world where we study and research the behavior and mating tendencies of Uruguayan lizards, surely we should have definitive information on masks. How effective they are or aren’t and what diseases they are effective against should all be well documented.

For me, there can’t be a middle ground. Either a)masks work against respiratory viruses and the like and our most trusted medical professionals are complicit in watching millions of people unnecessarily die over the years, or b) they don’t work which is the reason they haven’t been mandated or even recommended during flu season.

I can’t accept the answer that we are just now starting to gather and understand the data on a product that has been around since the 1960s. That just doesn’t make sense to me.
That is why I think you need to look at at CDC studies over DECADES. They found masks didn't work at stopping the transmission of the flu virus.

We have seen how the "science" with covid became very political. Suddenly masks work? That is what the politicians say and those funded by those governments.

That however goes against decades of research saying they don't work. And that work was done when there was nothing political on the line.

Then consider the case of CA vs FL. FL was basically open, had schools open, far looser masks requirements, etc. Using masker logic one would assume you would have seen dramatically more cases/deaths in FL vs CA. You didn't. They were about equal.

Utah was rather loose on requirements, kept things open. WA and OR were the exact opposite. And yet they have rather similar numbers.

If masks really worked, we would see vastly different numbers in places with strict mandates vs those with looser ones.

You don't.
That is why I think you need to look at at CDC studies over DECADES. They found masks didn't work at stopping the transmission of the flu virus.

We have seen how the "science" with covid became very political. Suddenly masks work? That is what the politicians say and those funded by those governments.

That however goes against decades of research saying they don't work. And that work was done when there was nothing political on the line.

Then consider the case of CA vs FL. FL was basically open, had schools open, far looser masks requirements, etc. Using masker logic one would assume you would have seen dramatically more cases/deaths in FL vs CA. You didn't. They were about equal.

Utah was rather loose on requirements, kept things open. WA and OR were the exact opposite. And yet they have rather similar numbers.

If masks really worked, we would see vastly different numbers in places with strict mandates vs those with looser ones.

You don't.
Wrong again DH. You can't compare states. You have to compare county by county. Those counties that had lower rates had more mask compliance and those that had higher rates had a more aggressive variant. And Utah? C'mon now its the alcohol consumption. Duh. Have you not learned anything over the last 300 pages?
I agree with what you are saying, but I’m trying to understand the perspective of a person who is very much in favor of masks.

We have been inundated with information during the pandemic, not all of which makes much sense.

Masks aren’t a new thing and in a world where we study and research the behavior and mating tendencies of Uruguayan lizards, surely we should have definitive information on masks. How effective they are or aren’t and what diseases they are effective against should all be well documented.

For me, there can’t be a middle ground. Either a)masks work against respiratory viruses and the like and our most trusted medical professionals are complicit in watching millions of people unnecessarily die over the years, or b) they don’t work which is the reason they haven’t been mandated or even recommended during flu season.

I can’t accept the answer that we are just now starting to gather and understand the data on a product that has been around since the 1960s. That just doesn’t make sense to me.

There is a middle ground...that they work, but only a little. Also 2 other notes: we know that flu is spread through fomites as well which may actually make masks less productive, because people have a tendency to touch their face. And 2, that not all masks are created equal. So if you are sitting next to someone ill with COVID on an airplane for 7 hours, even that N95 isn't going to protect you (because it is only 95% effective and you are being exposed multiple times over time to infectious events), but if you are seated 10 seats away maybe it helps. If you are wearing a cloth mask and are presymptomatic (the number and time of truly presymptomatic people is limited but human beings have a tendency to shrug off things like a tickle in the throat or a runny nose as "allergies" at first and to stubbornly refuse to believe they are falling sick) and you need groceries so you go to the market, that cloth mask may prevent you the first time you cough from infecting the lady walking past you, but once the thing gets wet and germs build on it, isn't going to do anything for the poor clerk you just sneezed on while he's packing your bags dislodging the viruses embedded in the cloth. 3rd side note: it's why doctors in a hospital setting change masks multiple times, to keep them dry and fresh....unless there's a shortage they don't reuse.

So if it's possible they help a little, the next question is why were they oversold. Why did people say "masks are better than vaccines" when clearly from Fauci's emails we know he didn't believe that and there wasn't some shocking revelation in some scientific study that suddenly said they work. There are a lot of reasons: politicians were desperate to say something work, medical experts were desperate and so said why not since there was very little cost in doing so (at least temporarily, though there is a bit of an environmental reckoning to come), you needed to make those with phobias feel better, they were a good way to signal you were pro-science and pro-virtue. But the biggest reason in the end comes down to essential workers....they needed to prevent a panic in the essential workers and didn't want to send them out there with nothing that helped....without them the supply chain would have completely collapsed, especially in very dangerous environments like meat packing they oversold it, to prevent a situation like Contagion from happening (even though this virus was no where near as deadly as Contagion, but (for numerous other reasons) they had already oversold the virus as a killer virus that was going to wipe everyone including children out....what was the last survey....65% of Ds still think we should have lockdown restrictions???)
If the data shows it helps protect others from the sick, I would expect masking recommendations to be minimal (there is no justification for requiring heathy individuals to mask) but that other policies would be more effective. Covid like sick time expansions to avoid employees returning to the office when under the weather for example.

Either way, I assume that there will be an increase in flu vaccinations and social compliance to staying away from others when not feeling well.
If anything good comes out of this I hope its better awareness of when you are sick that you stay at home. I think in the past many of us (myself included) treated a cold or flu like symptoms too casually, and in the American spirit we push through and get our work done without giving much thought to the health of our office mates. Almost like a badge of honor to say "I haven't taken a sick day in 10 years". We've glorified people in the past that have worked through sickness (ie Michael Jordan).

Given the ability to work from home for a lot of people, I think we need to do a better job of having people stay home and stay away from work when they are sick. Yes, some employees will abuse it, but I think we need to be more flexible with sick time from an employer stand point. It's really your best employees that you're going to have to convince to stay home. I don't think we need to go overboard, but I think there is a reasonable way to approach it.

Same thing with sending kids to school sick (realizing that's a sticky situation when you have working parents). Maybe we can also have on-line learning as a backup for kids if they're going to miss a couple days.
There is a middle ground...that they work, but only a little. Also 2 other notes: we know that flu is spread through fomites as well which may actually make masks less productive, because people have a tendency to touch their face. And 2, that not all masks are created equal. So if you are sitting next to someone ill with COVID on an airplane for 7 hours, even that N95 isn't going to protect you (because it is only 95% effective and you are being exposed multiple times over time to infectious events), but if you are seated 10 seats away maybe it helps. If you are wearing a cloth mask and are presymptomatic (the number and time of truly presymptomatic people is limited but human beings have a tendency to shrug off things like a tickle in the throat or a runny nose as "allergies" at first and to stubbornly refuse to believe they are falling sick) and you need groceries so you go to the market, that cloth mask may prevent you the first time you cough from infecting the lady walking past you, but once the thing gets wet and germs build on it, isn't going to do anything for the poor clerk you just sneezed on while he's packing your bags dislodging the viruses embedded in the cloth. 3rd side note: it's why doctors in a hospital setting change masks multiple times, to keep them dry and fresh....unless there's a shortage they don't reuse.

So if it's possible they help a little, the next question is why were they oversold. Why did people say "masks are better than vaccines" when clearly from Fauci's emails we know he didn't believe that and there wasn't some shocking revelation in some scientific study that suddenly said they work. There are a lot of reasons: politicians were desperate to say something work, medical experts were desperate and so said why not since there was very little cost in doing so (at least temporarily, though there is a bit of an environmental reckoning to come), you needed to make those with phobias feel better, they were a good way to signal you were pro-science and pro-virtue. But the biggest reason in the end comes down to essential workers....they needed to prevent a panic in the essential workers and didn't want to send them out there with nothing that helped....without them the supply chain would have completely collapsed, especially in very dangerous environments like meat packing they oversold it, to prevent a situation like Contagion from happening (even though this virus was no where near as deadly as Contagion, but (for numerous other reasons) they had already oversold the virus as a killer virus that was going to wipe everyone including children out....what was the last survey....65% of Ds still think we should have lockdown restrictions???)

You are returning to that "masks are better than vaccines" theme again. You didn't learn anything the last time around?
You are returning to that "masks are better than vaccines" theme again. You didn't learn anything the last time around?
My point is they were oversold. Which “masks are better than vaccines” was the perfect example of

my favorite pandemic moment remains when kiddos school wanted him to take a covid test for a 1 hour soccer practice when they were wearing masks in the heat and sun outdoors. I threw back in the face of the school safety officer that everyone was masked and the cdc director had just said masks were better than vaccines. It was a super sweet moment.
Why would you want to trick your immune system if it is already coded for Corona?
I was thinking the same thing. I took control of my immune system almost two years ago and it work's like a charm if you follow the correct way to eat. Were not supposed to be meat eaters but we are big time. Plus, so many people I know eat fake meat and fake everything. Life has become fake & caked with BS and sprinkled with lies!!!
My point is they were oversold. Which “masks are better than vaccines” was the perfect example of

my favorite pandemic moment remains when kiddos school wanted him to take a covid test for a 1 hour soccer practice when they were wearing masks in the heat and sun outdoors. I threw back in the face of the school safety officer that everyone was masked and the cdc director had just said masks were better than vaccines. It was a super sweet moment.

As has been explained to you before here, the "masks better than vaccines" comment came in a discussion involving a certain quality mask and a certain quality vaccine. In that circumstance the comment was correct. As it turns out, the vaccine ix much more effective than had been hypothesized in the discussion, thus tipping the judgment. Those who took the time to look at the whole context then and now understood what it meant. Now we are left with just a few who ignore the math and science of the discussion in an attempt to score cheap political points.
As has been explained to you before here, the "masks better than vaccines" comment came in a discussion involving a certain quality mask and a certain quality vaccine. In that circumstance the comment was correct. As it turns out, the vaccine ix much more effective than had been hypothesized in the discussion, thus tipping the judgment. Those who took the time to look at the whole context then and now understood what it meant. Now we are left with just a few who ignore the math and science of the discussion in an attempt to score cheap political points.
You're babbling.
I was thinking the same thing. I took control of my immune system almost two years ago and it work's like a charm if you follow the correct way to eat. Were not supposed to be meat eaters but we are big time. Plus, so many people I know eat fake meat and fake everything. Life has become fake & caked with BS and sprinkled with lies!!!
See espola's context above.
There is a middle ground...that they work, but only a little. Also 2 other notes: we know that flu is spread through fomites as well which may actually make masks less productive, because people have a tendency to touch their face. And 2, that not all masks are created equal. So if you are sitting next to someone ill with COVID on an airplane for 7 hours, even that N95 isn't going to protect you (because it is only 95% effective and you are being exposed multiple times over time to infectious events), but if you are seated 10 seats away maybe it helps. If you are wearing a cloth mask and are presymptomatic (the number and time of truly presymptomatic people is limited but human beings have a tendency to shrug off things like a tickle in the throat or a runny nose as "allergies" at first and to stubbornly refuse to believe they are falling sick) and you need groceries so you go to the market, that cloth mask may prevent you the first time you cough from infecting the lady walking past you, but once the thing gets wet and germs build on it, isn't going to do anything for the poor clerk you just sneezed on while he's packing your bags dislodging the viruses embedded in the cloth. 3rd side note: it's why doctors in a hospital setting change masks multiple times, to keep them dry and fresh....unless there's a shortage they don't reuse.

So if it's possible they help a little, the next question is why were they oversold. Why did people say "masks are better than vaccines" when clearly from Fauci's emails we know he didn't believe that and there wasn't some shocking revelation in some scientific study that suddenly said they work. There are a lot of reasons: politicians were desperate to say something work, medical experts were desperate and so said why not since there was very little cost in doing so (at least temporarily, though there is a bit of an environmental reckoning to come), you needed to make those with phobias feel better, they were a good way to signal you were pro-science and pro-virtue. But the biggest reason in the end comes down to essential workers....they needed to prevent a panic in the essential workers and didn't want to send them out there with nothing that helped....without them the supply chain would have completely collapsed, especially in very dangerous environments like meat packing they oversold it, to prevent a situation like Contagion from happening (even though this virus was no where near as deadly as Contagion, but (for numerous other reasons) they had already oversold the virus as a killer virus that was going to wipe everyone including children out....what was the last survey....65% of Ds still think we should have lockdown restrictions???)
The evidence is that cloth or surgical masks, on the recipient, help a little. Cloth or surgical masks, on the source/infected person, help a lot.

But that isn’t the answer you want, so you keep returning to “what if you’re on an airplane”. It asks the wrong question, as a rhetorical device to get the wrong answer.

It’s a silly question. If you are unvaccinated, then you really should not be on an airplane during a respiratory pandemic. The risk to you and others is too high.

There is no real need to ask “what kind of mask should I wear while riding in the aluminum germ tube?”. The simpler answer is ”don’t get in the aluminum germ tube if you don’t need to.”

Then you can go back to the right question. Do cloth or surgical masks reduce transmission from me to others by a meaningful amount? (10% or more)

The answer to that question is a clear yes.
"A whopping 71 percent of Democrats in the United States want healthy people to stay home “as much as possible,” even as vaccinations soar and new coronavirus infections have plummeted, according to a new survey from Gallup.

In contrast, 87 percent of Republicans surveyed and 64 percent of independents said it was time for people to start living normally after more than a year of pandemic shutdowns and working from home."

Fascinating insight into the mindset of people.
"A whopping 71 percent of Democrats in the United States want healthy people to stay home “as much as possible,” even as vaccinations soar and new coronavirus infections have plummeted, according to a new survey from Gallup.

In contrast, 87 percent of Republicans surveyed and 64 percent of independents said it was time for people to start living normally after more than a year of pandemic shutdowns and working from home."

Fascinating insight into the mindset of people.

Into yours at least.