You make it sound like indoor gatherings cause Covid, they clearly don't. They may be a source of outbreaks if you were stupid about it, but I'm betting that most transmissions occurred at home. Being indoors in public is a weak factor for catching Covid there are other much stronger factors at play. A "Stay at Home Order" was the worst imaginable response to the pandemic. It should have been a "Get out and Get Some Fresh Air and Excercise Order". Beaches, public parks and other outside public areas were closed. People were forced into their homes by clueless political decisions and fear mongering.How about I speak for me and you speak for you? It is simpler that way.
If it’s about individual rights and individual responsibility, then fine. Let each of us own up to the responsibility half, too.
How many indoor gatherings have you been to in the last 13 months? Doesn’t matter what it was: restaurant, hotel, vodka tasting, bar visit, dinner party, casino, hotel, etc. Count everything except grocery stores, doctor visits, and your own employment.
1? 10? 100?
I know. You want to point out my one. Fair enough. What’s your number? How many indoor gatherings have you hosted or attended?
If, as I suspect, you’ve been part of over 50 indoor gatherings, then take a long look in the mirror and think about why this plague is still with us. How many people are there who had a similar number of unnecessary indoor gatherings? Why would you expect the lockdown to work when that many people ignore the advice that often?
If you count hardware stores or general merchandise stores I'm way over 100 and the rest of my family is pretty high as well. 250+ days in the office spread out, but with no masks. Multiple outdoor social gatherings, a number of flights and a couple hotels. No Covid. Did I get lucky, maybe. Or are the odds just not very high if I wore a mask and maintained distance in public indoor spaces? Friends and family followed a similar approach, no Covid. I approached the pandemic like an adult that understands that life has risks, but is responsible for his own decisions.
If we have another pandemic of this nature (generally harmless, but potentially fatal to a small segment of the population), good luck getting the population to follow the stricter guidelines you propose. Fool me once...