Correct me if I'm wrong but this appears to be a correlation study, not a causation study (realizing a real world causation study would be very difficult given the lack of reliable contract tracing). I have to believe masks work to some extent, but I'm not sure this is compelling proof. To me there are just too many variables involved even though the study said it used regression analysis to eliminate variables. However, when someone mentions regression analysis my eyes roll back in my head and I blackout, so maybe I'm not the best person to make that assessment.Here, you go, hound.
Real scientists did the county by county statistical regression analysis on 49 states worth of indoor dining and mask mandates.
Mask mandates work to reduce covid. Indoor dining works to increase covid. p<0.01
Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing ...
This report describes changes in COVID-19 case and death growth
I know. You’re imagining a giant egghead conspiracy to lie to you about masks. Because, an international science conspiracy is more likely than you making a mistake.
When I look at things in totality (as opposed to CDC slices) it doesn't appear restrictions made any significant difference in state by state results. Results are all over the place regardless of the level of the restrictions. Masks may have very well improved results, but I believe the mask mandates, or may better said, "mask use" was not as variable from state to state as the "lockdown" restrictions. Give or take mask usage was much more universal relatively speaking.