They ALBION Sc has been notorious for years of claiming millions in "scholarships"
Ha your serious? You have to be a Albion coach or a U-little Mommy or Daddy to actually even say this kinda crap.
Come on we (most of us) get it "why?" because they are using "smoke and mirrors" marketing to make it seem as if they land a huge amount of girls in college. Lets get real here.. 99% of every scholarship is based mostly on academics and then they give out a small % for athletics.
And NO Albion does not get to take credit for these kids that are earning a scholarship mostly based on academics! AND MY GOSH did you really say "doesn't team sports play a LARGE roll in developing a child's work ethic and character" HA HA HA HA HA HA are you serious? No not in my home, God, my wife and I are responsible for those traits. Soccer and the coaches are nothing but a sport to exercise the traits and personality a persons child has been taught in their home! Everything starts at home.
You know what our children will remember about team sports / club sports when they are 30 years old.. a few teammates, a few fun trips doing crazy things at the hotels, restaurants and some year end parties. The games will all be a blur the coaches will all be a blur. This sport is not as important to the kids in the same reasons the coaches, clubs and parents think it is.
Nice analysis, although slightly worried about you passing on all of your traits. I disagree with your stance. There's lots of research into the positive impact of team sports on the development of children. What I am is irrelevant although non of the titles you mentioned. You know there's plenty of people out there who "think" they know!