Actions in support of the Second Amendment

I don't think it's fair to force an American citizen to serve in order to protect their family. I'm in favor of some kind of background/certification process, but let's be honest... neither of those really stops bad guys from accessing the millions of guns on the street. Right?

I'd say you're better off with a mandatory, minimum sentence of 10-20 years for any kind of a gun crime. And when you tell me the prisons are too full now, I'll tell you there's a lot of empty land out there just waiting for good fertilizer.
How do those “millions of guns on the streets” get there?
I'm guessing you have never been to Boot Camp in any service.

Nope. I missed my window. Enlisted in the USMC a week after I graduated HS with the plans to come out and join LASD. A few knee injuries in HS playing football with another knee injury 2 months before shipping out for Boot Camp washed it all down the drain. Had surgery a few months later.
I don't have many regrets in my life, not being able to serve is one, if not my biggest.

Not having served in the military will change nothing when it comes to criminals with guns. The only difference they have is no formal training with firearms. Won't stop them from pulling the trigger and causing harm to others.

The only time it's a hate crime is when it's a White person shooting anyone that isn't White. But if a Black person shoots other black people it just gets chalked up to another day in the 'hood. Nothing to see. Move along.
Did you forget about the link I posted of that Black guy on a shooting spree in NYC..and the old guy he shot that bleeds out on the street. Where's the outrage from that? Haven't heard a damn thing about that anymore have you?!
I am not opposed to responsible, law-abiding citizens owning guns. In the little town where I grew up, we boys as teenagers occasionally walked down Main Street carrying our guns on the way to hunting in the hills and farms outside town. The only reaction we got was someone shouting "Good luck, boys!"

This was your only reply to me calling you out on that POS in NYC. So you post your dumb links, my guess would be without vetting out any of the details, and once you get called out on it you move on to something else.
The only time it's a hate crime is when it's a White person shooting anyone that isn't White. But if a Black person shoots other black people it just gets chalked up to another day in the 'hood. Nothing to see. Move along.
Did you forget about the link I posted of that Black guy on a shooting spree in NYC..and the old guy he shot that bleeds out on the street. Where's the outrage from that? Haven't heard a damn thing about that anymore have you?!
Did you vet that statement before you posted it?


^^What's your point with this article? It's NYC. Nothing will happen to those POS. If it was the other way'd be the headline news story
on every news channel at the top of the hour and everywhere in between.

It's like herding cats having to deal with your BS sometimes.

And we're still waiting on your solutions on gun control..............
^^What's your point with this article? It's NYC. Nothing will happen to those POS. If it was the other way'd be the headline news story
on every news channel at the top of the hour and everywhere in between.

It's like herding cats having to deal with your BS sometimes.

And we're still waiting on your solutions on gun control..............

I noticed how you moved the goalposts from "it doesn't happen" to "they will get away with it".
"Authorities found 47 weapons and over 26,000 rounds of ammunition in the home, which are legally owned."

Quick math lesson for you. 26,000 / 47 = 553.1914893617021

Considering there are hundreds of firearm calibers around the world..that would average out to around 500 or so rounds per firearm that this guy LEGALLY OWNED. (As posted by your only quote for dramatic effect I'm guessing.)
So unless we know if he was a collector, or maybe inherited a bunch of guns and ammo from a deceased relative, or a licensed dealer, what is your point?
I'll save you the trouble and just insert <<chuckle>> right here. I highly doubt you have anything of substance to follow up with.
Great work continuing to prove to all of us what a moron you really are. You make it effortless for us. For that..I thank you.

^^ You can't make this crap up!! At least they are trying something, as dumb as the concept is, whereas @espola still hasn't given any real suggestions.
I wonder what the upcoming Labor Day Weekend numbers will be like. And I don't say that as a joke either. If thugs and gangbangers want to smoke each other in the street..have at it. But many innocent people, including kids will be shot and or killed. Bet on it. You can also bet liberals will blame the guns and not the people for all the violence.
According to the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, the suspect, who has not been identified, "made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton."

According to the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, the suspect, who has not been identified, "made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton."

Shooter was a 27yr-old Asian guy. You and @Hüsker Dü must be disappointed it wasn't a White guy wearing a MAGA hat. All your proverbial ammo just went down the drain. At least they caught him. He pulled on the deputies too. Too bad they didn't take the trash out right there. Would've saved everyone a lot of trouble. He deserves to rot in prison until his last day breathing air.