Not sure. He made kid mistakes. Got caught in no mans land twice, and didn't have time and space to react to shot. Hopefully he remains confident and he will learn from this game.
The Goalie was the old Rangers and ODP goalie. He's legit but just had a bad game vs GSA.
The Strikers are really good and I'm confused of why people bash on the Strikers.
I think we have a misunderstanding of what development means.
Learning to win is developing
Learning how to play out the back is developing
Learning how to adjust when being dominated is Developing
Learning why you lost is developing
Receiving longballs is developing
Learning a new system is developing
Watching good soccer on TV is developing
Playing Fifa 2016 is Developing
Learning the history of soccer is developing.
New $300 Cleats not Developing
Driving 2 hours away not Developing
Playing 5 games over a weekend horrible for development and great for injuries and stunt growth.
This is a world sport it's not just played in Barcelona. In the last 10 years name the last Super Star player that Barcelona has produced with this real development that everyone claims. Who Newmar? Suarez? I'm waiting. In the last 10 years who?
When all of these kids become men the pro teams only care about 2 things.
Can we score? Can we defend?
Ok 3 things can we sell tickets?
Woods played with the Strikers and he received long balls the whole time.
Last Sunday he scored on a long ball in the Bundesliga. I can't wait to see a developed Galaxy player play in Europe! I'll be here waiting while the GSA, Strikers and Pats players continue to get noticed by Real European clubs.
GSA player signed England
Pats player signed Italy
Strikers player signed Germany
Galaxy 2 maybe?
What is the future for the Galaxy Academy players? College Scholarships?
Professional Contracts with Galaxy 2 making 30k a year?
Why would you get locked up in that System? They don't want their kids to leave them or to leave the country. That's the biggest difference between Galaxy and the rest of the development academies
Strikers want their kids to be able to play anywhere in the World and they open the doors for all their players.
At this age it's not about just winning. It's about learning how you win and why you lose. Both lessons can be valuable. The problem is that teams don't teach players why they won or why they lost. That takes at least 1 hour after the game is over to explain. I only know of 2 coaches in the United States that does this.
Why did you win? Why did you lose?
Both are great questions for development. These kids need to learn why things happen.
No need to post youth Videos to make a statement. It means absolutely nothing.
How about you post club and academy Alumni? That's what really counts.
How many Strikers in the Last 10 years have received College Scholarships?
How about Galaxy?
No Comparison