Pelosi will say women should be proud of their bodies no matter what.
Oh My......she better stick to the BOTOX, BONDO and PAINT.....the alternative is down right hideous...

Pelosi will say women should be proud of their bodies no matter what.
Did you have a stroke on that post
So you agree with freedom of speech for liberals but not Trump. Hmm... sounds a lot like the libtard media.
Don't confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequences of said speech. Trump can't shut up, constantly blabbering on about things he doesn't know anything about or pivoting to attacks on those he envies. That is called "Freedom of Speech". Unfortunately what he says is often so idiotic that he gets widely mocked for it. When he gets mocked his ego can't stand it so he doubles-down with more stupid, generating even more derision from those hearing it. Lately he has devolved into incoherent (even for him) rage filled tweets. He is losing it right in front of our eyes.
If Trump can't stand the heat, get the f*ck out of the kitchen. He has Freedom of Speech, so do his critics. Deal with it.
Don't confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequences of said speech. Trump can't shut up, constantly blabbering on about things he doesn't know anything about or pivoting to attacks on those he envies. That is called "Freedom of Speech". Unfortunately what he says is often so idiotic that he gets widely mocked for it. When he gets mocked his ego can't stand it so he doubles-down with more stupid, generating even more derision from those hearing it. Lately he has devolved into incoherent (even for him) rage filled tweets. He is losing it right in front of our eyes.
If Trump can't stand the heat, get the f*ck out of the kitchen. He has Freedom of Speech, so do his critics. Deal with it.
We get it... you don't like Trump. Obama can take shots from the Monday morning recliner and it doesn't bother you. Biden can babble, slobber and drop a "you ain't black"... doesn't bother you. Pelosi calling Trump fat doesn't bother you... nor did her ripping up his speech on national television. You kids have a different set of standards for your "leaders". It's all part of being the party of hypocrisy. It's a key component to why you lose.
Look at how hard the libtard media is pushing white-on-black crime today. Article after article. It's almost as if they're trying to make us forget how Quid Pro Joe shot himself in the head last week. But they're fair and balanced... right?
Oh wait... so Omar and Ocasio-Cortez only matter if they're bashing certain people? The libtard media sure loved them a few months ago.
So you agree with freedom of speech for liberals but not Trump. Hmm... sounds a lot like the libtard media.
He's a big guy.T is not fat?
No honor among goat fucking towel heads I guess
After Saying She Believes Tara Reade, Ilhan Omar Clarifies: I’m Still Voting For Biden
Over the weekend, far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) sent shockwaves across the political landscape when she said that she believed Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade. After significant backlash on social media, Omar clarified that she will still be voting for Joe Biden come November. “Ms. Omar I am
Why do most blacks vote for the party of the KKK?
He's a big guy.
Not a pot bellied garden gnome.
How'd we switch to me? We're talking about Trump being able to take the heat, and he can't.We get it... you don't like Trump. Obama can take shots from the Monday morning recliner and it doesn't bother you. Biden can babble, slobber and drop a "you ain't black"... doesn't bother you. Pelosi calling Trump fat doesn't bother you... nor did her ripping up his speech on national television. You kids have a different set of standards for your "leaders". It's all part of being the party of hypocrisy. It's a key component to why you lose.
trump is a known liar, conman, swindler, cheat, demagogue, welcher, race baiter, grifter and subpar businessman, we, you, should start from there.We get it... you don't like Trump. Obama can take shots from the Monday morning recliner and it doesn't bother you. Biden can babble, slobber and drop a "you ain't black"... doesn't bother you. Pelosi calling Trump fat doesn't bother you... nor did her ripping up his speech on national television. You kids have a different set of standards for your "leaders". It's all part of being the party of hypocrisy. It's a key component to why you lose.
trump is a known liar, conman, swindler, cheat, demagogue, welcher, race baiter, grifter and subpar businessman, we, you, should start from there.
Inept and deeply in debt.It got to the point in t's business career that he couldn't et a loan from US banks. So perhaps the loans from Deutsche Bank that saved his claims of "billionaire" status should be looked into.
If you have a billion in assets and 2 billion in debts, what is the appropriate term?