The only path Biden is going down is to the cafeteria for his dinner and jello by 4:30. Fucking clown needs to be in a full care facility.
You've said that so many times I wondering if you're still trying to convince me, so much as it's about convincing yourself that Biden's not a threat to win office this coming fall.
Hillary tried to go big. She took to Midwest for granted and (likely because she spent a lot of time in the South) headed to the south chasing an epic win. Not only didn't she pick up the south, but she lost the Midwest by a hair. I just don't see how a serious conversation about Biden's pick for VP is based around an almost identical game plan as to what just lost his party the last presidential election.
A big turnout in the south doesn't seal the deal. Yet a so-so turnout in the Midwest will win it all.