
Are you talking about Stacy Abrams. Honestly I don't know much about her. I certainly haven't heard Biden is seriously looking at making her his VP. Is that what folks are saying?

Won't pay her credit card bills or student loans. Settles for pennies on the dollar. This is a grown woman.

Also isn't chasing votes in the south, and ignoring the Midwest what got Hillary in trouble this last election? I don't see Biden going down that same path.

The only path Biden is going down is to the cafeteria for his dinner and jello by 4:30. Fucking clown needs to be in a full care facility.
That nationally, and we all know we don't vote nationally, that nationally he was a slight underdog, and yes, nationally, he ended up a slight underdog, nationally.

But he beat the living fuck out of her in the Electoral College, didn't he? Bitch didn't even have the strength to stumble out onto the stage and thank her supporters. Ironic since she'd previously stumbled, multiple times, just trying to walk.
That nationally, and we all know we don't vote nationally, that nationally he was a slight underdog, and yes, nationally, he ended up a slight underdog, nationally.
There are plenty more, Dummy.
There are plenty more, Dummy.
Re-living past glories while Trump flounders? I understand.
I've explained this to you. For starters, January is when the virus first hit the U.S. and had already been identified. Second, when you're already breaking records... continuing to break them is harder than what Obama faced. Stop making me explain things to you multiple times.
January? So why did it take trump so long to respond? So you think digging us out of the great recession hole was easier than staying out of the way of an upward economic trajectory? Sounds like dizzy reasoning.
There are plenty more, Dummy.
Opinions aren't national polls.
Won't pay her credit card bills or student loans. Settles for pennies on the dollar. This is a grown woman.

In fairness... does a past bankruptcy really disqualify a person from US government jobs these days? Sometimes I wonder whats expected by anyone who would "loan" money to potential State Senator that can only possibly be repaid if she wins...

Personally I thought she showed a lack of grace after losing in that race down in Georgia. I'm not a big fan of giving power to people who are known to have tantrums.