The Outlaw *BANNED*
Well, only time will tell I guess. All I know is in my—admittedly small—circle of 2016 Trump voter acquaintances, a little over half have said they could never vote for Trump again. It’s funny in a way because I find them angrier at Trump than those who never liked the guy from the beginning, like me. They had high hopes and feel lied to, so the disappointment is greater.
You don't have to like Trump's style... he didn't lie to anybody. The demotard strategy has been to poke him enough, to disrespect him enough, to badger him enough, that he will implode. Well, that didn't work, did it? His actions back up what he said he'd do and that's what matters. Perhaps it would be different if the demotards, even ONCE, worked with him instead of against him. I'll bet none of your friends anticipated 3+ years of demotards trying to back stab a duly elected President. It's interesting you and your liberal pals here never have a problem with the despicable actions of the demotard party. Have ANY of you ever called out Pelosi on all of her bullshit? How about Schiff lying? Anybody?
If you have friends that think Biden is a better choice, you probably need a smarter circle of friends.