What part of "nobody believes it" is causing you such grief?
The question is (and always has been) - do you support t's claim that his power is absolute?
You can answer yes, or you can answer no, or you can answer like a trumpist.
What part of "nobody believes it" is causing you such grief?
Owning me? That's right, Mess. I remember how calmly Obama handled H1N1... do you? In fact, he was SO calm that nothing was done at first and a lot of people died. And if you think Dementia Joe will handle Trump any better than Cankles Rodham did, you're running for the senate just like Joe.
The question is (and always has been) - do you support t's claim that his power is absolute?
You can answer yes, or you can answer no, or you can answer like a trumpist.
I love how you read Your Leader's mind. That's so cute.Jesus Christ... do you need me to say it in Legos? The only reason he said it was to piss you clowns off and he did that. No, I don't support it and neither does he. He's already given the governor's power. I posted the video of Cuomo saying it. Did you skip that one, too, because it doesn't support your pissing and moaning? By the way, I'm not a Trumpist. I'm a Libertarian sick and fucking tired of liberals always being on their periods and whining about everything Trump does. Fuck... get a hobby. You lost and you'll lose again in 6 months.
How did Obama handle H1N1? Did he consult experts in the field and then follow their advice? Did he declare national health emergency?
I am only posing these questions so you can demonstrate (again) that you don't really have any answers -- prove me wrong.
What’s with these people?
Eric Holder: Coronavirus 'Opportunity' to Change America's Voting System
Former President Barack Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder said coronavirus is "an opportunity" to permanently change voting.www.breitbart.com
Jesus Christ... do you need me to say it in Legos? The only reason he said it was to piss you clowns off and he did that. No, I don't support it and neither does he. He's already given the governor's power. I posted the video of Cuomo saying it. Did you skip that one, too, because it doesn't support your pissing and moaning? By the way, I'm not a Trumpist. I'm a Libertarian sick and fucking tired of liberals always being on their periods and whining about everything Trump does. Fuck... get a hobby. You lost and you'll lose again in 6 months.
Valerie Jarrett: 'Make It as Easy as Possible to Vote,' Fund Absentee Ballots
Valerie Jarrett said we should make it "as easy as possible" to vote as Democrats push a vote-by-mail option ahead of the election.www.breitbart.com
I'm glad you asked. Here's an article from USA Today. Check out what CNN's survey says. Now, I know you libclowns consider 57% an overwhelming majority if it's based on "how many disapprove of Trump", but the reality is that 57% is barely more than half. Now you tell me how Obama did.
"According to a 2012 report by the Department of Health and Human Services, there were successes in the Obama administration's response - albeit with room for improvement. And, a late 2009 CNN poll showed 57% of respondents approved of how the former president handled the government response to the H1N1 flu despite vaccine shortages at the time. "
It's good to hear you don't support t's attempted power grab, just like any Constitution-loving American. You might want to tell t that he doesn't support it - he doesn't know that yet. Maybe he will after he discovers that no one will write the position paper he promised to release soon.
And - you're a trumpist -- prove me wrong -- post something critical about him.
I have always considered myself to be a libertarian (small l), but Libertarian (capital L) politicians are for the most part hypocrites. Don't you agree?
I've already told you I don't agree with everything he says. Nobody does. The difference is that I know when he's pulling your chain and apparently you don't. Furthermore, he follows our Constitution a whole lot more than your liberals that want open borders, free healthcare for illegal aliens, Robert the pretend Mexican taking my AR-14s and putting unreasonable taxes on successful people because everyone should live the same lifestyle. Talk about fucking disrespecting the Constitution. Gimme a break.
Now that you are looking up actual facts, you post an article that shows Obama did much better in 2009 than t is doing now, and that people supported his effort.
That wasn't so hard, was it? We'll make a libertarian out of you yet.
LOL... no, that's not what it shows. It show that the libtard Messiah only got a 57% approval rate. Since the poll was done by CNN, it's about as credible as Biden's son being a board member for a Ukrainian energy company.
Nice rant. I asked you to post something where you disagreed with t and you respond with a list things you have been told to be afraid of.
Fail -- F-
Only 57%? T would have an orgasm on live tv (assuming he is still capable) if he got numbers like that.
Biden’s Female VP Picks Mum On Sexual Assault Allegation
Though Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) were willing to crucify then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on a 36-year-old sexual assault allegation that had zero pieces of corroborating evidence and not a single corroborating witness, the female senators, both of whom...www.dailywire.com
Joe has the black vote, but if he goes with a non black he will piss everyone off, quite a pickle Dick is in.Stacey Adams or Heels Up Harris would be fabulous candidates. Stacie can't even win a governor's race and Kamala boned her married boss to advance her career. That's a perfect tandem with Dementia Joe. Klobu-bore would put me to sleep. I doubt the libtards are smart enough to throw Tulsi Gabbard up there. Joe thinks he needs the black vote so that's your answer.