Do you have proof of this?@push_up is an SC Del Sol parent that is on the Arizona Megan's law website beware if you are playing SC Del Sol.
Watched the BYU vs Colorado game. Wow, full 360 by BYU. They looked nothing like the team I watched vs UCLA. They went from looking like the best team I had watched vs UCLA to one of the worst teams I've watched this year. Get the feeling that being at home and getting emotionally up for UCLA then going on the road and facing Colorado played a huge part. Emotion must still play a huge part in their games.
I ain't no sex offender...Ricky Fandango, that sounds more like one to me.Do you have proof of this?
What would it take to get listed on a Megan's Law website?
If this guy is a bad hombre you need to fill us in.
Composite ranking. Seems a good idea. Less bias or more?
Composite of what? UCLA is #1 in the two real rankings and #1 in the TDS #fakenews poll. I am curious how if they average those polls and some mysterious 4th component that they come up with them as #2. Their crap is so $hitty I have seen porta potties at the back fields in BFE that had less butt mud smeared on them then those rankings!
While I agree, some context may help. A few years ago, GotSoccer had a help wanted add for a programmer. I seem to remember the pay was very low (on the order of $30-4ok/year) and you had to move to Jacksonville, FL. I can't imagine that TDS pays much better. You get what you pay for.TDS is the $hittiest. I honestly think they are a tabloid.
Who am I, Amy Thorne?
Who am I, Amy Thorne?
MAP's bar is going to be STOCKED by the time this season is over!Another up another down. Hey @The Driver you can bring it to the Pepperdine game if you want to or just ship me a bottle of Patron Anejo and Grey Goose L'Orange now I will take it but come game time it's pay the piper.