Espola's newest neighborhood

I remembered the photo of you, you posted of yourself, volunteering at Father Joe's Thanksgiving dinner I believe, at the old SoCal soccer site . . . along with some photos of barns and the like.

Thanksgiving Dinner volunteer, but not Father Joe's. We have been doing it for years because my wife knows the organizer. Last year we didn't because we went to the kids' house in Sacramento.
Thanksgiving Dinner volunteer, but not Father Joe's. We have been doing it for years because my wife knows the organizer. Last year we didn't because we went to the kids' house in Sacramento.
Seems my memory is clouded by personal experience, but I was close.
What is this thread's title?
Espola's newest neighborhood....

Oddly enough, in answering Aff''s query, you once again answer with a question.
The answer would depend on what you consider a neighborhood.
If it is a true neighborhood the answer should be 'absolutely post your pictures'.
Nice pic e.
Espola's newest neighborhood....

Oddly enough, in answering Aff''s query, you once again answer with a question.
The answer would depend on what you consider a neighborhood.
If it is a true neighborhood the answer should be 'absolutely post your pictures'.
Nice pic e.
Thanks LE.
I think this is where Ill post all my pics from now on.
Family reunion picture, me with brothers and sisters --


Retired Civil Engineer (Alaska), retired computer scientist (California), retired IC process technician (Vermont), retired electrical engineer (Pennsylvania), working elementary school teacher (lives in New Hampshire/works in Vermont), retired school librarian (Vermont).

The occasion for the reunion was my father's recent passing. It would have been his 92nd birthday. We had a graveside ceremony in what may be the prettiest little cemetery in the world --


My sister the school teacher reading a poem about Dads.


After everyone said what they wanted and the local minister (who had attended elementary and high schools for which my father was Superintendent) said a few churchy words (starting with "I look up mine eyes to the hills, from which cometh my help"), we picked wild flowers to put on the box. I found some wild strawberries in the grass and shared them with my brother (the one in overalls) and my daughter (who had never had wild strawberries before).

Then we moved a few miles north to the nicest restaurant around for a dinner, where I laid out some photographs, scrapbooks, and the like gathered by my parents over the years.

Businesses that deserve kudos from this trip --

Green Acres Cabins on Lake Willoughby, Vt. We shared a lakeside cabin with my brother and his wife, and the kids stayed in another across the road up at the edge of the woods.


Parker Pie Company, in West Glover Vt, voted the best pizza in Vermont several times. The number of cars in the parking lot (and overflow lot down at the volunteer fire dept. lot) usually exceeds the population of West Glover.!8m2!3d44.728404!4d-72.224554

Hill Farmstead Brewery in Craftsbury, Vermont. You can tell when the road goes from Greensboro to Crafstbury a couple of miles down the hill because the 2-lane asphalt road suddenly becomes lane and a half gravel. After the Hill family farm accepted the USDA dairy herd reduction buyout offer, they converted their farm to a brewery, claiming unique qualities of their untreated well water. The tap/tasting room on the left offers 25-deciliter sample glasses of whatever is on tap, and sells bigger glasses for consumption on site. The bottle retail room in the center sells bottles and kegs of recent brews, and will fill growlers and small personal kegs - we bought my brother a few bottles of their latest version - "Mary", named after a great-grandmother.


Delta Airlines - thumbs up Sunday, meh on Thursday.

East Side Restaurant, Newport, Vt --

I said to the waitress "This is too good a restaurant for so small a town". She replied "We're packed almost every night".
A few highlights gathered during the trip --

When I saw some parents (more than once) getting stressed over traveling with children, I told them that it would get better, and that mine are even paying their own way this time.

Several times I repeated that I have lived my whole life in Vermont - except for the last 40 years.

I swam in Lake Willoughby a couple of times. I had forgotten how refreshing a swim in clean lake water can be.

Using nothing but bread and crackers, I trained a few families of wild ducks to come to the dock in response to my waving my arms.

While we driving to Ben and Jerry's factory (one son driving, the other son and daughter in the back, and me navigating and providing a tour-guide's commentary on many mountains, rivers, buildings and bends in the road), my daughter asked me to tell her something they didn't know about me. I started to tell the tale of the first time I made love to my girl friend until all three begged me to stop. I managed to get as far as the mosquito bites on my ass.

I was pleased that my son who was driving wanted to play the whole Sgt Pepper album every day.

I was happily introduced to the Mount Rushmore podcast.

After we got back (our Delta flights had only modest delays, made up on the way; the boys arrived 5 hours late on United to Sacramento), my son texted us that someone had taken the plates off his car (I got that taken care of today, and I am going to Sacramento Monday on Amtrak to resolve associated paperwork issues).

A new sight from the plane window - a big forest/brush fire somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico. I took me a while to realize what that strange pattern of lights was.

When we got back to SAN, the parking shuttle driver was Filipino. I don't know what my wife said to him, but he took us right to my truck instead of the nearest designated stop.

On the way, everyone going to Burlington was happy to be going there. On the way back, everyone going to San Diego was happy to be going there.