
What are you talking about Magoo?
You keep repeating how wrong Izzy is but don't back it up with anything...
You've yet to prove him wrong, please continue...:cool:

Are you buying Izzy's claim that interest rates are actually 20 times what is advertised?
Every ghetto has "lawlessness, poverty, gangs, intercity strife", hence the name.


Just in case you are confused...
Why hasn't this "ghetto" improved?
Chicago has had compassionate Democratic Governors since the 1920's... along with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.
Just doesn't make sense. All the caring and compassion from it's mayors and laws restricting gun ownership should be helping...
I think we should double down on the caring and compassion and add more gun laws.
The settlement uses the word "pond" sparingly, and the term "stock pond" not once. In the first paragraph of the Consent Decree: "...in connection with the construction of a dam and pond..."; and in the attached Mitigation Plan: "...the pond for some reason is dewatered..." and "fencing shall be placed on the north side of the pond...".

You may continue to quote client-serving statements by Johnson's lawyer if you wish, but you should at least recognize that that is what you are doing.

Since Johnson says he is going to stock the pond with fish, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has this to say about why a fish pond is not a "stock pond": "Fences should be erected to exclude livestock. Livestock tend to congregate around ponds, trampling the edges, causing the banks to erode and muddy the water, degrading water quality and limiting the diversity and health of vegetation around the impoundment." Mr. Johnson's lawyer said (and you repeated) that Johnson's pond will improve the quality of water flowing through it.


As an interesting point considering Johnson's rights to the water in the first place, the Wyoming State Engineer's Office has this to say in its Surface Water Regulations and Instructions, Chapter X Storage of Direct Flow Right, Section 2 Storage without Injury: "The most important provision of this law is that storage of direct flow rights must be accomplished without injuring or affecting any other Wyoming appropriator." That supports my conjecture that Johnson's neighbors are the most likely source of his troubles.


Let's summarize, shall we?
Johnson keeps the stock pond, pays no fines and the EPA goes back to DC & has no control of the pond.
A jackass with a gun is a danger...
Just as a jackass on the freeway suffering from road rage because their child not only lost at Surf Cup, they barely got to play, is a danger.

So a jackass with a gun a Surf Cup represents a danger to me and mine, are we agreed?

Does Surf test for Jackassery before allowing entry?
Let's summarize, shall we?
Johnson keeps the stock pond, pays no fines and the EPA goes back to DC & has no control of the pond.

No control except for Paragraphs 10, 14, 15 and 16 of the Consent Decree, and the entirety of the attached Mitigation Plan.

And by Johnson's own statement (according to his lawyer), it's a fish pond.
So a jackass with a gun a Surf Cup represents a danger to me and mine, are we agreed?

Does Surf test for Jackassery before allowing entry?

Speaking for myself, if I were to carry a concealed firearm at Surf Cup, there would be no added danger o the public at large and there might even be rare events (rarer than lightning at the Polo Grounds, but you can never be sure), the public might be safer. There are other people I can think of that would create the same situation. However, there are some people I know that if I knew they were carrying, I would want to be out of range from them. As for the great bulk of people, I have no way of knowing which group to put anyone in.
Speaking for myself, if I were to carry a concealed firearm at Surf Cup, there would be no added danger o the public at large

Until you accidentally discharge (it happens quite often) your weapon or use it defensively and end up killing an innocent.

and there might even be rare events (rarer than lightning at the Polo Grounds, but you can never be sure), the public might be safer.

Says everyone who carries a gun around.

However, there are some people I know that if I knew they were carrying, I would want to be out of range from them.

For me, that's everyone but a cop or highly trained security guard. Everyone "thinks" they have it all under control, until they don't.
Until you accidentally discharge (it happens quite often) your weapon or use it defensively and end up killing an innocent.

Says everyone who carries a gun around.

For me, that's everyone but a cop or highly trained security guard. Everyone "thinks" they have it all under control, until they don't.

The way to avoid accidental discharge is to leave the weapon unloaded, locked or safetied (although a surprising number of personal weapons do not have an effective safety mechanism), and partially disassembled. When I suggested that to one of my gun-toting friends he told me that with all that precaution there would be little point to carrying a weapon at all - he was concerned about the need to use it quickly. I pointed out that the statistics say that even a "good guy with a gun" is more likely to shoot himself, a relative, or a non-threatening friend than a real threat, but he wasn't impressed.
I pointed out that the statistics say that even a "good guy with a gun" is more likely to shoot himself, a relative, or a non-threaening friend than a real threat, but he wasn't impressed.

And that my friend, is what the discussion really is all about and why it goes nowhere. People who are obsessed with the "good-guy-with-a-gun-fantasy" will never bend.
The way to avoid accidental discharge is to leave the weapon unloaded, locked or safetied (although a surprising number of personal weapons do not have an effective safety mechanism), and partially disassembled. When I suggested that to one of my gun-toting friends he told me that with all that precaution there would be little point to carrying a weapon at all - he was concerned about the need to use it quickly. I pointed out that the statistics say that even a "good guy with a gun" is more likely to shoot himself, a relative, or a non-threatening friend than a real threat, but he wasn't impressed.
Why haven't ghettos worldwide improved? The conditions that create ghettos go far beyond the letter before a Governor or Mayor's name.
Very true.
I'm just wonder why with all the Democratic compassion, programs & leadership that these problems continue to plague Chicago.
They continue to lead the city, yet they just can't make things better.
It's very complicated... I suppose things could be worse...we should be thankful.
Six-time Olympic shooting medalist Kim Rhode said Monday night that new gun control measures implemented in her home state of California — and around the country — are “killing our sport at the core.”

“That’s something that I have, you know, feel very strongly about speaking out about and really trying to educate the general public about these laws that are being passed,” Rhode told TheBlaze’s Dana Loesch.

During this year’s Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Rhode became the first woman to ever medal at six straight Olympic games, but she fears the recent rash of gun control legislation could greatly damage the accessibility of her sport, and ultimately, firearms in general.

Rhode said Gov. Jerry Brown (D) just signed a law that requires a background check “each and every time” she purchases ammunition. The Olympian told Loesch she averages “500 and 1,000 rounds a day” while she’s in training. However, it is important to note that, according to a report from The Los Angeles Times, frequent buyers will be added to a database of ammunition purchasers.

She went on to say she’s unsure how the sponsors who ship her ammunition will be affected because of a new bill that prohibits the possession of high-capacity rounds, which are defined as those holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, according to The New York Times.

“If I have ammo that I purchase in California, and say I take 300 rounds to a match, and I wanna bring maybe 100 rounds back because I didn’t shoot it all, I’m only allowed, I think, a couple rounds of that to be able to bring back,” Rhode said. “So I don’t know what I’ll do with the rest of it.”

On a personal note, Rhode told Loesch about several firearms that have been in her family “for generations” that will now be labeled as assault weapons. According to California law, those guns cannot go to Rhode’s son unless they are rendered “permanently inoperable,” lawfully removed from the state, or if he obtains a permit from the Justice Department allowing him to possess the weapons.

There’s some real major issues there that I have — just not only being a competitor, but just being a Second Amendment advocate and being a shooter and being born and raised in Southern California,” Rhode said.

New legislation signed by the governor will also block Rhode from loaning any of her firearms out unless the person who she’s leaving the gun with undergoes a background check, according to The Los Angeles Times.

“How do you teach somebody about shooting or, you know, educate them about safety and responsibility if you can’t loan them a gun to even try the sport,” Rhode, who said she often coaches Boy Scouts so they can earn a badge, lamented.

When the sweeping gun control measures were signed into law last month, the National Rifle Association accused Brown of exploiting the recent terrorist attacks for political gain.

“Gov. Jerry Brown today signed a Draconian gun control package that turns California’s law-abiding gun owners into second-class citizens,” Amy Hunter, the NRA’s California spokeswoman, said in a statement. “The governor and legislature exploited a terrorist attack to push these measures through even though the state’s already restrictive laws did nothing to stop the attack in San Bernadino.”

This will simply turn folks into criminals....