T 2.0

General Flynn: This is what communism looks like. These lefties (not democrats) are aligned with a marxist ideology and do whatever they’re told to do. They have zero ability to critically think or speak for themselves. And until good people run against them, they will fester like an open sore and drive America into the dustbin of history. "

BREAKING CRAZY: WA trans OnlyFans city council appointee rescinds candidacy after cannibal fetish controversy. The decision came after an expose revealed that Jessica Ann Roberts, 32, born Neil Vincent Roberts, had a hidden history as a sex worker that included a cannibalism fetish and an "uncontrollable" desire to impregnate women.

Hey Watty, you might want to add a Transgender Male to Female Cannibal. This kind of sickness is just the tip of the evil. Just wait folks, it's way worse then this guy.

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Silence of the Lambs 2.0