
Did Private Mortgage insurance save the banks from disaster?

Bruddah, I know this is an inconvenient truth to whatever point it is you are trying to make. But I sure am enjoying that watching you repeat yourself. Not because it's an interesting point... but because I know that your just trying to regurgitate someone else's talking point, and just don't quite know how to lead the conversation where you want it to go unless it starts with that one line you keep repeating. LOL
Bruddah, I know this is an inconvenient truth to whatever point it is you are trying to make. But I sure am enjoying that watching you repeat yourself. Not because it's an interesting point... but because I know that your just trying to regurgitate someone else's talking point, and just don't quite know how to lead the conversation where you want it to go unless it starts with that one line you keep repeating. LOL
I lied. 4 options, Yes, no, maybe, I don't know.
So let me see if I've got this straight. You have a question you want me to answer, and you get to pick what answers I'm allowed to give. lol
I guess a non-answer could be a 5th option. Why not? I'm pretty liberal in that regard given that most people who are questioning the FHA discount recision have no idea how that insurance should work.