Bad News Thread

I've been running the numbers for "what if they approve Pfizer for 12". It does not shift things all that much. Wish it did.

When they open it up to 12-15, you add about 3/4 of the 12-15 year olds. Reduces the unvaccinated population by about 8%. Which drops R by about 8%.

Which will increase the rate of decline enough to compensate for all of us getting 8% more social.
Does that assume all people are equally likely to get and spread the virus?
Do you have the spine to admit that the lockdown restrictions you propose would result in significantly higher mental health issues and possibly more deaths as a result of delays in care, etc?
The mental health cost is real. We could have done more to mitigate it by encouraging outdoor gathering, but that would not have meant zero additional problems.

You have the sign wrong on the delays in care argument. Actually getting R below 1 would have meant fewer resource constraints, not fewer. You also have fewer reasons to avoid care if the hospitals have fewer covid patients.

The other big cost is economic, but that one cuts both ways. Closing indoor spreader sites causes unemployment, which is bad. But high levels of hospitalization are also bad. Those 2 week stays aren't cheap, and most essential workers will have trouble paying them off.
Does that assume all people are equally likely to get and spread the virus?
No. But it does assume that the population mixes well.

In reality, we are poorly mixed. We clump. This means the model breaks down for very low case counts.

I have not given a lot of thought to what happens when the virus is forced to retreat into the anti-vax community. It changes, but I don't know how.
You have the sign wrong on the delays in care argument. Actually getting R below 1 would have meant fewer resource constraints, not fewer. You also have fewer reasons to avoid care if the hospitals have fewer covid patients.
Not according to my buddy who is Chief of Staff for a major regional healthcare organization. No offense but I will take his opinion over yours.
Team virus only says "protect the elderly" when they want an excuse for letting cases (and deaths) go up. It lets them support an increase in deaths without actually looking at the cost in their cost/benefit analysis.
Wait…so protecting the elderly and opening up meant more deaths, but the second we protected…errr…vaccinated the elderly, deaths PLUMMETED even as some states abandoned the mask and distancing policies and opened up.

That’s a head scratcher…..
Wait…so protecting the elderly and opening up meant more deaths, but the second we protected…errr…vaccinated the elderly, deaths PLUMMETED even as some states abandoned the mask and distancing policies and opened up.

That’s a head scratcher…..
Not a head scratcher at all. The vaccine works. An 80% vax rate among elderly is a larger change than the case bump caused by dropping mask requirements. We agree that sufficient vaccination makes restrictions unnecessary. We just disagree about where to draw the line.

But Team Virus did not wait for the vaccine before advocating a grand reopening. From May 2020 to Jan 2021, Team Virus was advocating for high case rates with nothing more than isolation to protect the elderly. That was utter nonsense, and it failed everywhere it was tried.
Not a head scratcher at all. The vaccine works. An 80% vax rate among elderly is a larger change than the case bump caused by dropping mask requirements. We agree that sufficient vaccination makes restrictions unnecessary. We just disagree about where to draw the line.

But Team Virus did not wait for the vaccine before advocating a grand reopening. From May 2020 to Jan 2021, Team Virus was advocating for high case rates with nothing more than isolation to protect the elderly. That was utter nonsense, and it failed everywhere it was tried.
Wrong Again Dad4.

Meanwhile, it's as if our alleged public-health experts haven't been observing any of this at all. Megan Ranney, a hysteric, issued this warning on April 14:


By now I'm sure you don't even need me to give you the answer. First it was the college football national championship, then the Super Bowl, and then that Texas Rangers game. The numbers fell after every single one of those.

Did that make them stop and think? Don't make me laugh.

Now back to Megan Ranney and her prediction of doom from nearly a month ago.

You'll never guess. The opposite happened, and in fact cases are down about 43 percent since:

Team virus only says "protect the elderly" when they want an excuse for letting cases (and deaths) go up. It lets them support an increase in deaths without actually looking at the cost in their cost/benefit analysis.

At least when I support a policy that means 1000 additional people will die, I have the spine to admit it.
Anything but a spine. If you had a spine you would admit that SAR's-1 burned itself out as all respiratory virus's have in the past without you supporting tyrannical policies. Please quit advocating for the elderly. They are lot tougher than you and don't need you to advocate for them visiting family members from a 3rd floor window before they die. You're a coward like Fauci.
Not according to my buddy who is Chief of Staff for a major regional healthcare organization. No offense but I will take his opinion over yours.
I gotta echo this with my own experience with my bacterial secondary infection last year. Ordinarily they would have brought me in for an ultrasound and urinalysis but because of the lockdown they just wrote rx without a culture or examining it. Despite my pleas that i was sure it was resistant to the first round they said they couldn’t do anything due to lockdowns and I should give it more time. One night I was in agony and I insisted they switch the antibiotic. If they hadn’t that evening I would have gone into shock and maybe died the next day. I still wasn’t better so the procedure was to do a ct scan before removing me from the antibiotics but because of the restrictions in facilties and because my case was now chronic instead of acute I couldn’t get in to do it here in California but while we were out in Utah it was a piece of cake. They figured out what was wrong with me which required coming back to California but by the end of summer in Los Angeles the medical system was running a little more smoothly. Even if I had wanted to be seen in person by my urologist I couldn’t up front because of the temp screenings. So yes lockdowns almost wound up killing me and made something which should have been resolved under normal circumstances in a month take five months of not feeling well.
I gotta echo this with my own experience with my bacterial secondary infection last year. Ordinarily they would have brought me in for an ultrasound and urinalysis but because of the lockdown they just wrote rx without a culture or examining it. Despite my pleas that i was sure it was resistant to the first round they said they couldn’t do anything due to lockdowns and I should give it more time. One night I was in agony and I insisted they switch the antibiotic. If they hadn’t that evening I would have gone into shock and maybe died the next day. I still wasn’t better so the procedure was to do a ct scan before removing me from the antibiotics but because of the restrictions in facilties and because my case was now chronic instead of acute I couldn’t get in to do it here in California but while we were out in Utah it was a piece of cake. They figured out what was wrong with me which required coming back to California but by the end of summer in Los Angeles the medical system was running a little more smoothly. Even if I had wanted to be seen in person by my urologist I couldn’t up front because of the temp screenings. So yes lockdowns almost wound up killing me and made something which should have been resolved under normal circumstances in a month take five months of not feeling well.
Maybe that's Dad's problem. They couldn't treat him for Hypochondria and Tunnel Vision hence the obsession with tyrannical policies at all cost.
I gotta echo this with my own experience with my bacterial secondary infection last year. Ordinarily they would have brought me in for an ultrasound and urinalysis but because of the lockdown they just wrote rx without a culture or examining it. Despite my pleas that i was sure it was resistant to the first round they said they couldn’t do anything due to lockdowns and I should give it more time. One night I was in agony and I insisted they switch the antibiotic. If they hadn’t that evening I would have gone into shock and maybe died the next day. I still wasn’t better so the procedure was to do a ct scan before removing me from the antibiotics but because of the restrictions in facilties and because my case was now chronic instead of acute I couldn’t get in to do it here in California but while we were out in Utah it was a piece of cake. They figured out what was wrong with me which required coming back to California but by the end of summer in Los Angeles the medical system was running a little more smoothly. Even if I had wanted to be seen in person by my urologist I couldn’t up front because of the temp screenings. So yes lockdowns almost wound up killing me and made something which should have been resolved under normal circumstances in a month take five months of not feeling well.
What state imposed lockdown rule are you speaking of?

It seems a bit if a stretch to say that, if only bars and restaurants had been open in CA, then hospitals would have had better urology screening standards.
What state imposed lockdown rule are you speaking of?

It seems a bit if a stretch to say that, if only bars and restaurants had been open in CA, then hospitals would have had better urology screening standards.
Which of the following tested positive for C0VlD-19 using PCR tests?


Was it…

  • A Goat
  • A Papaya
  • A can of Coke, or...
  • A quail?


Yep. All of them tested positive using PCR “gold standard” C0VlD tests.

Last year, Tanzanian President John Magufuli (who has a doctorate degree in chemistry) decided to determine the accuracy of the tests. He took samples from a goat, a quail, and a papaya and sent them in…

And all 3 came back positive.

Tanzania responded by kicking the WHO out of the country, and Burundi followed suit the next day.

The can of Coke was diagnosed during a session of Austrian Parlement (see the video here).

An Austrian court ruled last month that the PCR test is NOT SUITABLE for diagnosis and that there is no legal basis for lockdowns.

In other news, after a 2-week quarantine, the papaya made a full recovery and has returned to work…
Which of the following tested positive for C0VlD-19 using PCR tests?

View attachment 10723

Was it…

  • A Goat
  • A Papaya
  • A can of Coke, or...
  • A quail?


Yep. All of them tested positive using PCR “gold standard” C0VlD tests.

Last year, Tanzanian President John Magufuli (who has a doctorate degree in chemistry) decided to determine the accuracy of the tests. He took samples from a goat, a quail, and a papaya and sent them in…

And all 3 came back positive.

Tanzania responded by kicking the WHO out of the country, and Burundi followed suit the next day.

The can of Coke was diagnosed during a session of Austrian Parlement (see the video here).

An Austrian court ruled last month that the PCR test is NOT SUITABLE for diagnosis and that there is no legal basis for lockdowns.

In other news, after a 2-week quarantine, the papaya made a full recovery and has returned to work…
so, what is more likely-

1- thousands of academic researchers who use PCR never noticed the limitations.

2- some Tanzanian despot deliberately contaminated a three samples so he had an excuse to kick out WHO.

Yes, despot. Only one ruling party since 1962. In case you wonder about their medical expertise, Tanzania is also the world leader in muti, the practice of hunting albino human beings for their body parts for use in medicine.

So, your source is the despot ruler of a third world country where humans are killed for use in magical potions.

Dang. You sure can pick them. That is a source of unparalleled credibility.
so, what is more likely-

1- thousands of academic researchers who use PCR never noticed the limitations.

2- some Tanzanian despot deliberately contaminated a three samples so he had an excuse to kick out WHO.

Yes, despot. Only one ruling party since 1962. In case you wonder about their medical expertise, Tanzania is also the world leader in muti, the practice of hunting albino human beings for their body parts for use in medicine.

So, your source is the despot ruler of a third world country where humans are killed for use in magical potions.

Dang. You sure can pick them. That is a source of unparalleled credibility.

The can of Coke is an interesting addition to the myth. It's like the kid's (or adult's, even) party game Telephone.
But Team Virus did not wait for the vaccine before advocating a grand reopening. From May 2020 to Jan 2021, Team Virus was advocating for high case rates with nothing more than isolation to protect the elderly. That was utter nonsense, and it failed everywhere it was tried.
You know what failed? CA. No school all year. Restaurants and bars closed through most of it. TX and FL? Open with schools, restaurants indoor open, bars indoor open, retail open.

At the end of this whole thing? Both in the same place. Team close it up failed.

The virus was/is going to spread no matter what. You and others fail to grasp that.
What state imposed lockdown rule are you speaking of?

It seems a bit if a stretch to say that, if only bars and restaurants had been open in CA, then hospitals would have had better urology screening standards.
Los Angeles. Haven’t you had to take your kids to see a ped? If they are running a fever you can’t get in due to the temp screening and they’ll remote only. From March-may it was impossible to do blood work unless it was an emergency. Same btw for mental health professionals which was a challenge with a kid that doesn’t take to them anyways much less over zoom. What are you talking about????
Los Angeles. Haven’t you had to take your kids to see a ped? If they are running a fever you can’t get in due to the temp screening and they’ll remote only. From March-may it was impossible to do blood work unless it was an emergency. Same btw for mental health professionals which was a challenge with a kid that doesn’t take to them anyways much less over zoom. What are you talking about????
March - may here the bars and restaurants (except some for takeout) weren’t open btw not even for outdoor dining. Remember it was the blm protests that changed things since it caused everyone to claim an exception. I don’t think you remember how harsh that lockdown was...much more so than the deep purple in December.