The estimates I remember were around R0=3 for wild type covid. 4 or 5 for some of the variants.
It’s big, but i’m not sure how big. I havent seen a seasonally adjusted set of R0 values. It would help make sense of things. Covid peaked in fall at about 10% infected, and then peaked again in January at around 40% infected. That’s a big jump in R, about 50%: 1.11 to 1.66.
The difference between CA under purple rules and CA under orange is also pretty striking. (Team virus won’t like this part.)
Back in January, we had less than 10% vaccinated, winter weather, purple rules, and covid numbers were falling rapidly.
Today, we have 50% vaccinated, spring weather, orange rules, and covid numbers are falling slowly.
The obvious, and unwelcome, conclusion is that the NPI worked. Whatever we were doing in January was worth slightly more than the combined effects of nice weather and an additional 40% vaccinated.