I asked specifically if Franco was a populist. "depends on the definition..." was your response.
pps -- no one.
yeah it does, and yeah you are even though you don’t fully comprehend it defending trump which I at a minimum think is hilarious
I asked specifically if Franco was a populist. "depends on the definition..." was your response.
pps -- no one.
yeah it does, and yeah you are even though you don’t fully comprehend it defending trump which I at a minimum think is hilarious
In what way have I ever defended Trump?
this is because you can’t follow the discussion. Picture me giving the same disappointed sigh I give whenever the kids have failed to understand an assignment
Giving more money to schools without accountability is just flushing money down the drain. Until the big unions, LAUSD and SDUSD, start putting children first, they don't deserve a penny. Right now we need to get kids back in school.Don't public schools and their teachers have enough power as it is? There's little about how education in the largest districts was handled during this pandemic that makes me think it's a good idea to have more public school employees.
Lies and putdowns -- Is that the example you set for your kids?
As to the lies hardly...anyone that knows me knows truth, honesty and transparency are the hallmarks of both my life and political philosophies. If anything I have been criticized repeatedly in my life for being too harsh and too truthful. As to putdowns as I’ve stated I only attack when attacked, disrespect when disrespected, put down when put down.
Disrespect, incivility and confusion the example you set for yours?
In what way have I ever supported Trump?
The way I see it, you can either provide a concrete example or admit your error and apologize.
i didn’t say you supported him. Don’t put words in my mouth. My argument was a critique of trumpism by saying it has aspects in common with Francoism, however remote. Husker even posted an article making a similar argument. You in turn critiqued my critique saying it was wrong, thereby inadvertently defending Trumpism. You’re just upset you were put in that position so you are now desperately trying every rhetorical trick you know to get out of the box. ^\_(;?)_/^
You have been denying your own words quite a bit lately.
I'm not going to argue about smaller class sizes, but I worry about too much power in one organization. I was a public school teacher - it's not about a lack of appreciation for what they do. However, beyond Covid, there have been multiple experiences that indicate to me that public schools regularly put their self-interests above that of the students and attempt to control access to education under the guise of protecting children from "overbearing" parents. I used to be a big proponent of public schools in general. I judge them on a case by case basis now.Not sure about your neck of the woods, but our schools have 25-30 kids per class in elementary school. It's pretty nutty. If covid forces this to go down to 15 for social distancing, maybe this could just become the norm going forward. Considering we're in the 40s by state in spending per pupil, maybe there could be a shift here. Smaller classroom sizes is just a piece of this. Anyway, one could hope.
says the man that likes to twist them.![]()
I didn't twist anything.
You, on the other hand, have posted lies about me.
yeah you did. Point to where I said you “supported trump”.
Maybe for my father I would, but not for you.
You understand the reference to dad is to @dad4 right? Did that go over your head too?
Looks like I hit the mark.
I'm not going to argue about smaller class sizes, but I worry about too much power in one organization. I was a public school teacher - it's not about a lack of appreciation for what they do. However, beyond Covid, there have been multiple experiences that indicate to me that public schools regularly put their self-interests above that of the students and attempt to control access to education under the guise of protecting children from "overbearing" parents. I used to be a big proponent of public schools in general. I judge them on a case by case basis now.
wondering, are you public, private, charter?Totally hear you. The teachers at our schools are eager to get kids back in the classroom. We're hybrid now. I don't really know what it's like elsewhere, but our district/admin/teachers/etc would climb mountains to get our kids educated. I think maybe there's a slight disconnect here in what we're debating. I'm not advocating for more power, but rather more money. In the near term this would be focused on making the classrooms safer (PPEs, plexiglass, smaller classrooms, etc), but in the long term it would be great if CA wasn't in the 40s on a per pupil spending ranking. That's pretty embarrassing considering we account for 14% of the GDP and are the 5th largest economic power in the world.
wondering, are you public, private, charter?