Some data on Covid-19 and why we're not over reacting...

He means he lives in a shit neighborhood, he probably bought the house with his dad's money, but he looks at other neighborhoods and calls them "trash."
Dude's too stupid to make a good living.
How's white chocolate doing?
Still spread'n the covid through the brotherhood?
How's white chocolate doing?
Still spread'n the covid through the brotherhood?
He’s doing pretty good, thanks. They have big plans today. Of course, he has to step aside during the playing every couple of days to do the Zoom workout with his club.
I think about a 0% chance he’s spreading anything.
I read.
Thanks for asking!
He’s doing pretty good, thanks. They have big plans today. Of course, he has to step aside during the playing every couple of days to do the Zoom workout with his club.
I think about a 0% chance he’s spreading anything.
I read.
Thanks for asking!
Its a free country. I think its great. Too bad the less fortunates who cant read have to follow the rules.
Too bad they cant go to school either, you know, so they can learn how to read.
I read too so I dont have to worry about the covid either.
Maybe reading is the real cure for all the bullshit hysteria.

anyhoo, I hope 'lil white chocolate gets a goal and has fun with the chocolate chocolate kids he gets to play with.
Its a free country. I think its great. Too bad the less fortunates who cant read have to follow the rules.
Too bad they cant go to school either, you know, so they can learn how to read.
I read too so I dont have to worry about the covid either.
Maybe reading is the real cure for all the bullshit hysteria.
Judging by your response and some others ignorance is the path to freedom.
Its a free country. I think its great. Too bad the less fortunates who cant read have to follow the rules.
Too bad they cant go to school either, you know, so they can learn how to read.
I read too so I dont have to worry about the covid either.
Maybe reading is the real cure for all the bullshit hysteria.

anyhoo, I hope 'lil white chocolate gets a goal and has fun with the chocolate chocolate kids he gets to play with.
Maybe I should have elaborated. I read, so I’m aware of the specific risks when he jumps the fence and plays with others. I violate authority and make that trade off for his happiness and only with other kids (and two-three “adults”) who are taking the same very specific risk as well. The risk, as I mentioned, is somewhere in the zero range and further, as I mentioned, his mother and I may get Covid because of it. We observe all mask and spacing “rules,” though, so it’s about zero chance that someone can get it from us.
White Chocolate gotta do his thing, you feel me?
Ok, so back to the subject this thread is supposed to be about...

VERY hopeful news about the Oxford Vaccine! And they state the vaccine could be ready by September of this year. Let's hope...!

Go ahead and take it.....get back to us in six months....if yur still hear.
While yur at it....let them tattoo your bank acct/routing info on your behind.
Maybe I should have elaborated. I read, so I’m aware of the specific risks when he jumps the fence and plays with others. I violate authority and make that trade off for his happiness and only with other kids (and two-three “adults”) who are taking the same very specific risk as well. The risk, as I mentioned, is somewhere in the zero range and further, as I mentioned, his mother and I may get Covid because of it. We observe all mask and spacing “rules,” though, so it’s about zero chance that someone can get it from us.
White Chocolate gotta do his thing, you feel me?

Your " White " guilt is running down your chin......
I stated facts, you took it as criticism. I never blamed Obama for Coronavirus. I don't even think its that serious to blame anyone for. I didnt even blame obama for H1N1. The seasonal flu is way worse statistically. The only reason I brought up Obama was that this hysteria over coronavirus is way worse than 2009 when the H1N1 was worse in every aspect.
you want a lock down for 66 elderly with health problems killed. Enough sheep like you that cry about it the government will comply. After al we elect them. The media says coronavirus is much worse than swine flu. Swine flu killed over 12,000. I bet you that less than 12,000 will die. lets come back to this in a year. but of course youll have your excuses. If less than 12,000 people die, I bet you wouldn't even thank the current administration. That's what I mean about a catch 22. there is no pleasing sheep when the media tells you how to feel.
theres no satisfying you all. this virus is not that serious. the thing that made this situation serious is the media and the panic. the media has been pushing for stronger action and a lockdown. The presidents hand was forced. lets be honest, what if he kept saying chill, this virus isn't killing a bunch of people, just the elderly and poor health? well, he basically did that and the media attacked him saying he doesn't believe the virus was real when he said fake news. the media and the manipulated public got what they asked for, a stronger response. be honest, no matter what he does, you will complain.

let me ask this, do you all think this will kill more people than the seasonal flu? do you think this will kill more than the swine flu? this virus is airborne and a lot of people with get it, but it will not kill a lot of people. that is my prediction. the left asked for a stronger response. you all got it. why are you mad now? this is supposed to be worse than 2009 according to the media. lets see. lets see if the pandemic caused by the media was worth it. lets see if the panic that forced the administration to emplace stronger measure was worth it. people are hoarding toilet paper! were heading into riot control and fighting for supplies from each other. this lockdown is more than protection from the virus now. And finally, once we are all on lockdown, and the only stores open are Walmart and grocery stores, enjoy standing in long lines in packed stores that are open between a limited number of hours. so much for 6 feet apart.
Yep, not that serious. But unlike these other nutters he stood by his word, one in a million.
Yep, not that serious. But unlike these other nutters he stood by his word, one in a million.

Didja look up....huh huh huh....didja ya..... huh huh huh....
didja......huh huh huh......... didja look up.......didja....huh....
huh huh huh......didja look up.....huh huh huh....... didja....

didja look up........huh huh huh .......didja......huh huh huh.....!

Ahhhhhhh.........shuaaaddduuuppp.....slapppppp !