Some data on Covid-19 and why we're not over reacting...

QUOTE="Imtired, post: 324019, member: 5643"
Stupid or not right now it’s the law. I mean, the people protesting the shalter-in-place rules and then getting mad when they get arrested for flaunting the law are the exact same people who blame innocent black men for getting shot because “all they had to do was comply” (let alone the fact that many did comply but still got shot).

Personally I’m sick of this whole thing, especially as it’s devolved into some sort of political football. And I blame that on zero leadership at the top. No one trusts anyone, we’re pitting ourselves against each other instead of pulling together. End result? A total mess.

Let's face it, those setting the rules for shelter-in-place aren't suffering the economic impact that so many are. It's easy to look at charts and numbers in an abstract way when you know whatever rules you make won't impact your ability to pay rent, buy food, keep your job, etc. That's where it's key that you have leadership who is able to clearly state a path out of this. I think some of those flaunting the rules are doing so because they are getting confusing messages. On the one hand Trump gives guidelines for social distancing, etc. while on the other hand he praises and even encourages people to protest. So what the h*ll? WHAT IS THE PLAN???

Every news article is doom and gloom. It's like disaster porn. And it's both left and right wing, they just have different agendas.

Let's stop bickering and try and figure out what the f*ck we do next. *

* " Let's stop bickering and try and figure out what the f*ck we do next. "

What " We The People " NEED to do next is take individuals like you and
send them to Conservative Re-education Camps.....

The first thing you give up upon entering the CRC is YOUR FREEDOM.....
The second thing you give up is the " First " item.. your right of refusal....

Now comes the conditioning:

It's a seven day Camp.

Day 1. You must snuggle with Nancy Pelosi for 24 hours.
Day 2. You must snuggle with Hillary Clinton for 24 hours.
Day 3. You must snuggle with Diane Feinstien for 24 hours.
Day 4. You must snuggle with Maxine Waters for 24 hours.
Day 5. You must snuggle with Ted Lieu for 24 hours.
Day 6. You must snuggle with Jerry Nadler for 24 hours.
Day 7. ( If you are still alive. ) You must snuggle with Adam Schiff for Brains for 24 hours.

That's it.....if you are not Re-educated after 7 days, then it's off to the
prison to be Micheal Avennatti's cell mate....when he returns...

Get the antibody test out for everyone so folks will know if they've already been exposed and get a vaccine asap.
In the meantime, those with medical issues and the elderly should stay isolated and we should all wash our hands and not sneeze or cough on others.
It is sad what is happening to so many, while the rich and powerful eat $100.00 ice cream from their $24,000 refrigerators...
Be careful.

"Get a vaccine asap"? Ignoramus.
Get the antibody test out for everyone so folks will know if they've already been exposed and get a vaccine asap.
In the meantime, those with medical issues and the elderly should stay isolated and we should all wash our hands and not sneeze or cough on others.
It is sad what is happening to so many, while the rich and powerful eat $100.00 ice cream from their $24,000 refrigerators...
Be careful.

Basically I think that's what we're going to have to start moving to, get people tested quickly and figure out where we stand. Right now we're fighting an enemy we can't see. Test, test, test, TEST.

This is why I'm so hopeful for the Remdesivir. Vaccines take forever but if we have an anti-viral that truly works, then we can manage until the vaccine is here. If Remdesivir can be given as a prophylactic treatment, even better. Like many HIV antivirals (and even Tamiflu), if given immediately upon exposure the virus can't even get started in your body. Bad news is the drug is so expensive, like $4500 a dose.

Another reason I'm hoping for an antiviral treatment is that vaccines aren't always as effective in the elderly due to their immune systems not evoking a strong enough response to the vaccine. Also, antivirals don't need to be as fine-tuned to the virus as a vaccine. Tamiflu works on Strain A and Strain B flu bugs, regardless of what type is floating around in a particular year. Flu vaccines need to be much closer to the mark in order to be effective. If COVID-19 mutates, will we be right back in this same situation???
Basically I think that's what we're going to have to start moving to, get people tested quickly and figure out where we stand. Right now we're fighting an enemy we can't see. Test, test, test, TEST.

This is why I'm so hopeful for the Remdesivir. Vaccines take forever but if we have an anti-viral that truly works, then we can manage until the vaccine is here. If Remdesivir can be given as a prophylactic treatment, even better. Like many HIV antivirals (and even Tamiflu), if given immediately upon exposure the virus can't even get started in your body. Bad news is the drug is so expensive, like $4500 a dose.

Another reason I'm hoping for an antiviral treatment is that vaccines aren't always as effective in the elderly due to their immune systems not evoking a strong enough response to the vaccine. Also, antivirals don't need to be as fine-tuned to the virus as a vaccine. Tamiflu works on Strain A and Strain B flu bugs, regardless of what type is floating around in a particular year. Flu vaccines need to be much closer to the mark in order to be effective. If COVID-19 mutates, will we be right back in this same situation???
Should we get tested everyday?
"Get a vaccine asap"? Ignoramus.
As soon as possible ass opposed to that? Think about it Magoo...
Better to get a vaccine asap rather than say two years from now...ponder it while you're in isolation because of underlying conditions, old age and senility.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Founders of the program 1 Day Sooner, a group comprised of scientists and researchers, hope to be purposefully infected with novel coronavirus, along with other volunteers to help search for a vaccine.

Some 13,000 people from 100 different countries have already signed up to participate in the initiative.

"Researchers are exploring whether human challenge trials could speed up the development of a vaccine for COVID-19, saving thousands or even millions of lives,"
Should we get tested everyday?
See? That's why it's so hard to figure out the best way to fight this thing. Sarcastic comments that add nothing to the conversation. At least Ricky, who is no fan of mine I'm sure, gave a reasoned answer.

I believe Ricky was referring to antibody testing. Antibody testing will give us a better idea of who has already been infected. Many scientists are thinking it's much much higher than we think (which is good news because it means less are at risk AND the death rate is much lower).

Right now we simply don't know how widespread it is, we don't know how fast it's spreading (not enough tests to see if someone is sick with it), and so we're left with officials who want to err on the side of caution. The more we know, the easier it is to figure out how to open up safely and quickly. Period.
See? That's why it's so hard to figure out the best way to fight this thing. Sarcastic comments that add nothing to the conversation. At least Ricky, who is no fan of mine I'm sure, gave a reasoned answer.

I believe Ricky was referring to antibody testing. Antibody testing will give us a better idea of who has already been infected. Many scientists are thinking it's much much higher than we think (which is good news because it means less are at risk AND the death rate is much lower).

Right now we simply don't know how widespread it is, we don't know how fast it's spreading (not enough tests to see if someone is sick with it), and so we're left with officials who want to err on the side of caution. The more we know, the easier it is to figure out how to open up safely and quickly. Period.
Sorry, meant Lion Eyes, not Ricky.
See? That's why it's so hard to figure out the best way to fight this thing. Sarcastic comments that add nothing to the conversation. At least Ricky, who is no fan of mine I'm sure, gave a reasoned answer.

I believe Ricky was referring to antibody testing. Antibody testing will give us a better idea of who has already been infected. Many scientists are thinking it's much much higher than we think (which is good news because it means less are at risk AND the death rate is much lower).

Right now we simply don't know how widespread it is, we don't know how fast it's spreading (not enough tests to see if someone is sick with it), and so we're left with officials who want to err on the side of caution. The more we know, the easier it is to figure out how to open up safely and quickly. Period.
Stop watching the msm and live your life.
I dont have a mask, and work every day. If I have to go in the bank or the store I pull my shirt over my face and get by.
Its ridiculous, and so obviously a political shit show that it boggles my mind everyone doesn't see it.
See? That's why it's so hard to figure out the best way to fight this thing. Sarcastic comments that add nothing to the conversation. At least Ricky, who is no fan of mine I'm sure, gave a reasoned answer.

I believe Ricky was referring to antibody testing. Antibody testing will give us a better idea of who has already been infected. Many scientists are thinking it's much much higher than we think (which is good news because it means less are at risk AND the death rate is much lower).

Right now we simply don't know how widespread it is, we don't know how fast it's spreading (not enough tests to see if someone is sick with it), and so we're left with officials who want to err on the side of caution. The more we know, the easier it is to figure out how to open up safely and quickly. Period.
That was a serious question, you can get a negative test today and have it tomorrow, right?
Stop watching the msm and live your life.
I dont have a mask, and work every day. If I have to go in the bank or the store I pull my shirt over my face and get by.
Its ridiculous, and so obviously a political shit show that it boggles my mind everyone doesn't see it.

?? Not sure your point ? It's great you can work every day, but I have friends -- many -- who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. One has a spouse who has been on the heart transplant list for 2 years now. She is their sole source of income and has 2 kids so politics doesn't mean a f*cking thing to her. Oh, and I should mention that her husband is a huge Trump supporter. I don't care, I see the pain both are living through and I want to see this f*cking thing end for everyone.

You say it's a political shitshow and you don't know why everyone can't see it. Everyone sees it.
That was a serious question, you can get a negative test today and have it tomorrow, right?
Yes, that's true when you talk about tests for active infections. But antibody testing will give us a better view into how many have already been infected. A snapshot in time so to speak. If we think it's 10% of the population, but with antibody testing we find out it's more like 30%, look at what that does to the mortality rate. It also gives important information on how many will be vulnerable if this thing hits again in the fall. How close are we to herd immunity?

I think I already posted this but I'm almost 100% positive my daughter (19) had COVID-19 in January. She was extremely fatigued, fever, dry cough, and a slight wheeze. Going into the second week she visited the school clinic. She tested negative for flu, negative for mono. The clinic gave her a chest x-ray because "we're seeing this weird respiratory virus going around". This was before any "official" COVID-19 cases were identified in the US. Well, if she was sick with COVID-19, how many more were sick at her campus?
?? Not sure your point ? It's great you can work every day, but I have friends -- many -- who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. One has a spouse who has been on the heart transplant list for 2 years now. She is their sole source of income and has 2 kids so politics doesn't mean a f*cking thing to her. Oh, and I should mention that her husband is a huge Trump supporter. I don't care, I see the pain both are living through and I want to see this f*cking thing end for everyone.

You say it's a political shitshow and you don't know why everyone can't see it. Everyone sees it.
Looks like we agree.
The cure is worse than the disease, and the disease has more to do with politics than anything else.
Its a very contagious virus in so many ways.
You must have read my posts concerning what this lockdown has done to my barber and restaurant/bar owners I know losing everything, and my cigar shop guy who is out of business.
Im with you.
We're in this together.
Lets end it, because our governor and aunt Nancy want to carry this thing on until we all go down with the ship.
Yes, that's true when you talk about tests for active infections. But antibody testing will give us a better view into how many have already been infected. A snapshot in time so to speak. If we think it's 10% of the population, but with antibody testing we find out it's more like 30%, look at what that does to the mortality rate. It also gives important information on how many will be vulnerable if this thing hits again in the fall. How close are we to herd immunity?

I think I already posted this but I'm almost 100% positive my daughter (19) had COVID-19 in January. She was extremely fatigued, fever, dry cough, and a slight wheeze. Going into the second week she visited the school clinic. She tested negative for flu, negative for mono. The clinic gave her a chest x-ray because "we're seeing this weird respiratory virus going around". This was before any "official" COVID-19 cases were identified in the US. Well, if she was sick with COVID-19, how many more were sick at her campus?
Why haven’t you had her tested?
Looks like we agree.
The cure is worse than the disease, and the disease has more to do with politics than anything else.
Its a very contagious virus in so many ways.
You must have read my posts concerning what this lockdown has done to my barber and restaurant/bar owners I know losing everything, and my cigar shop guy who is out of business.
Im with you.
We're in this together.
Lets end it, because our governor and aunt Nancy want to carry this thing on until we all go down with the ship.
I don't agree with your last point, lots of "red state" governors made similar decisions (let's just keep politics out for once, even if it requires we both have an aneurysm by trying to keep our mouths shut). I think all officials, regardless of party, are doing whatever they think is best and no one really knows what that is. I also know those same officials, regardless of party, don't have to worry about their next paycheck.

I come on this board because I like hearing both sides. I don't ever want to be stuck in my own echo chamber and only hear things that I agree with. But if ever there is a time for people to drop their agendas and--FOR ONCE--focus on the problem at hand it's now. When the coronavirus is over we can go back to hurling insults and telling each other how f*cking stupid we are.

Gotta go, I'm hearing kumbayah in my head now.
This is worth a read,
Turns out this horrible model that locked us down is not the first time this British cheating fuck was wrong.
Sweden did the opposite but the architect of that response (not locking down) says he's not sure it was the right call. So who knows. Sweden's economy took just as big of a hit as countries that sheltered in place, but that isn't surprising since everything is a global economy these days anyway.
