ECNL vs. DA turf war has created a 'toxic environment'

Thinking about why ECNL / DA has become a toxic competition. Was it toxic from the day DA came on the scene?

Did USSF approach Mr. Lavers about integrating With his league but he shunned them?

Did the “toxicity” start after some of his clubs left to join DA?

Easy to understand that Mr. Lavers wouldn’t have been thrilled to have a formidable new competitor move in on his turf, but would he have been afraid of that new challenger? Doubt that...

Were there agreements made and then broken (that could certainly cause a rivalry to become toxic).

Or, did it only become “toxic” after teams, parents and players started moves back and forth between the two leagues, and discovered that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Then I can see someone starting to feel like they’d been played or sold a bill of goods. That leads to bitterness and jealousy...and toxicity.

Curious if leadership at both organizations can’t stand each other or if the whole toxic relationship thing flows from parents somehow done wrong??

“We went into the meeting with the hope that we could put together a collaborative concept of how to work together – the clubs and the federation – on things that would be additive and make what’s out there better,” Lavers told in a phone conversation on Tuesday. “Their position was that they previously discussed collaborating with us, and had determined that they could improve the game and raise standards in the game faster and better without us."

It's only one side of the story, but if true, US Soccer's arrogance has come back to bite them in the ass.
Thinking about why ECNL / DA has become a toxic competition. Was it toxic from the day DA came on the scene?

Did USSF approach Mr. Lavers about integrating With his league but he shunned them?

Did the “toxicity” start after some of his clubs left to join DA?

Easy to understand that Mr. Lavers wouldn’t have been thrilled to have a formidable new competitor move in on his turf, but would he have been afraid of that new challenger? Doubt that...

Were there agreements made and then broken (that could certainly cause a rivalry to become toxic).

Or, did it only become “toxic” after teams, parents and players started moves back and forth between the two leagues, and discovered that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Then I can see someone starting to feel like they’d been played or sold a bill of goods. That leads to bitterness and jealousy...and toxicity.

Curious if leadership at both organizations can’t stand each other or if the whole toxic relationship thing flows from parents somehow done wrong??
@Giesbock dude, you play dumb but you know way more then you let on. I like you :) No, Mr Lavers never approached Legends. JH approached Lavers to join and was pissed because the 9 Monopoly players in the SW voted no every time and wouldn't allow the "shoe" or the "boot" to play on their board game in SoCal. Too bad, tough luck. Welcome to America. They applied, but were denied. Legally btw. Not a monopoly. JH is a marketing genius and I'm sure wanted to be King. Beach, they want to be King too. They were denied. It's a board decision, noy any of ours. It's a free country and Lavers and the board have the right legally to pick whoever they want or deny a club. So the one's who were looking from the outside got pissed and started a new league and this time they sold customers (not all) YNT and Pros to the top goats. That's what went down in a nutshell. Oh ya, plus the 9 monopoly players recruited legally and out in the open the non ecnl clubs top goats and that really pissed them off. So much so, they started their own league. JH recruiting haul was insane when he got the TC and the GDA. Just look at what he had before and what he lost and then look at what he received when the GDA got started. It's all there to see. Again, good for them. It's America, what else is new!!! JH was straight up with me and no bait & switch with me at all.

“We went into the meeting with the hope that we could put together a collaborative concept of how to work together – the clubs and the federation – on things that would be additive and make what’s out there better,” Lavers told in a phone conversation on Tuesday. “Their position was that they previously discussed collaborating with us, and had determined that they could improve the game and raise standards in the game faster and better without us."

It's only one side of the story, but if true, US Soccer's arrogance has come back to bite them in the ass.
There you go. Faster is not always better :)
Happy for your kid... but please don't post anymore RAP videos. Toilet paper is at a premium these days.
Outlaw, my dd and all her white friends love rap just so you know. One of the rap artist was killed and she cried. I was shocked. Like a good father, I asked her a few questions about why so emotional? She told me all about this guy and his life. We then started listing to his music on the way to school and she share what it all meant, I loved it because their was a message, even a message to an old white dude like me who doesn;t listed to rap that much. My dd loves rap and listens to it before every game, no joke. When she wakes up I will ask her what his name is. Young guy who predicted his death. That is a Legend in my book :)
Better question is how does all of the conflict benefit your kids development? What are you doing to ensure your kid continues to! progress in her development while in the midst of the toxic youth soccer environment?

So tired of all these "parents" talking about the "toxic" soccer environment! Be careful, kids learn from their parents and mimic them! Our kids love the soccer going on. If your player doesn't like where they are at, make a change and move on. Sports have never been perfect or fair, any sport actually. Focus on your player, emphasize academics, honesty, character, soccer skills and a strong work ethic. Maybe the problem is this generation thinking that their agenda is more important than anyone else's, or maybe they are trying to fulfill their own failed or unfulfilled dreams. Those who are constantly complaining about one league or another are the very ones contributing to the so called "toxic" environment.
I feel like I'm dealing with little weasels who pop their little heads with a dumb comment they can;t back up and then they go in their hole. I'm a black papa bear with a mama bear, boo boo bear and my baby bear dd. Let's play ball you weasels and lets debate the law, the future of a better top top league, college future, the greatness of ECNL and the 2020-2021 youth season. I'm bringing it you guys, I';m not holding back so bring your best or don;t comment at all and then go hide away. When you do that, you remind me of this little scared dude......

@Ellejustus If you look at wiki at all the girls on the USWNT, they all were Varsity at other sports as well. If you think your daughter is a Goat and she is only good at one thing, well maybe she's just a great player not a Goat. Labron james was the best football player in Cleveland. As unicorn you need to be good at everything. Ronaldinho, Neymar, Pele, Zico, Ronaldo, Messi were elite Futsal players as their second sport. Goats in both.
@Ellejustus If you look at wiki at all the girls on the USWNT, they all were Varsity at other sports as well. If you think your daughter is a Goat and she is only good at one thing, well maybe she's just a great player not a Goat. Labron james was the best football player in Cleveland. As unicorn you need to be good at everything. Ronaldinho, Neymar, Pele, Zico, Ronaldo, Messi were elite Futsal players as their second sport. Goats in both.
Futsal is a variant. Not an entirely different sport. Falcao is a true great at futsal.
Outlaw, my dd and all her white friends love rap just so you know. One of the rap artist was killed and she cried. I was shocked. Like a good father, I asked her a few questions about why so emotional? She told me all about this guy and his life. We then started listing to his music on the way to school and she share what it all meant, I loved it because their was a message, even a message to an old white dude like me who doesn;t listed to rap that much. My dd loves rap and listens to it before every game, no joke. When she wakes up I will ask her what his name is. Young guy who predicted his death. That is a Legend in my book :)

I appreciate your opinion, but if it's the rapper I think it is, he was a gang member. Most are. RAP, as a whole, glorifies violence and misogyny. Aside from what little talent it takes to babble rhymes into a microphone, I can't support a "music" that glorifies guns, violence, drugs and classifying women as strippers and whores. It would be amusing if so many didn't use it as a religion.
@Ellejustus If you look at wiki at all the girls on the USWNT, they all were Varsity at other sports as well. If you think your daughter is a Goat and she is only good at one thing, well maybe she's just a great player not a Goat. Labron james was the best football player in Cleveland. As unicorn you need to be good at everything. Ronaldinho, Neymar, Pele, Zico, Ronaldo, Messi were elite Futsal players as their second sport. Goats in both.

I do agree with this 100%... but the soccer Gods have taken this away. Times have changed and YOU need to receive an invoice 12 months a year.
So tired of all these "parents" talking about the "toxic" soccer environment! Be careful, kids learn from their parents and mimic them! Our kids love the soccer going on. If your player doesn't like where they are at, make a change and move on. Sports have never been perfect or fair, any sport actually. Focus on your player, emphasize academics, honesty, character, soccer skills and a strong work ethic. Maybe the problem is this generation thinking that their agenda is more important than anyone else's, or maybe they are trying to fulfill their own failed or unfulfilled dreams. Those who are constantly complaining about one league or another are the very ones contributing to the so called "toxic" environment.
Calling soccer toxic is so over dramatic. I do wish we could play more local competition, as there are many good players my DD doesn’t get to play against often because of the DA/ECNL split. But, our coach set up friendlies with a handful of nearby ECNL teams this past season, and my kids play futsal with top girls from both leagues. It used the be that PDP and ODP provided lots of mixing up, and I thought DA would be the sad end of that. But, NTC, YNT and ID camps all mix up the girls too, so there are still chances. Nothing in life is ideal. We’ve been with the same local club all the way, through good coaches and bad, through the change to DA, etc. None of that mattered much, because most of their development happens in the backyard and at the park.
I hear all these crazy goals parents have for their kids on here. Make money, go pro, college, etc. Those are all byproducts if they happen! I just want my girls to learn to give something their all, hopefully love it enough to keep doing it, learn all that comes with being part of a team and contribute to the betterment of the game. Any additional goals they have are their own and I’m just a resource to them.
@Ellejustus If you look at wiki at all the girls on the USWNT, they all were Varsity at other sports as well. If you think your daughter is a Goat and she is only good at one thing, well maybe she's just a great player not a Goat. Labron james was the best football player in Cleveland. As unicorn you need to be good at everything. Ronaldinho, Neymar, Pele, Zico, Ronaldo, Messi were elite Futsal players as their second sport. Goats in both.
I don;t think my dd is a true soccer GOAT at all. I think she falls into almost a goat and can push the true goat to greatness. Someone has to push them. That's my honest take. She can surf, play volleyball, run varsity track in the 100 and lead first 25 meters but lose the race to the true goat in track. My dd speed and quickness, IQ, insane competitive drive, willingness to share the rock and lead others to a championship makes her a great player, but not goat. When she learns how to juggle better and be CIF volleyball champ then we can talk true GOATHOOD. I think she's good enough to run with them and hang and not like when I played pick up ball with Scott Brooks at UCI. I only played defense and never saw the ball. Scottie always had it and I didn;t care because I wanted to win. In every big game my dd has played, she has been a goal in the game. She's faster, quicker, smarter on the field, shares the ball and wins championship a hell of lot more than the pro I know. That pro is better with skills with cones and juggling. I take my chance with learning those things later if the opportunity presents itself. Right now, I don;t see that happening because the girls dont really get paid to juggle.
I appreciate your opinion, but if it's the rapper I think it is, he was a gang member. Most are. RAP, as a whole, glorifies violence and misogyny. Aside from what little talent it takes to babble rhymes into a microphone, I can't support a "music" that glorifies guns, violence, drugs and classifying women as strippers and whores. It would be amusing if so many didn't use it as a religion.
I forgot to ask you. Are you white? How old? Where you grow up bro? That will help me understand where your coming from. Thanks
Outlaw, my dd and all her white friends love rap just so you know. One of the rap artist was killed and she cried. I was shocked. Like a good father, I asked her a few questions about why so emotional? She told me all about this guy and his life. We then started listing to his music on the way to school and she share what it all meant, I loved it because their was a message, even a message to an old white dude like me who doesn;t listed to rap that much. My dd loves rap and listens to it before every game, no joke. When she wakes up I will ask her what his name is. Young guy who predicted his death. That is a Legend in my book :)
RIP Nipsey. My favorite song by dude.
She likes this rapper. Her friend from 8th grade had a sister who killed herself in a tree that they played in. My dd wrote an English paper about it this year. Very deep girl she is and cares about all the girls :)

@Ellejustus If you look at wiki at all the girls on the USWNT, they all were Varsity at other sports as well. If you think your daughter is a Goat and she is only good at one thing, well maybe she's just a great player not a Goat. Labron james was the best football player in Cleveland. As unicorn you need to be good at everything. Ronaldinho, Neymar, Pele, Zico, Ronaldo, Messi were elite Futsal players as their second sport. Goats in both.
Very good point. If your kid ain’t an “All American” or something similar forget about playing at a higher level. In fact, I will even say that excelling at more than 1 sport should be a prerequisite to play in leagues like GDA or ECNL.
I forgot to ask you. Are you white? How old? Where you grow up bro? That will help me understand where your coming from. Thanks

I grew up in Central CA and am on the 2nd half of life. Enough life and cultural experience to call it what it is instead of pretending to be PC. Played soccer from the age of 9. Never made it but played with guys that did.
She likes this rapper. Her friend from 8th grade had a sister who killed herself in a tree that they played in. My dd wrote an English paper about it this year. Very deep girl she is and cares about all the girls :)

Not the one I was thinking off but also a thug. It's unfortunate he was murdered but he wasn't a good human, either. Talks about girls like whores... which, as a father, I refuse to endorse. I don't care if it's cultural or "just music". I'm a rock fan and they aren't much better... but rockers aren't waving guns and drugs around in videos. Promoting gang life and violent culture.