Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
Politicians and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When?
"They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies." That is fear mongering at its worst and is only going to create unnecessary panic.
True for Italy. For the USA, only time will tell. Fortunately, both of us hope I'm right!Doctors and nurses in Italy are having to make those decisions right now. It is not fear mongering when it is true. The US response to this crisis is NOT good right now.
The entire reason for the reaction - canceling sporting events, closing schools, not traveling on a flight, etc - is so that we can start "flattening of the curve" and prevent health care professionals from making those life/death decisions. It’s not an overreaction. If we go on about our business as usual, we would eventually be in the same situation as Italy. There is a possibility we may still get there. I’m praying we don’t.True for Italy. For the USA, only time will tell. Fortunately, both of us hope I'm right!
I don't see how that connection is warranted. The reason 44 people died from alcohol poising in Iran is that they believed a toxic potion of industrial alcohol would prevent the virus. The bad information they had was re. how to treat the virus. In fact, it seems pretty clear that lack of urgency is a primary cause of the extent of the outbreak there, not exaggeration.I had trouble getting past this conclusion from the article. "They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies." That is fear mongering at its worst and is only going to create unnecessary panic. This kind of panic is why 44 people died from alcohol poisoning in Iran believing that a toxic potion of industrial alcohol would prevent coronavirus.
The entire reason for the reaction - canceling sporting events, closing schools, not traveling on a flight, etc - is so that we can start "flattening of the curve" and prevent health care professionals from making those life/death decisions. It’s not an overreaction. If we go on about our business as usual, we would eventually be in the same situation as Italy. There is a possibility we may still get there. I’m praying we don’t.
Oh, it's truly happening. Read this article written by Newt Gingrich, who happens to live in Italy, as his wife is an ambassador to the Vatican. https://www.newsweek.com/newt-gingr...-america-must-act-now-act-big-opinion-1492270However, telling people that doctors are going to be walking down hallways of hospitals determining who lives or dies is hyperbolic and not helpful. If that is truly going to happen as the author of the article authoritatively claims (neither he or I are medical professionals), we should shut down everything and everyone should remain quarantined at home for a long time.
True for Italy. For the USA, only time will tell. Fortunately, both of us hope I'm right!
I don’t know how a virus ended up being a partisan issue but it sure has become one. Party lines and opinions on this virus are completely aligned.
it's a partisan issue because sheep like you say shit like this, regurgitating CNN, The Post and the Times. let it go and take care of business.It's a partisan issue because the President is more worried about his re-election chances than if people live. He called this thing a hoax two weeks ago and even yesterday contradicted his own health experts saying young people have nothing to worry about. Ironically, had he lead from the beginning and said that he was going to make tough decisions, defer to the experts, etc., it would have likely secured victory for him even with the market tanking.
it's a partisan issue because sheep like you say shit like this, regurgitating CNN, The Post and the Times. let it go and take care of business.
Trump resign—watch the stock market stabilize. No leadership, just a liar
it's a partisan issue because sheep like you say shit like this, regurgitating CNN, The Post and the Times. let it go and take care of business.