The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

US national debt rises $2 trillion under President Trump

According to the Congressional Budget Office, total public debt stood at 78% of America’s gross domestic product in fiscal year 2018, the highest percentage since 1950. The deficit — or the difference between what the government spends and what it takes in over any one year — jumped to 3.8% of GDP in 2018, up from 3.5% in 2017.

That’s particularly unusual in such a strong economy without major new expenditures. If no changes are made, the CBO projects that public debt will rise to 96% of GDP by 2028. A big chunk of that — $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028 — will be due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the CBO reported last April.
Fake news.
Tell me what the CBO project for Obamacare?
And then, the Entire State of CA, much of AZ and NM and even TX elected Dems to stop Trump's stupid-ass immigration white elephant.

I see Racist Joe the Sterno Drinking Coward, has not once commented on the "emergency seizure" of property to build the wall. Eminent domain seizure will be needed for something like 90% of the property in Texas alone.

There is a reason border states vote against the stupidity of our kleptocrat president: because it's stupid.

Whether it's 4 or 8 or 12 "person's of interest" or "on a watch list" stopped at the southern border, there have been many, many more stopped at airports, the Canadian border points of entry etc.

The lie of equating a stupid wall, whose land-grabs will be tied up in court for decades, with genuine border oversight and security is obvious and was soundly rejected by CA voters.
The border are border states, you dummy, full of Hispanics. That's all part of the Reconquista. You Dummy.
ViVa La RaZa.
Trump has a mandate to fix illegal immigration by the American voters.
Elections have consequences. You Coward.
Is this guy a fag? He'll fit right in.

Newsom immediately challenges Trump at inauguration...

Vows 'Sanctuary To All Who Seek It'...
And then, the Entire State of CA, much of AZ and NM and even TX elected Dems to stop Trump's stupid-ass immigration white elephant.

I see Racist Joe the Sterno Drinking Coward, has not once commented on the "emergency seizure" of property to build the wall. Eminent domain seizure will be needed for something like 90% of the property in Texas alone.

There is a reason border states vote against the stupidity of our kleptocrat president: because it's stupid.

Whether it's 4 or 8 or 12 "person's of interest" or "on a watch list" stopped at the southern border, there have been many, many more stopped at airports, the Canadian border points of entry etc.

The lie of equating a stupid wall, whose land-grabs will be tied up in court for decades, with genuine border oversight and security is obvious and was soundly rejected by CA voters.

That’s SIX too many: NBC News super stoked only ‘SIX terrorists’ crossed southern border illegally in 1st half of 2018 (holy sh*t!)
The border are border states, you dummy, full of Hispanics. That's all part of the Reconquista. You Dummy.
ViVa La RaZa.
Trump has a mandate to fix illegal immigration by the American voters.
Elections have consequences. You Coward.
Elections have consequences. OMG you said something accurate. Trump couldn't get Mexico to pay, he couldn't get Congress to pay when he had both houses...and now the electorate has spoken loud and a massive 8.6 million vote margin.
Elections have consequences. OMG you said something accurate. Trump couldn't get Mexico to pay, he couldn't get Congress to pay when he had both houses...and now the electorate has spoken loud and a massive 8.6 million vote margin.
Sounds just like Obama care.
Maybe next time you people should actually look at how the nominees actually win the election, 2nd place isn't all that bad, but you libs sure aren't very happy about it.
The electoral college matters, who knew?
Sounds just like Obama care.
Maybe next time you people should actually look at how the nominees actually win the election, 2nd place isn't all that bad, but you libs sure aren't very happy about it.
The electoral college matters, who knew?
Especially if the opposing candidate sucks as bad as she did. Her own party blew her up!
I see a savings and loan is for sale. Think of all the houses I'll own if I buy it! I'll have rental assets galore.

Once I do that, I'll pay your mythical health insurance for you my corpulent friend, and get you those circulation sox Santa forgot.
Santa didnʻt forget to pay his mortgage and that is always good for circulation.
Sounds just like Obama care.
Maybe next time you people should actually look at how the nominees actually win the election, 2nd place isn't all that bad, but you libs sure aren't very happy about it.
The electoral college matters, who knew?
8.6 million. The electorate has spoken loud and clear about the wall, haven’t they? Now if he fulfilled his promise about Mexico paying for it, he could have built it already.
Preview of tonight's speech --

“Lies, lies and more damn lies is what we’re going to hear.”

-- Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele.
Preview of tonight's speech --

“Lies, lies and more damn lies is what we’re going to hear.”

-- Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele.
What a boob he turned out to be. That is what you get when you hire someone because he is partially black.
First Obama then this dope.
Santa didnʻt forget to pay his mortgage and that is always good for circulation.

Wait, after 2017 years, Santa still hasn't paid off his Pole place? Man, forget the laying-a-finger up-chimney shit, he's got to eat less butter cookies and make accelerated payment. Talk about buried under debt payment! I bet some Icelandic troll talked into some sort of interest-only scam. "Don't worry. It's going to get warn as hell up here soon, once they invent cars and fire up electric plants with coal. You'll have a water-front estate worth billions!" Don't trust Icelanders. That's my advice.

And, come to think of it, maybe Santa flat out stole your support hose. With that nose and belly he could have circulation issues his own self and it sounds like he may be as flat-ass broke as you are.