The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

But the Fed isnʻt “printing” money at the moment. Thatʻs why youʻre feeling left out, Spigot boy.

Your uncle is smarter than you. He is long term leasing out the Caterpillar to pay off both the HELOC and his mortgage. He got a sweet deal on the caterpillar because he knows one of the Cat Execs. Caterpillar gets subsidies through the U.S. Import/Export Bank and thus CAT machinery is much cheaper for both your uncle and the Aussie co. that he leases the CAT to. He is able to live in his home while his HELOC money works to pay off both liabilities. In other words, his home has some income that comes to both the bank while also netting him some income that he defers to his LLC so he can take a lower salary in anticipation of you people voting for AOCʻs New Green Deal that wants to tax your uncleʻs income at 70%. Brilliant dude your uncle!!

Definitely not a Fries U grad!

So, the bank has a nice tractor on its books? Wow. That must be the new accounting.

The Fed isn't printing money? But my economical jeanius bruddah IZ told me they print money. But I can't find the printing press anywhere, and then he told me it's e-lec-tronic or some newfangled contraption. And I know my Bruddah Iz, being a economicalish geneious wouldn't tell me lies.

Oh, and my "domicile" is not an asset. Well, it is to a bank, apparently, but not to me. But my cement pond? That's just a hole in the ground where the money goes.

Now, if we could just get more than a buck two fifty in Iz's go fund me, he could buy some of that health insurance that doesn't exist that just paid 80% of my kid's dentist visit.

Oh, and it looks like maybe the dog ate Paulie Nondeal's homework? I wonder if he'll get (more) detention?

Goodnight Paulie Stillinjail. Goodnight Mikey Cohen... Goodnight Moon!
Has anyone here checked into the eminent domain lawsuits from previous attempts at wall building?

Has anyone here checked how much of the proposed "wall" land is currently privately owned?

All those stoic Atlases just shrug, I guess...
Has anyone here checked into the eminent domain lawsuits from previous attempts at wall building?

Has anyone here checked how much of the proposed "wall" land is currently privately owned?

All those stoic Atlases just shrug, I guess...
You are really an impressive coward.
So, the bank has a nice tractor on its books? Wow. That must be the new accounting.

The Fed isn't printing money? But my economical jeanius bruddah IZ told me they print money. But I can't find the printing press anywhere, and then he told me it's e-lec-tronic or some newfangled contraption. And I know my Bruddah Iz, being a economicalish geneious wouldn't tell me lies.

Oh, and my "domicile" is not an asset. Well, it is to a bank, apparently, but not to me. But my cement pond? That's just a hole in the ground where the money goes.

Now, if we could just get more than a buck two fifty in Iz's go fund me, he could buy some of that health insurance that doesn't exist that just paid 80% of my kid's dentist visit.

Oh, and it looks like maybe the dog ate Paulie Nondeal's homework? I wonder if he'll get (more) detention?

Goodnight Paulie Stillinjail. Goodnight Mikey Cohen... Goodnight Moon!
Looks like we found you professor, coward.
Denialists: How AOC is Intensifying the Left's War on Math
17 hours ago
So, the bank has a nice tractor on its books? Wow. That must be the new accounting.

The Fed isn't printing money? But my economical jeanius bruddah IZ told me they print money. But I can't find the printing press anywhere, and then he told me it's e-lec-tronic or some newfangled contraption. And I know my Bruddah Iz, being a economicalish geneious wouldn't tell me lies.

Oh, and my "domicile" is not an asset. Well, it is to a bank, apparently, but not to me. But my cement pond? That's just a hole in the ground where the money goes.

Now, if we could just get more than a buck two fifty in Iz's go fund me, he could buy some of that health insurance that doesn't exist that just paid 80% of my kid's dentist visit.

Oh, and it looks like maybe the dog ate Paulie Nondeal's homework? I wonder if he'll get (more) detention?

Goodnight Paulie Stillinjail. Goodnight Mikey Cohen... Goodnight Moon!
It is the new accounting. Itʻs called a HELOC. I added it to messyʻs simulation along with real health insurance, a cement pond safe, go fund me cards, e-money and a printing machine to prime your spigot should Powell decide that he wants to put you to work. I also added a Paulie and Mikey space in the same corner as the monopoly game board. Kek! Enjoy
That must be it. That darned Fox News, always lying to make Trump look bad.
And while none are coming across the southern border on foot, terrorists come on airplanes and our TSA employees are calling in sick because of the shutdown. Perfect Trump politics.
And while none are coming across the southern border on foot, terrorists come on airplanes and our TSA employees are calling in sick because of the shutdown. Perfect Trump politics.
You are just as dumb as Bruddah has shown you to be.
About a dozen people on terror watchlist encountered at southern border in fiscal year 2018

By Pamela Brown, CNN


A view of the border wall between Mexico and the United States, in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico on January 19, 2018. AFP PHOTO / Herika MARTINEZ
(CNN)Roughly a dozen individuals on the terror watchlist were encountered by federal officials at the US southern border from October 2017 to October 2018, according to an administration official familiar with data from Customs and Border Protection.

The number of individuals encountered at the southern border is a very small percentage of the total known or suspected terrorists who tried to enter or travel to the US in fiscal year 2017. That much larger number has been touted by the administration as it seeks to gain support to build a wall on the border.
The official adds there are not significant numbers of known or suspected terrorists crossing the southern border but the number went from "zero to a small increase" over the last couple of years.
But the official said that while the number of potential terrorists trying to cross the border is minimal, the Department of Homeland Security is concerned that terrorists could try to exploit immigration patterns.


Trump plans prime-time address, border visit as shutdown fight continues

A State Department report for the year 2016 said, "There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States."

Of the approximately dozen individuals, around half were prevented from entering the country at a legal port of entry on the southern border and the other half were apprehended crossing the border illegally between ports of entry.
The official did not provide details of whether any of the individuals are currently in US custody. The official noted that just because someone is believed to have a tertiary affiliation doesn't mean there is a prosecutable crime for the Department of Justice to pursue, but it's enough to make sure the individual doesn't make it into the US and for the US to pursue repatriation.

DHS has said -- and reiterated in a fact sheet released Monday night -- that 3,755 known or suspected terrorists tried to enter or travel to the US in fiscal year 2017. But those numbers are for all entry points and visa applications around the world, not just at the southern border.
CNN has reported that the number is misleading when provided in the context of the southern border, as it primarily reflects individuals who were blocked from entering the US when they applied for visas or sought to travel to the US, including by air.

Both the official and DHS also distinguish between individuals on the terror watchlist and what the department calls "special interest aliens," who come from hostile countries or ones with terrorist activity and take irregular routes to the southern border.
Nielsen said some 3,000 "special interest aliens" came to the southern border last year.
It is the new accounting. Itʻs called a HELOC. I added it to messyʻs simulation along with real health insurance, a cement pond safe, go fund me cards, e-money and a printing machine to prime your spigot should Powell decide that he wants to put you to work. I also added a Paulie and Mikey space in the same corner as the monopoly game board. Kek! Enjoy

I see a savings and loan is for sale. Think of all the houses I'll own if I buy it! I'll have rental assets galore.

Once I do that, I'll pay your mythical health insurance for you my corpulent friend, and get you those circulation sox Santa forgot.
US national debt rises $2 trillion under President Trump

According to the Congressional Budget Office, total public debt stood at 78% of America’s gross domestic product in fiscal year 2018, the highest percentage since 1950. The deficit — or the difference between what the government spends and what it takes in over any one year — jumped to 3.8% of GDP in 2018, up from 3.5% in 2017.

That’s particularly unusual in such a strong economy without major new expenditures. If no changes are made, the CBO projects that public debt will rise to 96% of GDP by 2028. A big chunk of that — $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028 — will be due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the CBO reported last April.
Ending the reconquista of America's Southwest
JANUARY 8, 2019
President Trump was elected to stop the reconquest of southwestern America by Mexicans. Before we seized it in 1848, this was Mexican territory. We ...

And then, the Entire State of CA, much of AZ and NM and even TX elected Dems to stop Trump's stupid-ass immigration white elephant.

I see Racist Joe the Sterno Drinking Coward, has not once commented on the "emergency seizure" of property to build the wall. Eminent domain seizure will be needed for something like 90% of the property in Texas alone.

There is a reason border states vote against the stupidity of our kleptocrat president: because it's stupid.

Whether it's 4 or 8 or 12 "person's of interest" or "on a watch list" stopped at the southern border, there have been many, many more stopped at airports, the Canadian border points of entry etc.

The lie of equating a stupid wall, whose land-grabs will be tied up in court for decades, with genuine border oversight and security is obvious and was soundly rejected by CA voters.