The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

a Damn About Us'



President Donald Trump criticized the government for sending billions of dollars of aid to foreign countries instead of using to help the United States.

“You know what’s amazing?” Trump said Sunday at a campaign rally in Georgia. “We give billions and billions of dollars to these foreign countries that don’t give a damn about us, and we can’t get a couple of bucks to farmers who get wiped out by a hurricane. And we’re going to take care of our farmers.”

Trump recalled visiting the Georgia farmers in October who lost a majority of their crops to Hurricane Michael.

“I met with a lot of the farmers and these are great people,” he said. “I’ll never forget it, actually.”

‘They invigorated the GOP!’ Sharyl Attkisson takes Dems’ campaign tactics APART and the Resistance can’t DEAL

Posted at 11:58 am on November 05, 2018 by Sam Janney

For months we’ve been telling the Democrats that attacking Republicans both online and in real life would only help invigorate the Right, and thankfully they haven’t listened to us. Not that we think the Left actually reads Twitchy (except maybe Ron Perlman), but we’re not the only ones who have been telling them all they have to do is not be crazy.


Thank God they didn’t listen.

Sharyl Attkisson takes Democrats’ campaign tactics apart point-by-point in her latest piece for The Hill:

From The Hill:

If you’d asked me even six months ago, I would have told you that the Republicans were the party of shooting themselves in the foot.

But as we move into the final days before the 2018 midterm elections, the Democratic Party is giving Republican tone-deafness and incompetence a very public run for the money — and then some.

Some leading Democrats haven’t seemed to figure out that the harder they’ve worked to expose, silence, scream at, attack and bully those with whom they disagree, the more they’ve invigorated the other side.
Don Albrecht, a 75-year-old accountant and Republican who voted for Trump in 2016, lives blocks away from the Louisville grocery store where two people died. He'd pulled into the parking lot minutes after the gunfire erupted, saw the police cars and shaken employees, and felt like the country's poisonous political climate had landed in his backyard. He wishes he could take back his vote for Trump.

"He has diarrhea of the mouth and diarrhea of the brain. He's just so irresponsible," said Albrecht, who worries Trump's embrace of the far-right is remaking his party. "I don't think the American public is going to put up with it. I think there's going to be a big backlash against Republicans because of this divisiveness."

‘They invigorated the GOP!’ Sharyl Attkisson takes Dems’ campaign tactics APART and the Resistance can’t DEAL

Posted at 11:58 am on November 05, 2018 by Sam Janney

For months we’ve been telling the Democrats that attacking Republicans both online and in real life would only help invigorate the Right, and thankfully they haven’t listened to us. Not that we think the Left actually reads Twitchy (except maybe Ron Perlman), but we’re not the only ones who have been telling them all they have to do is not be crazy.


Thank God they didn’t listen.

Sharyl Attkisson takes Democrats’ campaign tactics apart point-by-point in her latest piece for The Hill:

From The Hill:

If you’d asked me even six months ago, I would have told you that the Republicans were the party of shooting themselves in the foot.

But as we move into the final days before the 2018 midterm elections, the Democratic Party is giving Republican tone-deafness and incompetence a very public run for the money — and then some.

Some leading Democrats haven’t seemed to figure out that the harder they’ve worked to expose, silence, scream at, attack and bully those with whom they disagree, the more they’ve invigorated the other side.
It's like I always say, "I like the format" of Dumbocrats. Speaking of... see above your last post?
Don Albrecht, a 75-year-old accountant and Republican who voted for Trump in 2016, lives blocks away from the Louisville grocery store where two people died. He'd pulled into the parking lot minutes after the gunfire erupted, saw the police cars and shaken employees, and felt like the country's poisonous political climate had landed in his backyard. He wishes he could take back his vote for Trump.

"He has diarrhea of the mouth and diarrhea of the brain. He's just so irresponsible," said Albrecht, who worries Trump's embrace of the far-right is remaking his party. "I don't think the American public is going to put up with it. I think there's going to be a big backlash against Republicans because of this divisiveness."
Speaking of diarrhea.
Don Albrecht, a 75-year-old accountant and Republican who voted for Trump in 2016, lives blocks away from the Louisville grocery store where two people died. He'd pulled into the parking lot minutes after the gunfire erupted, saw the police cars and shaken employees, and felt like the country's poisonous political climate had landed in his backyard. He wishes he could take back his vote for Trump.

"He has diarrhea of the mouth and diarrhea of the brain. He's just so irresponsible," said Albrecht, who worries Trump's embrace of the far-right is remaking his party. "I don't think the American public is going to put up with it. I think there's going to be a big backlash against Republicans because of this divisiveness."

If this is YOUR best display of critical thinking skills by posting the above.....

I've got a couple of Dogs that would love to debate you.
NOVEMBER 6, 2018
Racism on the Rise
By Mark Point
It's obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of pandora's box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What's obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are not rising. It wasn't supposed to be this way, weakness, wealth transfers, preferential treatment, open borders and accommodation were supposed to invite warm feelings, equal outcomes and racial blindness.

It's not the older conservatives but younger ones and future generations who are facing an unpleasant and unprecedented future if this trajectory continues. Not without reason are Millennials questioning the byzantine social codes and power dynamics they inherited from Boomers. Unlike Cold Warrior conservatives who were raised in communities with high social trust whose unifying threat was Eastern communism, Millennials were the first guinea pigs in the "racial blindness" experiment their elders enlisted them into.

By the 1990s the entire constellation of Christian morality and civic responsibility in the public space had been secularized and compressed into a singular mandate. Millennials were taught from childhood that the highest moral good was serving the self-esteem of non-whites. In prior ages virtues such as courage, modesty, chivalry, valor and faith were ways young adults were encouraged to distinguish themselves but for Millennials it was an adeptness and willingness to navigate the mercurial minefield of knowing when and how to serve the self-esteem of non-whites that mattered.

According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing. Having abandoned their inheritance, by the new millennium the custodians of S.T.E.M., Shakespeare and Bach were more likely to be Northeast Asians rather than white. Racial blindness was always around the next corner - the melting pot would begin to melt once whites pulled their children far enough to shoulder so someone else's could pass. It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future.

Over the past thirty years conservatives were busy building an entire culture around anti-socialism while the Left was busy pushing its cultural trojan horse to unleash a whole different kind of plague. Maybe deep down many conservatives knew the anti-white damn would burst but they were too cowardly to confront it. Don't believe me? Railing against socialism won't get you fired from Google but notice the toxic way in which "diversity" is being used against white and you'll be untouchable. By the age of Obama the hatch-door opened and ever since then society's been on an explicitly anti-white trajectory.

So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.

Indeed, it's nice that wrangler-wearing boomers have had their war paint ready to conserv their nest egg from the perennial specter of Soviet style economics. Railing against socialized medicine and magazine limits is not without its merit, but for the sake of their grandchildren maybe they'd like to also counter the forces that seek to degrade whites and for the first time in 2,000 years, permanently disconnect culture associated with them. Is it not obvious that every group on the planet both within and outside the West is encouraged to embrace the legacy of their ancestors except for whites? You can keep your Hayek, Solzhenitsyn and Von Mises just replace the word "class" with "race" and you'll understand the playbook – it's got all the trim of Marxism only the motor is racial.

The "Diversity" program has unmasked itself – hopefully too soon. Diversity is no transcendental virtue it's a political program with one denominator "less white". No champion of Diversity is decrying China for being too Chinese, Sudan for being too black or that Detroit's backwards for a lack of whites. "Person of Color" is the latest newspeak cynically designed to isolate white people. There is a cultural force that has hit critical mass and it needs to be confronted head-on.