The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The swamp: Playing all sides for a fortune in contracts
The Charlotte Observer Mon, May 21 10:00 PM PDT

In a pursuit of money and influence that began at President Donald Trump's inauguration, two American businessmen sought to leverage connections that stretched from Persian Gulf palaces to the Oval Office into more than a billion dollars in contracts.
The Trump administration released a list of requirements for any new nuclear deal with Iran. Iran's president made it clear he's not interested.
The swamp: Playing all sides for a fortune in contracts
The Charlotte Observer Mon, May 21 10:00 PM PDT

In a pursuit of money and influence that began at President Donald Trump's inauguration, two American businessmen sought to leverage connections that stretched from Persian Gulf palaces to the Oval Office into more than a billion dollars in contracts.
Old Fake News
Trumpcare will hurt these people next year

President Donald Trump has crowed about dismantling the Affordable Care Act, even as he has failed to repeal it. But his efforts on health care, so far, are likely to hurt people who aren’t even covered by the ACA.

One group of health-care consumers have had a rough go during the last several years: The 6.7 million Americans who aren’t covered by an employer, who buy insurance on the individual market and who earn too much money to qualify for subsidies under the ACA. These folks tend to be self-employed or work as independent contractors, and insurance premiums for a husband and wife can top $20,000 or even $30,000 a year. Those between 55 and 64 tend to pay the most. (Medicare kicks in once people turn 65.)

Trump wants to help people trim their health-insurance bill, and he has introduced several measures that will help — but only for people who don’t get hurt or sick. People who have pre-existing conditions, or want a comprehensive policy, won’t enjoy any savings. And those who don’t have a big company negotiating insurance premiums on their behalf could see double-digit premium increases in 2019. Again.

“There’s going to be an enormous range of premium increases for 2019,” Larry Levitt of the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation tells Yahoo Finance. “Insurers are pointing toward actions by Congress and the Trump administration that will undermine the market and increase premiums. Bearing the brunt will be middle-class people who buy individual policies and don’t get subsidies under the ACA.”
I hope theses people donʻt hurt themselves.
The swamp: Playing all sides for a fortune in contracts
The Charlotte Observer Mon, May 21 10:00 PM PDT

In a pursuit of money and influence that began at President Donald Trump's inauguration, two American businessmen sought to leverage connections that stretched from Persian Gulf palaces to the Oval Office into more than a billion dollars in contracts.
Maybe if Trump was bowing you would feel better about this,
This guy wasn't interested either,

I was in Iran last year. As an American, you can't travel there without also hiring an Iranian guide. It's just basically a tour guide who have I'd to guess keeps tabs on you for the government, and keeps the true believers from lynching you if they figure out you're American... and yes the guide also makes sure you understand the governments propaganda about Israel, and why the west's acceptance of homosexuals is proof that Middle Eastern Islamic Countries are culturally superior, blah blah blah.

Haha but of course, after a week of traveling around as only an American abroad would understand; before you know it he's showing you online clips of Ellen that make him laugh and arguing about the meaning of the movie American Beauty. One thing I will always remember him saying was that the people over threw the Shah because he was way to permissive, and that they were going to end up over throwing the present government because they were too rigid. It was just one of those fleeting moments of honesty.

In a weird way yes I do think Trumps Ugly American act is working in our interest over seas and I will once again give him credit for having vision a lot of the rest of us didn't with regard to getting NK to the table. That in and of itself is no small feat. I know the Weasel and some others have said he works on a different plane and I will admit with regard to rattling the cages of the world dictators this does seem to be true. That said... if this all shakes out that Trump's heavy handedness leaves us with Iran and NK both actively seeking nukes a year from now, then it will be interesting to see if nutters like Ricky are willing to equally as honest about how things are going.
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James Comey Is In Full-Blown Meltdown Mode Right Now
Politics | Peter Hasson

'How will Republicans explain this to their grandchildren?'
Hey guys, did you know there is a group of guys in DC who are hunting witches?! In 2018?! Someone should be protesting or something. That just seems mean to witches.

I'm sad.
I was in Iran last year. As an American, you can't travel there without also hiring an Iranian guide. It's just basically a tour guide who have I'd to guess keeps tabs on you for the government, and keeps the true believers from lynching you if they figure out you're American... and yes the guide also makes sure you understand the governments propaganda about Israel, and why the west's acceptance of homosexuals is proof that Middle Eastern Islamic Countries are culturally superior, blah blah blah.

Haha but of course, after a week of traveling around as only an American abroad would understand; before you know it he's showing you online clips of Ellen that make him laugh and arguing about the meaning of the movie American Beauty. One thing I will always remember him saying was that the people over threw the Shah because he was way to permissive, and that they were going to end up over throwing the present government because they were too rigid. It was just one of those fleeting moments of honesty.

In a weird way yes I do think Trumps Ugly American act is working in our interest over seas and I will once again give him credit for having vision a lot of the rest of us didn't with regard to getting NK to the table. That in and of itself is no small feat. I know the Weasel and some others have said he works on a different plane and I will admit with regard to rattling the cages of the world dictators this does seem to be true. That said... if this all shakes out that Trump's heavy handedness leaves us with Iran and NK both actively seeking nukes a year from now, then it will be interesting to see if nutters like Ricky are willing to equally as honest about how things are going.
Both countries have been "actively seeking nukes", or to be more accurate, actively developing nukes through the past three US Administrations.
They are actively developing nukes now.
Nothing has changed, yet.