Prices for tournament parking, souvenirs, food, etc

@Monkey and @espola, the agreement is here:

The basic terms of the Lease Agreement with SC Sports (page 33 of above link) are a 25 year lease with 2 10 year options (2.01) ; pays 10% of gross percentage rent after $1.4M threshold (Section 3.02). Parking is prohibited on surrounding public streets during use (Section 1.09).

The relevance of the $1.4M number is that represents the negotiated "break even" point. Until SoCal Sports has $1.4M in gross revenue, it doesn't pay rent. My estimate above was $78k + $50k = $128k x12 = $1.5M, which is fairly close to the $1.4M number. Hmmm, I must know something after all.

Thank you.
@Monkey and @espola, the agreement is here:

The basic terms of the Lease Agreement with SC Sports (page 33 of above link) are a 25 year lease with 2 10 year options (2.01) ; pays 10% of gross percentage rent after $1.4M threshold (Section 3.02). Parking is prohibited on surrounding public streets during use (Section 1.09).

The relevance of the $1.4M number is that represents the negotiated "break even" point. Until SoCal Sports has $1.4M in gross revenue, it doesn't pay rent. My estimate above was $78k + $50k = $128k x12 = $1.5M, which is fairly close to the $1.4M number. Hmmm, I must know something after all.

Another point is the "City Fields and Park Area" and "Walking Trail", shown on Exhibit B of the lease document, which are supposed to be kept accessible to City residents when events are not being held. Has anyone tried to get into those? Are the gates opened for that purpose?
I believe the original agreement was already amended, maybe shortly before it opened?? Also, you include interest payments in your number, for what? Did they pay an amount upfront? Finally how does the clubs that use the fields for their practices factor into this? I don't plan to read the DDA but I remember discussing it a long time ago and there were some unique provisions that were very pro tenant.
espola's pet gripe surfaces again. I can just picture him, shuffling a quarter mile from the train stop, Birkenstocks lightly slapping the pavement, walking stick in hand. Combing the parking lot for a discarded parking pass to post on the forums with which he's obsessed. "Two dollars," he mutters to himself, shaking his head and picking the remnants of his tuna fish lunch off of his stained Poway HS T-Shirt.

As demonstrated in this thread, these fields are expensive to maintain. I have it on good authority that Silverlakes loses hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and would have closed if not for the billionaire propping it up. I doubt these other facilities are much better off. If my choices are playing on mostly dirt in 30 mph winds in Lancaster, or shuffling from middle school to middle school in a tournament, I'm paying the $12 for well-maintained fields all in one spot and I'm thankful for the opportunity.
espola's pet gripe surfaces again. I can just picture him, shuffling a quarter mile from the train stop, Birkenstocks lightly slapping the pavement, walking stick in hand. Combing the parking lot for a discarded parking pass to post on the forums with which he's obsessed. "Two dollars," he mutters to himself, shaking his head and picking the remnants of his tuna fish lunch off of his stained Poway HS T-Shirt.

As demonstrated in this thread, these fields are expensive to maintain. I have it on good authority that Silverlakes loses hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and would have closed if not for the billionaire propping it up. I doubt these other facilities are much better off. If my choices are playing on mostly dirt in 30 mph winds in Lancaster, or shuffling from middle school to middle school in a tournament, I'm paying the $12 for well-maintained fields all in one spot and I'm thankful for the opportunity.

Your information regarding the P&L of Silverlakes and the owner are incorrect
espola's pet gripe surfaces again. I can just picture him, shuffling a quarter mile from the train stop, Birkenstocks lightly slapping the pavement, walking stick in hand. Combing the parking lot for a discarded parking pass to post on the forums with which he's obsessed. "Two dollars," he mutters to himself, shaking his head and picking the remnants of his tuna fish lunch off of his stained Poway HS T-Shirt.

As demonstrated in this thread, these fields are expensive to maintain. I have it on good authority that Silverlakes loses hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and would have closed if not for the billionaire propping it up. I doubt these other facilities are much better off. If my choices are playing on mostly dirt in 30 mph winds in Lancaster, or shuffling from middle school to middle school in a tournament, I'm paying the $12 for well-maintained fields all in one spot and I'm thankful for the opportunity.

I did have a walking stick.
Your information regarding the P&L of Silverlakes and the owner are incorrect

I'm shocked that your definitive denial was not immediately followed by any sort of evidence.

Balboa pays $80k+ per month to Norco for lease and debt repayments. That's before paying one dollar of actual expenses. I'm inclined to believe my source.
@JustAParent and @El Clasico,

Silverlakes is a another animal all together. Here is the PPM for the $5.9M bond. and Cal South and SCDSL contracts.

Silverlakes did its deal through 3 investment rounds: (1) Insiders; (2) 2015 $20M Bond; and (3) 2016 $5.9M Bond. Before the $5.9 Bond it was in debt to the tune of $36M (see, page 73 of PDF). While I don't know RB, I can tell you the guy's net worth in 2016 was pegged at just north of $28M (see, page 66), which is a far, far, far cry from being a Billionaire.

What gets me is these guys seriously overestimated some basic assumptions in their financial models. For example, page 62 Tournament Assumptions are nuts. 20 fields turned 8 times per day? Maybe if its just U9's. 18 cars per team? Ha, ha, ha. Not in this lifetime will any facility see that many cars (more like 12 to 13 per team) because there are always 2-3 players hitching rides and carpooling. Once you get to the Olders, then you get about 9 cars per team.

The restaurant/food assumptions are also way off the mark. The Per Forma on page 93 shows restaurant sales will be about $2M in 2017. We know that the restaurant didn't open this year until very late (Nov./Thanksgiving) so the $2M in revenue is off the books. The kicker is the "Backyard" and "Concert" Revenue. There is absolutely no way Silverlake's saw $5.1M for concert revenue in 2017. Its not a LiveNation or IHeartRadio or AEG.

Bottom line, it would not surprise me to see that its running seriously shy of its projections and in a negative cash flow situation.
I'm shocked that your definitive denial was not immediately followed by any sort of evidence.

Balboa pays $80k+ per month to Norco for lease and debt repayments. That's before paying one dollar of actual expenses. I'm inclined to believe my source.

Damn, did I forget to reference any evidence. My bad. My evidence is "good authority" Hell, if it's good enough for you, then it must be good enough for me....idiot.

The city of Norco does not receive $80k a month from BMG and that number is way off the mark. Revenues and profits have exceeded all expectations since opening day. BMG's own proformas project a net positive cash flow of 3.5 million in 2018. Expect them to continue to reinvest and adding more amenities which will further increase revenues.

Source or no source, you have no f'ing idea what you are talking about. These large venues are ALL cash flow positive and extremely lucrative businesses.

By the way, RB is long f'ing way from being a billionaire and the fact that you made that silly a** statement tells me that you don't know who he is and that you have no idea of any of the partners networths.
I might add that if it were my business, you can bet that I would be losing money on paper every year. Who in their right mind thinks that these investors are in this to lose money?
It’s just going to keep going up because they can. Pretty soon we will be paying $20 a day. Atleast Silverlakes has something to show for our parking $$ but surf and Oceanside have nothing
If we are done early I will drive out holding my parking pass outside my window. Usually someone driving in will see me doing this and slow down to grab my ticket.
I did not read the DDA for Oceanside but who paid for the original development? For some reason I thought there was going to be minimal debt service. I know in some DDAs the City shells out the bulk of the development $ in exchange for lease payments and the generation of tax revenue and other developments coming in. For example big box tenants in malls use to get the build out for free in exchange for attracting other tenants.
It’s just going to keep going up because they can. Pretty soon we will be paying $20 a day. Atleast Silverlakes has something to show for our parking $$ but surf and Oceanside have nothing

If it were $2 a day I would park there without thinking, but at $20/day, people will start getting creative about transportation and parking revenues might actually start falling - classic Laffer curve.
Damn, did I forget to reference any evidence. My bad. My evidence is "good authority" Hell, if it's good enough for you, then it must be good enough for me....idiot.

The city of Norco does not receive $80k a month from BMG and that number is way off the mark. Revenues and profits have exceeded all expectations since opening day. BMG's own proformas project a net positive cash flow of 3.5 million in 2018. Expect them to continue to reinvest and adding more amenities which will further increase revenues.

Source or no source, you have no f'ing idea what you are talking about. These large venues are ALL cash flow positive and extremely lucrative businesses.

By the way, RB is long f'ing way from being a billionaire and the fact that you made that silly a** statement tells me that you don't know who he is and that you have no idea of any of the partners networths.

So, you have seen BMG's internal budget and 2018 projections? I don't believe you.

As for the $80k a month:

"Balboa still has to repay the money used for infrastructure improvements, and recently agreed to a series of repayments beginning in July. The $45,515 per month utilities repayment plan is separate from a $36,000 per month lease Balboa is currently paying. All payments and interest will be deposited back into the city’s water and sewer funds."
So your "source" is an old newspaper article? I shouldn't be surprised. A lot has changed in the last couple of years. A lot. And there is more to come but I am sure your "source" has already filled you in on what the "Billionaire" has planned for the facility next.
Oceanside Sports Complex is one of the biggest bait and switch ever made by developers and Surf Cup. After a few years of being open it doesnt resemble the original plans. In fact the compost facility creates such a healthy breeze for the athletes!
