
Usually their is a court involved when settlements are made.
Perhaps the EPA just said"okay, we're wrong, never mind, just plant a couple of trees, thanks, we're sorry, bye!"

You don't even know what it is you are disagreeing with.
She advocates "living simply and taking a stance against needless waste," an effort organized around what she calls her "5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot (and only in that order)." Refuse things you don't need, reduce things you have, reuse everything, recycle what can't be used and put the rest in the compost bin.

Johnson and her family of four fit an entire year's worth of trash into a pint jar.

Zero Waste enthusiasts say eliminating packaging does not require excessive time and effort.

Johnson makes her own makeup, lip balm, blush (from cocoa powder), mascara and shampoo. Her efforts to replace toilet paper were not so smooth. "Moss was fine at first but dried out quickly and was like wiping with a scouring pad," she laughs.

Thole [a fellow enviro-nut] has posted about making butter, marshmallows, granola, cleaning supplies, dish sponges (out of orphaned socks), tortillas, goat cheese, kale chips, linguine, toothpaste, cotton rounds and washcloths (from her son's stained cotton pajama top), and produce bags (from old T-shirts).
Libs who fear for planet afraid to throw out trash
JULY 11, 2018
The WaPo showcases a woman whose family can fit a year's trash in a pint jar.
Are you following any of this?

1. Enviro-nuts claim that reducing your trash generation doesn't take much time.

2. All you have to do is make your own sponges. And granola. And goat cheese. And toothpaste. And, and, and...

Obviously, following this lifestyle is extremely labor-intensive.

What's more, it's wholly unnecessary. Just look at a satellite photo of the Earth. Most of it is empty. Really empty. I'm not talking metro New York or Miami. I'm talking America as a whole. We could generate enough trash for thousands of years without running out of space.

This is what libs worry about. Taken to this extreme, it's a mental illness.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at Newsmachete.com.
She advocates "living simply and taking a stance against needless waste," an effort organized around what she calls her "5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot (and only in that order)." Refuse things you don't need, reduce things you have, reuse everything, recycle what can't be used and put the rest in the compost bin.

Johnson and her family of four fit an entire year's worth of trash into a pint jar.

Zero Waste enthusiasts say eliminating packaging does not require excessive time and effort.

Johnson makes her own makeup, lip balm, blush (from cocoa powder), mascara and shampoo. Her efforts to replace toilet paper were not so smooth. "Moss was fine at first but dried out quickly and was like wiping with a scouring pad," she laughs.

Thole [a fellow enviro-nut] has posted about making butter, marshmallows, granola, cleaning supplies, dish sponges (out of orphaned socks), tortillas, goat cheese, kale chips, linguine, toothpaste, cotton rounds and washcloths (from her son's stained cotton pajama top), and produce bags (from old T-shirts).
Libs who fear for planet afraid to throw out trash
JULY 11, 2018
The WaPo showcases a woman whose family can fit a year's trash in a pint jar.
Are you following any of this?

1. Enviro-nuts claim that reducing your trash generation doesn't take much time.

2. All you have to do is make your own sponges. And granola. And goat cheese. And toothpaste. And, and, and...

Obviously, following this lifestyle is extremely labor-intensive.

What's more, it's wholly unnecessary. Just look at a satellite photo of the Earth. Most of it is empty. Really empty. I'm not talking metro New York or Miami. I'm talking America as a whole. We could generate enough trash for thousands of years without running out of space.

This is what libs worry about. Taken to this extreme, it's a mental illness.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at Newsmachete.com.
Obviously, following this lifestyle is extremely labor-intensive. Nutters are notoriously lazy.

What's more, it's wholly unnecessary. Just look at a satellite photo of the Earth. Most of it is empty. Really empty. I'm not talking metro New York or Miami. I'm talking America as a whole. We could generate enough trash for thousands of years without running out of space.

Do you know why we aren't always out protesting? We have jobs.
Check the welfare rolls and get back to me, union boy.
WASHINGTON — Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

“I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call ‘welfare crazy checks,’” Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. “They don’t work.”

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


WASHINGTON — Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

“I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call ‘welfare crazy checks,’” Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. “They don’t work.”

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


There you go with the race thing, again.
Change the record.
Breakdown of demographics reveals how black voters swept Obama into White House
By Claire Cohen for MailOnline

Yesterday, 140 million Americans - a staggering 65% of the registered electorate - cast their votes to make Barack Obama the 44th president of the United States of America. Here we show how the results break down...

Black Americans

95% of black voters went to the ballot for Obama and only 4% for McCain.

Obama has succeeded in mobilising African-American voters who, although strongly Democratic, have in the past been apathetic in turning out to vote.

Yesterday's surge in black voters, however, only boosted black turnout by two percentage points from 11% to 13%.

As in previous years, more black women turned out than men.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-025B38F6000005DC-494_468x336.jpg" height="336" width="468" alt="Black voters" class="blkBorder"/>
Black voters have been waiting in line since 5am to vote at the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington


55% of white votes went to McCain including the notoriously hard-to-win white working class vote, but Obama stunned many by taking an impressive 43% of total white votes, cutting the Republican lead compared with 2004.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-025B808A000005DC-98_468x277.jpg" height="277" width="468" alt="White voters" class="blkBorder"/>
Jenna Mahood, 11, watches her mother, Mary Jo Mahood, cast her ballot in the US Presidential election at the Rootstown fire station in Rootstown, Ohio


66% of Hispanic voters turned out for Obama - the best ever result for a Democrat.

McCain only took 31% of the Hispanic vote, despite courting them heavily in his campaign.

Obama used techniques such as Spanish-language adverts to win the Hispanic voters over, many of whom had grown disgruntled with the Bush administration.


56% of the female vote went to Obama, exceeding the usual Democrat advantage.

Many consider that Obama's appeal to women has been key to his electoral victory, while McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, failed to help him secure the support of America's women.

It should be noted that while Obama won the female vote overall, he lost the battle over white women by 7 points.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-02360AD1000005DC-764_468x297.jpg" height="297" width="468" alt="Women voters" class="blkBorder"/>
Three women from different backgrounds vote early in Pompano Beach, Florida


The male vote was essentially tied with 49% voting for Obama, thus evening the score on the male-heavy Republican advantage in 2004.

41% of white males voted for Obama, making him the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to take more than 38% in this category.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-025C5894000005DC-329_468x286.jpg" height="286" width="468" alt="Ohio voters" class="blkBorder"/>
These two male voters have a long hard think before casting their ballots in Columbus, Ohio

Under- 30's

66% of under-30's showed their support for Obama - far higher than in any previous election - compared to 31% for McCain.

A staggering 54% of young white voters also went for Obama.

Overall, this also helped Obama secure a high number of first time voters; 71% of whom voted Democrat.

McCain only managed to secure 29% of first-time voters, compared to 53% for John Kerry in 2004.

Obama's youth - at 47 he is one of the youngest ever presidents - appealed to and energised many of those who were voting for the first time.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-025BCA30000005DC-261_468x286.jpg" height="286" width="468" alt="Tanner Tillotson" class="blkBorder"/>
First-time voter Tanner Tillotson casts his ballot in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire


Nearly 25 per cent of U.S. adults - about 30 million - are Catholic and 54 per cent of them voted for pro-abortion Obama as opposed to 46 per cent for McCain.

Observers say the economy became the key issue for many Catholic Americans, which, along with issues such as the Iraq War and health care, eclipsed abortion.



63% of Asian voters went to the ballot for Obama and 34% for McCain.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/05/article-1083335-025BB526000005DC-27_468x304.jpg" height="304" width="468" alt="Voters line up outside a polling centre in Kansas City, Missouri" class="blkBorder"/>
Voters line up outside a polling centre in Kansas City, Missouri


78% of the Jewish vote went to Obama. Jewish support - which made up 2% of the overall electorate - has, in recent years, been overwhelmingly Democrat; with Al Gore receiving 79% in 2000 and John Kerry 74% in 2004.
