Cowbells and grabbing the ball after a score....

I've seen vuvezellas (sp?) at a U9 AYSO Spring game before.
I've heard someone pounding a drum at a tournament game at silverlakes last summer at 8 am.
I've heard people sitting in a parking lot behind the fields at Vegas cup having a tailgate party, chugging beers and screaming at a kids game.
I was at a sand soccer tournament this past weekend where a group of parent sat behind the goal heckling the keeper every time a shot came at her. (Come on miss it!!! . Shoot it harder next time, shes scared).
A cowbell wouldn't be out of the ordinary.
Was that the Huntington Beach sand tourney? Saw an almost melee break out in a younger boys game right next to my DD's 03 game. Lifeguards and I think cops had to show up...forfeit. All that testosterone wasted on a 7v7 sand game basically being played for fun? Ridiculous