Coach background checks

Where did you get this information? Do you have research that backs it up? I have never seen a study that makes it seem that driving while high on weed is not as bad as alcohol.
I don't understand your question. A poster asked me what myths there are about marijuana - that list is many of the myths that people believe (Merriam Webster dictionary definition of myth: an unfounded or false notion )
Yes, you can OD on cannabis..... since you aren't aware of that here is an article so you know how to recognize the signs and what to do. Overdose does not mean you die ("In general, an illicit drug overdose can be defined as a drug dose that is large enough to be toxic. It can be fatal or nonfatal, depending on the amount of drug or combinations of drugs consumed. " definition from U of Arizona)
Non-fatal OD of Cannabis is very controversial - even when you talk to conservative doctors. I’m a conservative person and side on data - data on this is loose to say the least. The first fatal cannabis OD have to be retracted due to drs jumping the gun to be the first to claim cannabis OD. Still not smart for someone to smoke a bunch of weed if you have a heart condition. I’m not a fan of rec weed use but also not a fan of a lot of other substance abuse - especially when you add children to the convo. This convo without going into vaping and that industry. At least we are are here discussing it and getting various points of views. Full disclosure, my immediate family and some of my friends are in the marijuana industry and I’m often sent info to review - mainly anything technically or medically wordy. Some folks are real gung-ho/cheerleady about weed use and some folks are real “it’s evil” - think a moderate’s point of view help filter a lot of possible bad emotional decisions. I’ve researched and ventured into medical applications but the current marijuana industry is like our club system - have to pay-to-play and good amount of talent/ideas are priced out. Medical aspects pro/con really could have its own thread in off-topic
I don't understand your question. A poster asked me what myths there are about marijuana - that list is many of the myths that people believe (Merriam Webster dictionary definition of myth: an unfounded or false notion )

I was just curious where you learned those things. For example, did you read it in a medical journal or a news article. The question was more put of interest than anything.
You all can figure it out yourselves. My knowledge is science and research based but I agree with the other posters that ilthis has gone off topic and actually have become bored with the conversation .