Calll iit like I see it

But whatever you do don't address the problem at hand..
What’s the problem at hand? That a lot of people are on welfare while people have more wealth than at any time in history? And California, as the most populous and popular state, has extreme examples of both? Is that what you mean?
What’s the problem at hand? That a lot of people are on welfare while people have more wealth than at any time in history? And California, as the most populous and popular state, has extreme examples of both? Is that what you mean?
You really are an idiot. Having 33% of all the welfare recipients in the country here in California doesn't set off alarms for you? Of course not... your the 1%.
You really are an idiot. Having 33% of all the welfare recipients in the country here in California doesn't set off alarms for you? Of course not... your the 1%.
I asked you what is the concern. We have about 30% of the billionaires too. Does that concern you? What’s your point?
Maybe, just maybe Gov Newsome will actually not be a disaster. His trip to Central America where he said that the best way to help the people would be to try to make their country a better place. Now how he plans to accomplish this is another story...