An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America

That's not the point.
The point is 30 round clips were available in a semi automatic "assault" rifle, yet school shootings were rare.
So tell us again what has changed....

And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
It's called a discussion ya jack ass.
You've offered that it's the NRA fault for all these school shootings.
That of course is absurd.

I gave you my position on the discussion. You are pretending I didn't. Seems to be a habit of yours. Will you still be asking me this months from now?
Gun sales peak upward after every mass shooting because the loons fear the government might be forced to act logically and pass laws supported by the majority of Americans.
What would gun sales do if the populace was not concerned with the government banning weapons?
(like back in the 60s and 70s, when the NRA wasnt the "secret government")
Trump came in talking about filling the leadership void in America... and again we see him hiding from an issue. He signed legislation that making it easier for the mentally ill to get a gun and now some wacko shoots up a school and Trumps no where to be found! Is this just how it is now, is he coming up with a plan- the buck stops with him and he has to come out and have an honest conversation with America how his administration views the issue.

And I don't want to just pick on Trump. Since the Republicans took over there has just been a total lack of accountability in government.
And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....

You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....

The good ole days. When men were men and liberals were moderate republicans.
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....


I was talking about your 30-round magazine.

"We do not think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States." NRA Executive Vice-President Franklin Orth, testifying at hearings for the Firearms Control Act of 1968, which banned mail-order gun sales like Oswald's purchase.

What has changed since then?
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....

Yes, an Oswald reloaded twice in 8 seconds if you can believe that . . . how many people can you kill with a single action rifle compared to a semi-automatic AR? Or with a bump stock (which Congress said they would act on but have once again done nothing)?
I gave you my position on the discussion. You are pretending I didn't. Seems to be a habit of yours. Will you still be asking me this months from now?
Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...
I said I disagreed with your NRA's much more complex than that.
As I said before, the idiots are more common...
What has changed in our society that emboldens these unconscionable amoral malcontents to act out in this manor?
I'm wondering why we have more unconscionable amoral malcontents...
You blame the NRA....brilliant!
Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...
I said I disagreed with your NRA's much more complex than that.
As I said before, the idiots are more common...
What has changed in our society that emboldens these unconscionable amoral malcontents to act out in this manor?
I'm wondering why we have more unconscionable amoral malcontents...
You blame the NRA....brilliant!

You are ignoring the NRA's change from supporting responsible gun ownership, safety, and marksmanship to being a paid tool of the gun industry. And you respond with obfuscation and riddles.
Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...
I said I disagreed with your NRA's much more complex than that.
As I said before, the idiots are more common...
What has changed in our society that emboldens these unconscionable amoral malcontents to act out in this manor?
I'm wondering why we have more unconscionable amoral malcontents...
You blame the NRA....brilliant!
Nothing new under the sun . . .

Given the later crimes of Zu Shenatir in the fifth century A.D., it’s fitting that Aden, Yemen, Shenatir’s city, has long been linked with the biblical story of Cain and Abel. Unlike Cain, the world’s first murderer, Shenatir killed purely for pleasure. Exactly how many people he killed has never been recorded, but records state that he was a wealthy pedophile who sodomized his victims and then killed them by throwing them out the window.

The historian Laurence Stone calculated that homicide levels in medieval England were at least 10 times what they are today. Certainly, we cannot doubt that it was a dangerous time in which to live. An exceptional case, even by medieval standards, is provided by 14th‑century Oxford. Levels of violence there were considered unacceptably high by contemporaries: in the 1340s, the homicide rate was around 110 per 100,000. (In the UK in 2011, it was 1 per 100,000.)

Think if they had Uzis?