Amazing case for restricting government gun laws to conform to the US Constitution

Apparently there are are far more white nationaliat, apologist for and silently in agreement with then we ever imagined, This is America.
Quite the imagination indeed.
This is America and you are free to post removing all doubt.
I'm the one that points out your stupidly, ignorance and your comprehension problems....
The one with your nose sniffing my ass.
The next time will be the first time. Just crying you don't like my opinion nor the facts I use to refute the propaganda you believe don't equate a case made. Make your case or quit crying like a spoiled child.
Las Vegas country music festival shooting - 58 dead, 422 wounded, one policeman fired for cowardice, all accomplished with legally acquired guns and ammo. The shooter had expressed contorted views about the 2nd Amendment and was a vocal t supporter. His first crime was breaking a hotel window and things went downhill from there.
Still way more deaths from gun suicides.
Which one are you?

Anyone who disagrees with you is called an assortment of
Racist epithets.....that's your only comebacks ..Period.

Like I've said many times in the past ....

You need to seek the TRUTH and you can still get that
higher education you so sorely desire....
Anyone who disagrees with you is called an assortment of
Racist epithets.....that's your only comebacks ..Period.

Like I've said many times in the past ....

You need to seek the TRUTH and you can still get that
higher education you so sorely desire....
If the hood fits.
If the hood fits.


This some of your " Homies " in Syria....
