
Fact - I'm not an idiot (and I have the test results to prove it).
Well then....that's why the doctor labeled you " Idiot savant "...

And I said "arguing facts". You didn't even get that right.

Oh we have the facts on you correct....all knowledge about YOU
has been posted by YOU.....

Now what....

Stolen Golf Balls...
Filthy Filner..
Creepy deviant...
Etc....all sourced from YOU ....!
Busing vs t's appeasement tour.

Kamala Harris was 20 years too late on her busing argument...
She just attack an old creepy Liar who's very slow to the punch...
A three year old could have won that debate....

If she is the nominee ...she's in for one hell of an ass whoopin....

Even " Willie Brown " has distanced himself from her...
Her record in California is atrocious, just ask any Law Enforcement Agency...
She was set up to be the next " Golden Child " ( Female Version ) except
they forgot to check her past...oh my, how'd they miss that...!
I notice California is trying desperately to " Unionize " every Govt affiliation or
subset they can in the next 10 - 12 months.....

Just more crooked criminal voter operations by the Democrats....
Woop, there it is.

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black home ownership, tackling racial wealth gap
By Sam Dorman | Fox New
Kamala Harris stands by decision to confront Joe Biden at debate

Biden supporters push back against Harris; reaction and analysis from Fox News contributor Mo Elleithee and Guy Benson.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced Saturday that she would invest $100 billion of federal money into housing assistance for black families as part of an effort to close the racial wealth gap in the United States if elected President.

"After generations of discrimination, it’s time to give Black families a real shot at homeownership," Harris tweeted on Saturday.

While appearing at Essence's Global Black Economic Forum, she emphasized the role of home ownership in driving the growth of wealth in the U.S. According to Harris' campaign, she would help 4 million homebuyers through down-payment and closing-cost assistance -- granting up to $25,000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
JULY 6, 2019
The Amazing Deflatable Buttigieg
By Christopher Skeet
A scenario unfolded last week that has become boringly predictable. Bad guy does bad things. Good guy with authority shows up to stop him. Bad guy attacks good guy with weapon. Good guy shoots bad guy. Bad guy’s “community” allege good guy is racist. Craven politician holds town hall meeting. Craven politician gets shouted down by angry mob. Craven politician folds like wet paper to angry mob’s demands. Craven politician appoints special prosecutor to investigate good guy, who determines good guy was justified in shooting the bad guy. Angry mob insists the “system” is rigged against them. Bad guy’s kindergarten graduation picture circulates Internet. Bad guy’s relatives give interview explaining how much bad guy had always dreamed of being an astronaut. Media salivates all over itself. Other good guys question the sanity of risking their lives to stop bad guys. Less good guys volunteer to do so. Crime increases. Angry mob blames the “system” for neglecting rising crime. Meanwhile, another bad guy does bad things. Good guy with authority shows up to stop him. Rinse. Repeat.

Okay, only the first half of this scenario has happened so far, but who wants to bet against the second half playing out as predicted? In this specific biopunk performance, the role of the craven politician who succumbed to the mob of his own creation was none other than America’s Aww Shucks Mayor, Pete Buttigieg. In his charming hometown of South Bend, Indiana, a white police officer shot a black car burglar Eric Logan who, ignoring the officer’s verbal instructions to halt, came at him with a knife. In a move he now certainly regrets, Buttigieg took a break from his presidential campaign to return to South Bend to chaperone a grotesque orgy of racist invective, during which was made evident that his constituents have determined the officer’s guilt solely based on his skin color (as well as Logan’s innocence, for the same reason). There was zero interest in factual evidence, and even less in the presumption of innocence. Not one to get hung up on such trivialities, Buttigieg made clear from his more passionate ripostes that his sole interest was placating the mob. Everyone, it’s all my fault. I might as well have pulled the trigger myself. I’ll try to do better. I’m calling in everyone from DOJ to Scotland Yard to come investigate. The Stasi? Yeah, I can call them too. Your wish is my command, but please just stop yelling at me. (I paraphrase, but that was basically the gist). From the opening gambit he allowed the inmates to run the asylum, and with every panicked concession he gave, the circling sharks simply grew more frenzied at the scent of blood.
Woop, there it is.

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black home ownership, tackling racial wealth gap
By Sam Dorman | Fox New
Kamala Harris stands by decision to confront Joe Biden at debate

Biden supporters push back against Harris; reaction and analysis from Fox News contributor Mo Elleithee and Guy Benson.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced Saturday that she would invest $100 billion of federal money into housing assistance for black families as part of an effort to close the racial wealth gap in the United States if elected President.

"After generations of discrimination, it’s time to give Black families a real shot at homeownership," Harris tweeted on Saturday.

While appearing at Essence's Global Black Economic Forum, she emphasized the role of home ownership in driving the growth of wealth in the U.S. According to Harris' campaign, she would help 4 million homebuyers through down-payment and closing-cost assistance -- granting up to $25,000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Racism huh?
Biden: I Was ‘Wrong’ to ‘Give the Impression’ I Was Praising Segregationists
IAN HANCHETT6 Jul 20191,276

During a speech on Saturday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden apologized for giving the impression that he was praising segregationists during earlier remarks on working with segregationist senators and said that he is “sorry for any of the pain or misconception” the comments might have caused.

Biden said, “Was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes, I was. I regret it. And I’m sorry for any of the pain or misconception they may have caused anybody.”


July 7, 2019
Welcome to the Democrat Freak Show
By Rich Logis
The Democrats' working families, small business growth, and national security plan is as follows: raise our taxes; abolish private-pay health insurance; take our guns; regulate our industries out of existence; take what's left of our salaries to pay for slavery reparations and abortions for men; exploit our youths into Vlad Lenin idol-worshiping Redcoat Hitler Youth; and open our borders indefinitely, suborning illegal aliens to break laws without consequences. Oh, and don't forget the "free" health care for illegal aliens!

There are "Truman Show" narratives, and there's reality. What was heard on the stages of the first two Democrat 2020 "debates" was the antithesis of what the majority of Americans in the majority of states want: nationalism and strong state sovereignty, fewer taxes and less government spending, guaranteed constitutional rights upheld by our courts and lawmakers, and good ol' common sense. There wasn't much "debating"; all 20 candidates, including the complicit NBC moderators, peddled virtually identical anti-American and anti-nationalist polices. One wrestled with whether to laugh or to cry, mortified.

Are the Democrat candidates trying to lose? A century after Major League Baseball's Black Sox Scandal, one would be forgiven for mistaking the Democrats as the political equivalent of the Sox. I don't believe that the freaks are trying to lose, but I'm confident that they know what they're selling isn't the Glengarry leads.

The only Democrats who should frighten us more than those who don't believe the inanity they peddle are the ones who do. The Democrats' 2020 platform is tailored to the tens of millions of young voters they've spent the last two decades exploiting via A Clockwork Orange Ludovico-esque techniques and tactics. The people on these stages are worse than fringe wackos, conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites, such as Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan, because they're established, accepted figures within one of our two major parties. The syllabus of their political education includes sharia theocracy, Marxism, Leninism, communism, socialism, Nazism, Stalinism, and Maoism. The freaks are the anthropomorphic amalgamation of the worst mass-suffering, oppressive ideologies in world history. Listen to how Democrats talk: we're going to take your money, take your guns, put you in jail, put you out of business. That tens of millions nationwide cheerlead for this is horrifying.

Democrats want us fearing the government; when the people are afraid of the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Perhaps this is just me playing scared, but we can't take our eye off the ball in any state next year. There are no more guaranteed red states — only blue and purple states. With the announcement earlier this week by the Trump administration that our 2020 Census will not include the citizenship question, this is now especially true; the Census count won't affect 2020, but it will 2022–2032.

Dangerous, Desperate Democrats

Remember this: as much hatred of Trump as there was in 2016, it will have had 48 months to fester come 2020. A desperate enemy — one willing to sacrifice its own offspring for self-preservation — is a dangerous enemy.

I do often wonder: does our side understand just how much effort Democrats exert to conquer us? Democrats are militant; I see no way to defeat them unless we reciprocate with more effort and more intensity. Our preference is be left alone, with our rights intact and un-infringed. Democrats, however, believe the opposite: no one who shuns the Democrat death cult should ever be left alone. For God's sake, America twice elected a guy in President Obama who, as a community organizer, was paid to agitate and harass Chicagoans who were too busy raising families and operating their businesses to worship at the secular altar of "progressivism" and "fundamental transformation."

Democrat politicians are just taxpayer-funded activists who come to Miami, Florida and quote Che Guevera, a murderous terrorist who killed some of the ancestors of the Cubans who live in Miami. Politics is a vanity project for Democrat lawmakers; they have no interest in governing or representing. Their interest is in owning and manacling you, your families, and your livelihoods.

Yes, to some extent, every president is an activist. The reality is, though, that the majority of people in the majority of states doesn't want an activist president; we want a fighter, a doer, and a nationalist worker — someone who combines Jeffersonian 10th Amendment lowercase-"r" republicanism, a healthy skepticism of federal overreach and constitutional textualist originalism with Adamsian federalism, which seeks that ever-elusive harmony between states and a stable, centralized federal government. Trump was never mistaken for a constitutionalist, but his commonsense instincts have, for the most part, beautifully aligned with the common sense of our foundational legal contract. As we celebrate our nation's 243rd birthday, let us not forget that our Founders, like Trump, were not politicians.

The constant battle against the Democrats is exhausting but necessary. We are without a choice. If you haven't had cold-sweat nightmares from what you heard at the first two "debates," you're not paying close enough attention. The only way to deal with these people is to beat them into political submission.

I pray that the Democrat 2020 ticket will be Biden/Warren. I want Biden because I want us to plant the tombstone at the grave of Obama's legacy. I want him to feel the sting of losing and coming so close; losing in the primary would be a wholly unsatisfactory denouement. Defeating Hillary Clinton was somewhat defeating Obama. Biden, conversely, is an extension of Obama, who once called Biden the greatest vice president in American history.

Those on our side who are not yet taking the Democrat threat seriously need to get on the team right now. We needed every vote we could muster in 2016. This election should not be merely about winning — it should be about winning big, about continuing the reformation of our country into the kind of republic our Founders envisioned: self-rule, self-governing, self-regulating.

I expect a 35- to 40-state win next year; that's the good news. The bad? If you think the Democrats are scary now, just wait until 2021. They'll make Obama look like Trump. Despite our win in 2016, and our anticipated win next year, the war to take our country back is just getting started. There are only two sides: America and the Democrats. What side are you on?
Biden: I Was ‘Wrong’ to ‘Give the Impression’ I Was Praising Segregationists
IAN HANCHETT6 Jul 20191,276

During a speech on Saturday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden apologized for giving the impression that he was praising segregationists during earlier remarks on working with segregationist senators and said that he is “sorry for any of the pain or misconception” the comments might have caused.

Biden said, “Was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes, I was. I regret it. And I’m sorry for any of the pain or misconception they may have caused anybody.”
What was he thinking? He could have just given them money to buy homes closer to the schools.
JULY 7, 2019
Kamala Harris wants to gift $25k of taxpayers’ money to black families earning $125k to buy houses
By Thomas Lifson
Kamala Harris is aggressively courting black voters and doing the Dem Thing: offering free money courtesy of federal taxpayers. The daughter of two immigrants, a mixed-race Jamaican from a slave-owning family and a South Asian Indian, she wants to parlay her complexion into a bogus ethnic identity as an African-American.

Evidently anxious to recapitulate the 2008 financial crisis, when home buyers who had been encouraged to buy houses they couldn’t really afford defaulted on mortgages, the scheme she offered to the Essene Festival would have you and me and other taxpayers give large sums of money to African-Americans to make the down payment on homes. Tyler Pager reports for Bloomberg:

Taking aim at the racial wealth gap in the U.S., Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris proposed a $100 billion program to help black families and individuals buy homes.

Speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans on Saturday, Harris said the program would help with down payments and other costs associated with purchasing homes.

The program, she estimated, would help 4 million families who live or rent in historically red-lined areas, or those where loans are often refused because borrowers are seen as poor financial risks.

“We must right the wrong, and after generations of discrimination give black families a real shot at home-ownership -- historically one of the most powerful drivers of wealth,” Harris said.

The program, which would be administrated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, would give grants of up to $25,000 to families with incomes of up to $100,000, or as much as $125,000 in high-income communities. Harris said the plan would, over time, reduce the wealth gap between black and white families by one-third.

Harris, a lawyer, knows that the racial discrimination inherent in her proposal is unconstitutional, but she obviously doesn’t care. She is only interested in hyping the sense of victimization of African-Americans and appearing to be offering balm.

The average family income in the United States last year was $61,372 (a new high), so Harris wants families earning twice the average income to receive a gift based on their race.

Ed Lasky correctly observes, “Keep this up and the GOP will retake the House and Trump will win”
JULY 8, 2019
Pete Buttigieg Strikes Out on Racism and Police
By Rich Logis
South Bend, Ind. and its mayor and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, are another example of failed Democrat governing.

In last week's "debate" (how was it a debate when all the candidates peddled almost identical anti-American and anti–common sense policies?), Buttigieg asserted that his city, and America as a whole, has problems with its police forces because of systemic racism and bigoted beliefs held by law enforcement officers.

What does South Bend have in common with other municipalities with notoriously poor relations between residents and police officers, such as Baltimore and Los Angeles? If you guessed "the city has been run by Democrats for forever," you're correct.

Well, not quite correct on the "forever" part. The primary culprit is the chronic crime rampant throughout cities that Democrats have controlled for tens of thousands of consecutive days, including South Bend, where eight of the nine council seats are held by Democrats and where the last time someone not a Democrat was mayor was over 17,000 days ago. Richard Nixon was our president.

South Bend's rates of violent crime and property crime — oftentimes the gateway drug to violent crime — are well above Indiana's and the national rates and have been for decades.

With so much crime, and so many career criminals, not just in South Bend, but in other longtime Democrat locales, how can reasonable Americans think the relationships with police officers and the residents they serve would be a happy and harmonious one?

Buttigieg has been mayor since 2012. From the moment he assumed his position, he had problems with his police force. Soon after being sworn in, Buttigieg demoted the city's first black police chief because the chief allegedly ordered South Bend residents to secretly record alleged racist comments from white officers. Last month, Sgt. Ryan O'Neill, who's white, shot and killed a black man, Eric Logan. An investigation is ongoing; O'Neill's body camera was not turned on. Logan allegedly lunged at O'Neill with a knife.
JULY 7, 2019
Kamala Harris wants to gift $25k of taxpayers’ money to black families earning $125k to buy houses
By Thomas Lifson
Kamala Harris is aggressively courting black voters and doing the Dem Thing: offering free money courtesy of federal taxpayers. The daughter of two immigrants, a mixed-race Jamaican from a slave-owning family and a South Asian Indian, she wants to parlay her complexion into a bogus ethnic identity as an African-American.

Evidently anxious to recapitulate the 2008 financial crisis, when home buyers who had been encouraged to buy houses they couldn’t really afford defaulted on mortgages, the scheme she offered to the Essene Festival would have you and me and other taxpayers give large sums of money to African-Americans to make the down payment on homes. Tyler Pager reports for Bloomberg:

Taking aim at the racial wealth gap in the U.S., Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris proposed a $100 billion program to help black families and individuals buy homes.

Speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans on Saturday, Harris said the program would help with down payments and other costs associated with purchasing homes.

The program, she estimated, would help 4 million families who live or rent in historically red-lined areas, or those where loans are often refused because borrowers are seen as poor financial risks.

“We must right the wrong, and after generations of discrimination give black families a real shot at home-ownership -- historically one of the most powerful drivers of wealth,” Harris said.

The program, which would be administrated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, would give grants of up to $25,000 to families with incomes of up to $100,000, or as much as $125,000 in high-income communities. Harris said the plan would, over time, reduce the wealth gap between black and white families by one-third.

Harris, a lawyer, knows that the racial discrimination inherent in her proposal is unconstitutional, but she obviously doesn’t care. She is only interested in hyping the sense of victimization of African-Americans and appearing to be offering balm.

The average family income in the United States last year was $61,372 (a new high), so Harris wants families earning twice the average income to receive a gift based on their race.

Ed Lasky correctly observes, “Keep this up and the GOP will retake the House and Trump will win”
Thatʻs another dumb chick.
What was he thinking? He could have just given them money to buy homes closer to the schools.

Well let me hedge this by saying that while I don't see a lot of humor in, what I think we most would agree, is the fact that there are a lot of kids attending subpar schools- given that we live in a country that promises to educate it's youth. I think the only issue I have with Kamela is to listen to her you'd think this is only in the inner cities. It sort of reminds me of what I don't like about Trump in a way.

But that said... yes you've summed it up.
Well let me hedge this by saying that while I don't see a lot of humor in, what I think we most would agree, is the fact that there are a lot of kids attending subpar schools- given that we live in a country that promises to educate it's youth. I think the only issue I have with Kamela is to listen to her you'd think this is only in the inner cities. It sort of reminds me of what I don't like about Trump in a way.

But that said... yes you've summed it up.
Government makes a lot of sub par promises.
What a nut.

Elizabeth Warren: Crossing the Border Illegally Should Not Be a Criminal Offense


AP/Andrew Harnik
HANNAH BLEAU8 Jul 20195,206
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) does not believe it should be a criminal offense to cross the border illegally, she said during an interview with the California Nation podcast, which was posted Monday.

While the presidential candidate hit a number of issues during the broad discussion, Section 1325 of the immigration code, which makes it a criminal offense for people to cross the border illegally, became a highlight.