CalSouth National Cup Question (use of ECNL players)

Is arsenal the Hat or the shoe in their monopoly...
TGIF kongzilla is out swinging while soccerpops03 is happy his DD got the medal. Wished this "phantom" EGSL team played National Cup and probably would have advanced playing tomorrow's round of 16. The only concern for this team is that the original 6 EGSL players would be riding the pine even more.

"Go big or go home" or "baby steps"
TGIF kongzilla is out swinging while soccerpops03 is happy his DD got the medal. Wished this "phantom" EGSL team played National Cup and probably would have advanced playing tomorrow's round of 16. The only concern for this team is that the original 6 EGSL players would be riding the pine even more.

"Go big or go home" or "baby steps"
ChinN muSIC..
Keeper Pops Holding it Down! ... I think your on to something . . . but to be fair Randy has made it a point to play the EGSL players 1/2 or 2/3rds of the game ... they played in the championship game and got to experience State Cup ... but I got your point
You guys just don't get it. We played to win. Eagles had a few ECNL players too. They just didn't plan it out as well as we did. We kept an empty team and played short all year to make sure we could get into President's. This then let us bring in the 13 ECNL players. We just planned better and gamed the system better. That is part of club soccer . We didn't break any rules. We moved players before the deadline. The fact that no flight 2 teams could keep up with us is not our fault. If they want to win, they need to get better. They were lucky to get to play a high level team. Our ECNL girls improved and our few EGSL girls got to see real soccer (some of them even got on the field). Plus, we almost even lost to that CV team who we beat 1-0 and they didn't have any ECNL players. Even though our EGSL players didn't get in that game for more than a few minutes, they were part of it. Being part of it made them better and they had a great time. Our ECNL players got some extra work. Again, we did not cheat. Did not break any rules. We just took advantage of bad rules. While it may be unethical, and ruined the experience for everyone else, its not illegal. And guess what, we walked out with the trophy.
So Cal Soccer peeps - Arsenal is not that bad ... I promise ... we love to watch our DD'S Play, learn and win just like the rest of you ... Please don't hold our passion for the game and winning against us . . . Olive Branch?
Also, Randy Brown didn't lie in the video on Cal South website. The girls did have a tough season. It was amazing to "bounce back from adversity and win state cup." What a coaching job to take a 1-9 team to a flawless State Cup Victory. As he said, "it is something the girls will never forget." I know my DD will never forget it.
You guys just don't get it. We played to win. Eagles had a few ECNL players too. They just didn't plan it out as well as we did. We kept an empty team and played short all year to make sure we could get into President's. This then let us bring in the 13 ECNL players. We just planned better and gamed the system better. That is part of club soccer . We didn't break any rules. We moved players before the deadline. The fact that no flight 2 teams could keep up with us is not our fault. If they want to win, they need to get better. They were lucky to get to play a high level team. Our ECNL girls improved and our few EGSL girls got to see real soccer (some of them even got on the field). Plus, we almost even lost to that CV team who we beat 1-0 and they didn't have any ECNL players. Even though our EGSL players didn't get in that game for more than a few minutes, they were part of it. Being part of it made them better and they had a great time. Our ECNL players got some extra work. Again, we did not cheat. Did not break any rules. We just took advantage of bad rules. While it may be unethical, and ruined the experience for everyone else, its not illegal. And guess what, we walked out with the trophy.
Also, Randy Brown didn't lie in the video on Cal South website. The girls did have a tough season. It was amazing to "bounce back from adversity and win state cup." What a coaching job to take a 1-9 team to a flawless State Cup Victory. As he said, "it is something the girls will never forget." I know my DD will never forget it.
Your encl girls didnt bounce back from a losing season..i guess steroid use is ok to you also. Because adding encl players is like using phd's..
Biz ... Are you starting rumors that arsenal Girls are Juicing?

Thats how rumors get started you know ... I can see the board blowing up "Oh My gosh Arsenal Parents are not only juicing vegetables their also juicing their Kids ... Geez Where's Barry Bonds when you need him? . . . Anyone have a hook up on HGH (Human Growth Hormones) . . .just asking
Biz ... Are you starting rumors that arsenal Girls are Juicing?

Thats how rumors get started you know ... I can see the board blowing up "Oh My gosh Arsenal Parents are not only juicing vegetables their also juicing their Kids ... Geez Where's Barry Bonds when you need him? . . . Anyone have a hook up on HGH (Human Growth Hormones) . . .just asking
Of course not but when you go 1-9 using a noast from encl players might as well be..let the record reflect i am not saying arsenal is juicing..
Biz I was Kidding Man! Trying to be funny ...

But ... I am offended that You don't think that was the greatest Team Turn around in the history of EGSL U14 division ... smile
A bit ignorant by Arsenal Papa " The fact that no flight 2 teams could keep up with us is not our fault. If they want to win, they need to get better." A lot of teams did get better and then they moved up to National Cup...
The more arsenal parents talk the more we understand why RB has a job still. I throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I hear them say, same age group, good competition. Got to see good players, can't get better if you don't play the best etc.
The girls in presidents know where they rank in the soccer scene. They've been on flight 1 teams and sat the bench all season before. They've been the first cut at tryouts every year since they were 8. They are on the 2ND or 3Rd team in their club in their age group. They've played above their head against good flight 1 teams in tournaments trying to get better. They keep coming back trying to make it to the next level. They are tough because they don't quit. They don't need the patches to drop down and teach them anything they don't already know. This "accomplishment" is just like the manure fertilizing Silverlakes.
Have you ever walked thru a swap meet or by a garage sale and see someone selling thier trophies, and wonder, "who the hell would want someone else's trophies?!" I think I finally see the answer. Doesn't matter how they get the hardware, as long as they get it. Comical.