So who has already had tryouts

In San Diego, SDSC, Arsenal/Force & Poway have had tryouts. Everyone else seems to be right around the corner. Good luck to all.
200 girls for tryouts is insane. There's no way to weed through that many girls in a few hours, is there?

Same situation with 06 pools -- super sized pools -- lots of Blues, Strikers, Irvine Slammers/LAGOC, and CDA there at end of last year. Was the happening spot LOL!!
New club in Carlsbad, South Coast Soccer Club, is also having tryouts soon (02/25). From their Facebook page:

Registration open now!

Tryouts for all ages for both Recreational and Competitive levels for South Coast Soccer Club.

Address of venue: 2605 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Contact Mary by email on for details

Please arrive 20 minutes earlier.

Cost to Tryout is $20 which will be refunded back on registration payment made out to "soccer awareness" please.


Saturday February 25th 10am to 11.30am U5 to U9 Noon to 1.30pm U10 to U16

Register :-
New club in Carlsbad, South Coast Soccer Club, is also having tryouts soon (02/25). From their Facebook page:

Registration open now!

Tryouts for all ages for both Recreational and Competitive levels for South Coast Soccer Club.

Address of venue: 2605 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Contact Mary by email on for details

Please arrive 20 minutes earlier.

Cost to Tryout is $20 which will be refunded back on registration payment made out to "soccer awareness" please.


Saturday February 25th 10am to 11.30am U5 to U9 Noon to 1.30pm U10 to U16

Register :-
Is that Wayne Harrison? We LOVE Wayne... my daughter tries to do all his camps even though it's an hour drive for us.
the day they charge for tryouts, is the day we dont the way, coaches should pay me $20 to have my daughters come out, after all.....ill be paying them between $1500 and $3000 the whole season...if "I" choose to be at a particular club and the staff and coaches are qualified to do their job to the quality that they promise.....
Is it normal to charge people $20 to tryout? Never seen that before.
So if my DD makes the club ill only owe $2,880.00 plus tournaments and uniforms. What a deal. craziest thing I've ever heard. Especially if they are new club. Not even a heavy hitter in the So Cal scene.
Newport Slammers 05 is pretty much wrapped up. Had over 200 girls tryout. Pre ECNL and Reserve Teams will be stacked with another tier 1 team, maybe 2... Should be an exciting year with two brand new teams.
Not totally new teams Bull took most of his strikers team and Winn took most of his Irvine slammers team. Both should be really good
I'm new to this forum. I have not heard of oc galaxy are they new?
Nhb has tryiuts next weekend but state cup is going on so I don't know how well they will do.

The rest of the clubs near us have been having tryouts on a team by team basis. Ie contact the coach.
Irvine slammers was taken over by Galaxy OC. New tryout already happened. Winn left and is now Newport Harbor. He took most of his current team with him. The Galaxy OC team is mostly Strikers sister team from 2016.
It will probably start to be a new trend. I don't think anyone wants 200 kids showing up at a tryout.
You get some kids that go to 4 or 5 tryouts, when they know where they want to play or already have a spot locked up. You get some kids who tag along with a friend even though they have no intention of playing there.
New club in Carlsbad, South Coast Soccer Club, is also having tryouts soon (02/25). From their Facebook page:

Registration open now!

Tryouts for all ages for both Recreational and Competitive levels for South Coast Soccer Club.

Address of venue: 2605 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Contact Mary by email on for details

Please arrive 20 minutes earlier.

Cost to Tryout is $20 which will be refunded back on registration payment made out to "soccer awareness" please.


Saturday February 25th 10am to 11.30am U5 to U9 Noon to 1.30pm U10 to U16

Register :-
No nothing about WH. Looked him and his programs. I will take an educated guess that this new soccer club of his may not have the funding and the $20 is a way to generate start up money.
Blues have had interested players out for 04 ECNL and 05 Pre-ECNL since December. I see nobody waiting. 05 Pre-ECNL & Flight 1 Tryouts again TONIGHT February 2. Ranch Soccer Complex 5:00-6:30pm. Can't make it tonight, interested players welcome to contact Coach Kale directly ( Limited spots left.
Blues have had interested players out for 04 ECNL and 05 Pre-ECNL since December. I see nobody waiting. 05 Pre-ECNL & Flight 1 Tryouts again TONIGHT February 2. Ranch Soccer Complex 5:00-6:30pm. Can't make it tonight, interested players welcome to contact Coach Kale directly ( Limited spots left.
Suggest creating your own thread to announce tryouts that way your information does not drown inside another thread. Then to bring it to the forefront just type "bump".