2017 Cal South State Cup

So why didn't the SVSC coach protest the game due to a misapplication of the LOTG?
The manager did try and talk to somebody as the Cal south table was right there. As the game kept going my attention was mostly on the game. By halftime the refs were held back from coming back on the field as the field marshal, team manager and a representative from the tourney were all talking but I believe it came down to the fact that the field marshal didn't stop the game in time and that they couldn't go backwards and undo it at that point. So simply, SVSC didn't take the right action in time or the Field Marshall didn't.
A learning lesson for all involved I guess. Some of us knew about the red card possibility if they saved the goal with their hands but we were mostly uncertain with the header. We ALL felt that a warning or coaching opportunity was there for the ref instead of a red card though.
Continuously texting while the kids were playing a game at the TOC could be a contributing factor. Caught the attention of Blues higher ups so guessing parents noticed too.

Combining the teams seems like a smart move for Blues as they weren't able to quite get it done with the two teams when it came to higher end opposition.

Surf are rightful favorites from what I've seen.
So the kids quit before state cup because a coach was on her phone?
I dont know the circumstances but this seems a bit extreme.
Guys, did you miss the word "contributing". I know some parents on that team. Would you not say that constantly texting during a game could be emblematic of a bigger issue and doesn't exactly jive with "progress" and "development" irvingkau cites, or do you think it's perfectly acceptable?
Doesn't she have 2 teams? Same issue with the other team?
I agree, that texting during a game is not cool. Unless there is some type of emergency going on. For the record, I'm not a big fan of hers. It just seems a bit odd to play all season and then bail on state cup. Or did these players bail earlier? Are they playing with their new team?
Guys, did you miss the word "contributing". I know some parents on that team. Would you not say that constantly texting during a game could be emblematic of a bigger issue and doesn't exactly jive with "progress" and "development" irvingkau cites, or do you think it's perfectly acceptable?
Yes true if it's a symptom of a bigger issue and not a one off. Thanks for pointing that out. Meant no offense.
Zero offense taken. Sorry if I came across as defensive, it was not my intent. Tone is so hard to convey over the internet.

I'll try and find out, Tim. I know there was a similar situation with the LA Premier 06s. They played all season (and did ok, but through gritted teeth I hear) but before State Cup the team fell apart. Those who remained are playing on the "B" team in Governors to get the game time, whether they stick around once the season is done is another matter.
Zero offense taken. Sorry if I came across as defensive, it was not my intent. Tone is so hard to convey over the internet.

I'll try and find out, Tim. I know there was a similar situation with the LA Premier 06s. They played all season (and did ok, but through gritted teeth I hear) but before State Cup the team fell apart. Those who remained are playing on the "B" team in Governors to get the game time, whether they stick around once the season is done is another matter.
Totally agree on tone.

Are you speaking of holleyand rennie as the 2 teams?
Doesn't she have 2 teams? Same issue with the other team?
I agree, that texting during a game is not cool. Unless there is some type of emergency going on. For the record, I'm not a big fan of hers. It just seems a bit odd to play all season and then bail on state cup. Or did these players bail earlier? Are they playing with their new team?

I think she has three, but I don't know anyone on those two older teams.
Guys, did you miss the word "contributing". I know some parents on that team. Would you not say that constantly texting during a game could be emblematic of a bigger issue and doesn't exactly jive with "progress" and "development" irvingkau cites, or do you think it's perfectly acceptable?
If "developing" is a focus for these parents, I would recommend searching for a new team, there is much better out there...... just saying.....not a fan.
Guys, did you miss the word "contributing". I know some parents on that team. Would you not say that constantly texting during a game could be emblematic of a bigger issue and doesn't exactly jive with "progress" and "development" irvingkau cites, or do you think it's perfectly acceptable?
Funny you say that because my DD mentioned to me after a game vs blues that all the coach did was sit down, text, look up, and yell. She thought it was so silly that at one point the coach briefly looked up from texting and yelled something to an opposing player by mistake thinking it was her player.
I also noticed once the ref blew the whistle ending the game the coach was already on her way to the parking lot.
Funny you say that because my DD mentioned to me after a game vs blues that all the coach did was sit down, text, look up, and yell. She thought it was so silly that at one point the coach briefly looked up from texting and yelled something to an opposing player by mistake thinking it was her player.
I also noticed once the ref blew the whistle ending the game the coach was already on her way to the parking lot.
Sounds about right. And was probably late to the game as well. Probably recruiting in the parking lot for next season. Not a fan, who would be? :(
I know there was a similar situation with the LA Premier 06s. They played all season (and did ok, but through gritted teeth I hear) but before State Cup the team fell apart. Those who remained are playing on the "B" team in Governors to get the game time, whether they stick around once the season is done is another matter.
The LAPFC situation included the replacement of a well liked coach on august 1, after all players were locked in. The replacement coach was the younger 2006 players fifth coach in four years. Very sad and unfortunate situation for a very talented group of girls. I believe the remaining LAPFC group is playing in mayors not governors and should do well considering the bump in talent!
What team are you with Soccer123? I like your style.
Just speaking the sad truth and keeping it real. Parents, do your research before you commit to a Team and Coach. Look for Coaches who are ethical, have the best interest of the player in mind, don't show favoritism, treat their players with respect, put player safety 1st, only bring in guest players when needed due to injuries, look for a Coach who has played the game and understands the game, their main focus is to "develop" the player vs winning and burning out the players by playing every weekend for a trophy and medal, watch a practice and ensure they do more than scrimmaging, make sure the coach isn't on their phone or talking with the parents all practice.
I have a daughter who plays on one of her teams. What you are saying about her texting during the game is not correct. She uses her phone as a timer and that may be why you see her looking at her phone. Also, my daughter has developed tremendously from her coaching and have seen players develop on all her teams. I believe on her 06 team that is being combined with Rennie, they are taking6 of her players and 2 of Rennie's. As far as success she has a lot of regular season and tournament success. She won the 03 champions league playoff with a brand new team. Her 06 goalie left when she was not asked back and is also a competitive snow skier and decided to focus on that. After games she does not run from the field. She is always taking the time to talk to players and parents. If she ever leaves it because she is off to another game just like any other coach.
It's ridiculous that people are posting statemenst to discredit someone all the while hide behind a message board. People need to think about what they write and put in perspective about what they're writing about.
I have a daughter who plays on one of her teams. What you are saying about her texting during the game is not correct. She uses her phone as a timer and that may be why you see her looking at her phone. Also, my daughter has developed tremendously from her coaching and have seen players develop on all her teams. I believe on her 06 team that is being combined with Rennie, they are taking6 of her players and 2 of Rennie's. As far as success she has a lot of regular season and tournament success. She won the 03 champions league playoff with a brand new team. Her 06 goalie left when she was not asked back and is also a competitive snow skier and decided to focus on that. After games she does not run from the field. She is always taking the time to talk to players and parents. If she ever leaves it because she is off to another game just like any other coach.
I guess my eyes were lying to me then. Thanks for the heads up