Climate and Weather

My oldest sons first truck was a handmedown from my friend that had passed away, 1991 f350 dually with 200k, my second son got a 65 falcon that we restored, 125k at least. Right now my fireman son has a 96 f150 with 130k and my younger boy has a 91 jeep with over 100k.
will you guys work on my '64 skylark ragtop? it's a fun ride but not "restored" at all.
Your little union schtick is a bit silly don't you think? You have displayed a complete lack of understanding how my union works and your own son is in a completely different union that operates is a distinctly different manner . . . they all do. Our country grew strong with unions and has now weakened with the shrinking of unions. Maybe you should spend some of the endless hours you do posting obscure material and read up on how unions helped build America and the middle class . . . and oh yeah, you won't learn any of that from the corporate funded sites you frequent.

On This Day: Iron Workers Bomb Los Angeles Times Building
Climate change::cool:

SAN ANTONIO – A magnitude 3.5 earthquake has occurred in a rural area south of San Antonio.

According to a preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey, seismic activity was first detected Saturday morning.

The earthquake was centered about 16 miles southwest of Poth, which has a population of about 2,000.

The earthquake was 3 miles (5 kilometers) deep.

Wilson and Atascosa county sheriff's offices reported they did not receive or respond to any calls in regards to an earthquake.
From Malthus to Erlich. Theyʻve always been horribly wrong but still the alarmist nutters follow. Baaaaaaa!
Espola probably thinks Erlich saved the planet.
When it becomes apparent at some point that the planet is cooling, the same characters will take credit for saving the planet again, but not until the next crisis is well under way.
Its cyclical, like the climate, but way more predictable.
Espola probably thinks Erlich saved the planet.
When it becomes apparent at some point that the planet is cooling, the same characters will take credit for saving the planet again, but not until the next crisis is well under way.
Its cyclical, like the climate, but way more predictable.

Is it being consistently wrong that makes you so bitter?