Your thoughts on youth soccer and social media

Looking for "one" impact more player to join this "fantastic" team that just won xyx and will be going to abc and playing in jgh league seems to be a typical posts nowadays.

Either that or the weekly recap; lookie these 2-3 teams won a tournament this past week but no mention of the other 12 teams that played but didn't necessarily "win" the tournament played.

Would rather see 50/50 coverage where some teams could be making strides but would never no since they didn't win that given weekend. Spotlight more than just wins.

As far as rankings, well they don't play the games the kids do. My kids have been fortunate to play on some very highly ranked ones, #1 is some cases but it's all realtive and there really is no good or accurate ones so it's all just a folly IMO
Nothing wrong with posting about success so long as it is not at the direct expense of someone else.

An adult posting how much they make or who they got a promotion over is tacky at best, just as a club posting where they rank or who they beat is too. Posting you got a big promotion or went on a vacation is great, just as posting a team tournament win is also.

Nothing wrong with being excited and sharing good news. If it bothers you, you need to evaluate your jealousy or stop following other clubs if you cannot help yourself.