I'd like to see a league that incorporates some sportsmanship and acccountability benchmarks.
Sportsmanship: Each team would get a sportsmanship score for each game. The score would be based upon the behavior of the players, coach and parents. The CR, the AR (on that team's side) and the opposing coach would give a score from 1-5, 5 being the best (scores less than 3 would have to be explained). If a team accumulates two games with an average score less than 3, the team losses a home game and a point in the standings. The teams in each bracket that have the highest sportmanship score at the end of the year would be given a points bonus and a partial refund of league fees. Teams that have the lowest sportsmanship score may be eliminated for future consideration in the league.
Parents and coach on same side of field opposite the other team.
Ref Accountability: Pay refs in this league more, maybe something starting at 25% more. Each coach provides a satisfactory or unsatisfactory score for each ref. (an unsatisfactory score would have to be explained) Accumulate two games with unanimous unsatisfactory scores results in the ref's loss of priviledges to ref in the league.
Obviously this league would be more expensive but hopefully it would attract the most disciplined teams.
Sportsmanship: Each team would get a sportsmanship score for each game. The score would be based upon the behavior of the players, coach and parents. The CR, the AR (on that team's side) and the opposing coach would give a score from 1-5, 5 being the best (scores less than 3 would have to be explained). If a team accumulates two games with an average score less than 3, the team losses a home game and a point in the standings. The teams in each bracket that have the highest sportmanship score at the end of the year would be given a points bonus and a partial refund of league fees. Teams that have the lowest sportsmanship score may be eliminated for future consideration in the league.
Parents and coach on same side of field opposite the other team.
Ref Accountability: Pay refs in this league more, maybe something starting at 25% more. Each coach provides a satisfactory or unsatisfactory score for each ref. (an unsatisfactory score would have to be explained) Accumulate two games with unanimous unsatisfactory scores results in the ref's loss of priviledges to ref in the league.
Obviously this league would be more expensive but hopefully it would attract the most disciplined teams.