You just gotta love guys like jbarr, who join the board so they can name-shame a coach while hiding behind a pseudonym themselves. He could have started a conversation without identifying the coach, but no, that is not "jbarr's" style. He wants to do it from the shadows and he wants to name names. He is a coward and deserves no respect on this board or any other. I hope somebody who knows him posts his true name on the board.
My best guess is that jbarr is an uninformed loudmouth parent who thinks he knows everything. I would bet money that jbarr is a cancer on the sidelines, and has alienated many parents himself with all of his griping and second-guessing. I doubt he has ever had a constructive discussion with the coach he now abuses.
Now, as to the coach in question, I don't know him, have never met him, don't coach against him, and never heard of him until reading brave jbarr's post. But I looked at the CSL standings. It looks like the coach has the club's B-team team in the age group. But in his three years (per jbarr's comments), he has gotten the B-team into the Silver bracket. All this despite "losing player after player." Makes me think that he is not losing them so much as letting them go. Sounds like the coach is teaching the kids pretty well, and that he probably pushed his B-team players (like jbarr's kid) into a higher level than they would ordinarily have reached. And to his credit, he guided the team to 4th place in a silver bracket. That is no mean accomplishment for a group of B-team players like jbarr's kid.
I think that jbarr should leave the squad ASAP, so that he no longer pollutes FC Valencia's sidelines. Let somebody else deal with his toxic presence.