Why do club presidents/heads/boards/whatever keep problematic coaches?

I do not. My children are grown up. If you really want to know who I am and what I do, you can PM me. Although, if would be pretty hard to not know who I am after the last few posts.
Thanks. I appreciate your honesty. jbarr definitely could have worded things better, and it would have been much better if he had an established reputation here on the forum. I personally would encourage any parent that has problem with a coach to post here anonymously in order to prevent any negative consequences for their player. I would also tell anyone who reads a negative review of a coach to keep it in consideration but do their own research and come to their own conclusion.
I do not. My children are grown up. If you really want to know who I am and what I do, you can PM me. Although, if would be pretty hard to not know who I am after the last few posts.
yeah you can pretty much google names thrown up here, look at some negative posts online, plug in some various search terms after gathering more info and you will find all the info you might want...if you are bored or something. =)
Jbarr opened a can of worms, and yes, the ability to attack a coach anonymously will cause some to question the motives. However, as other posters have mentioned, a coach with a solid reputation, history, integrity, etc will allow time and results and often others to speak and the reality of things becomes clear. And as others have mentioned, if there is smoke, and you do some background checking you will find fire.

And to answer the question about why clubs keep problematic coaches... There are too many to list. But suffice it to say eventually problems need to go away and they usually do, one way or the other. Good luck finding a fit for your kid, and remember as a parent you have some obligations to keep as well.
I don’t take much of what’s posted online as fact but definitely not anything posted anonymously. Ive known some stories posted on here first hand and the posters seriously exaggerated and sometimes partly fabricated what happened. I’m honestly shocked how intense and resentful people can be on this forum over youth sports. Move teams, move clubs, move on. Life is waaayyyy too short.

I don’t even take coach recommendations from other parents. For every coach you can find 20 parents who think they are terrible and 20 parents that think they are great. It’s totally based on personal values and expectations.

Do what others have suggested and go to practices and games and find out for yourself.
I understand whistleblowing and perhaps the occasional need for an 'anonymous' post but I don't get why people don't just use their actual names anyway. Transparency brings an element of credibility, even if you sometimes talk sh*t! ;)
You just gotta love guys like jbarr, who join the board so they can name-shame a coach while hiding behind a pseudonym themselves. He could have started a conversation without identifying the coach, but no, that is not "jbarr's" style. He wants to do it from the shadows and he wants to name names. He is a coward and deserves no respect on this board or any other. I hope somebody who knows him posts his true name on the board.

My best guess is that jbarr is an uninformed loudmouth parent who thinks he knows everything. I would bet money that jbarr is a cancer on the sidelines, and has alienated many parents himself with all of his griping and second-guessing. I doubt he has ever had a constructive discussion with the coach he now abuses.

Now, as to the coach in question, I don't know him, have never met him, don't coach against him, and never heard of him until reading brave jbarr's post. But I looked at the CSL standings. It looks like the coach has the club's B-team team in the age group. But in his three years (per jbarr's comments), he has gotten the B-team into the Silver bracket. All this despite "losing player after player." Makes me think that he is not losing them so much as letting them go. Sounds like the coach is teaching the kids pretty well, and that he probably pushed his B-team players (like jbarr's kid) into a higher level than they would ordinarily have reached. And to his credit, he guided the team to 4th place in a silver bracket. That is no mean accomplishment for a group of B-team players like jbarr's kid.

I think that jbarr should leave the squad ASAP, so that he no longer pollutes FC Valencia's sidelines. Let somebody else deal with his toxic presence.

Wow, Robert Woodbury! are you the defender of awful coaches?
Well, it wasn't any secret who I am. I have identified myself on the board before. No, I'm not a defender of awful coaches. I'm a defender of the right to know who accuses a person. You hide behind your pseudonym and lob bombs. If you want to play this game, I suppose I can, too. How long do you think it will take me to find out who you are? A couple of calls to your FC Valencia coach and a couple of others is all it will take. Then we can converse on equal terms.

You can request the name from the site owner, and if he won't give it up, get a warrant.
Well, it wasn't any secret who I am. I have identified myself on the board before. No, I'm not a defender of awful coaches. I'm a defender of the right to know who accuses a person. You hide behind your pseudonym and lob bombs. If you want to play this game, I suppose I can, too. How long do you think it will take me to find out who you are? A couple of calls to your FC Valencia coach and a couple of others is all it will take. Then we can converse on equal terms.
Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society. -SCOTUS 1995
Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society. -SCOTUS 1995

People who have been slandered anonymously online have legal options.
Jesu! No, his father is not a cancer. People like you are a cancer. You want to destroy his reputation and punish his kid only because he dared complaining about a situation lived in different clubs.

The fact that you went out of your way to research the team and coach and whatnot tells me either you are that coach or his mommy or some coach with the same stupid characteristics than him.

Also, practice what you preach, it is super easy to threaten someone and organize a linching mob behind a nick name.

What's your real name, Toucan? So that we all avoid whatever team you coach?

Spending some time researching the team and coach seems prudent, and certainly wiser than swallowing whole whatever some anonymous poster says online. Russian troll farms must really love you. Not only do you believe whatever people tell you, but you spread it further and even attack anyone who's wise enough to question the motivations of someone who anonymously attacks his kid's U12 soccer coach over such egregious behavior as "favoritism" and "bad handling of situations".

It is not about protecting his anonymity, but the anonymity of his player. Remember, it is supposed to be all about the kids.

If it's about the kids, everyone should know who is complaining about the coach so they can protect their own kids from this dad trying to blow their team up next.
Sometimes it is the club president that is problematic and creates an environment in which coaches, parents and players flow in an out at high rates.

In both cases I would guess it is about money and ego, instead of providing players with the best service and development.
Why do they do it? They know that coaches are problematic and ignore all the signs and complains and keep the coach in the team despite that kid after kid decides to leave or not even sign up with the club because of the coach's negative traits.

Case in point, FC Valencia B07 Blue. Over the last three years, the coach (Carlos Santiesteban) has caused problems with his decisions and with his bad handling of situations and with his favoritism and yelling without teaching. Kid after kid has left. Parents have complained and Charles Martinez gets all defensive and tells parents to leave if they don't like it. Well, finally, the team exploded and 6 kids left the team in the last two months. Even the two most ferocious moms who protected the coach because their kids were the favorites decided to leave (I guess Carlos started yelling at their kids and couldn't take it while looking how he did the same to other kids over the years).

Charles Martinez is aware and instead of removing the coach from the team, he's keeping him and calling for more tryouts. It's unbelievable.

Oh, wow didn't realize this was your first post. Likely not the best way to start posting here. Looks like you have an axe to grind. Maybe it would be better to discuss this with the coach and club president.
My 3 years in this counter intuitive club soccer BUSINESS has shown me that you throw away your idea of what it should look like and operate under the way it is or you will drive yourself crazy which impacts your kid who just wants to play the game. Navigate it to best serve your kid.

I worked at Nordstrom a whole lot of years ago and every time I had to walk the stairs to clock in there was a sign that read:

Rule #1 The customer is always right
Rule #2 When the customer is wrong, refer to rule #1

I have gleaned in this soccer world that they operate under:

Rule #1 The coach is always right
Rule #2 When the coach is wrong, refer to rule #1

So if you don't like the coach or think they are wrong and you want to gain justice, DON'T. I get why you want to right the wrong that you believe has been done but the whole culture has to change first. I have learned to look at what my child gets from a club, what I have to put out in time and money and can I get the same or better for less output and we keep learning as we go frustrating as it may be. Your post won't change it but has the potential of causing you and most importantly your child a whole lot of pain. I recommend paying the $15 for your account and delete the message.

Best to you and your child!
We just left a team and club due to the coach being toxic. He created a very toxic environment. His director and board are aware of the situation. They think the coach is a unhappy person and can’t explain his anger and mood swings. Their reasoning for keeping him. They have no other coach ready and willing to commit to the team. Their words not mine!

So this coach could get away with being an Ass. What did I do? We left! I can’t respect a club that allows a coach to behave this way. It’s embarrassing and I’m glad I’m not part of that toxic environment anymore.
If someone did their homework on FCV they would learn: Been around for 5-6 years. Club was ousted from SCDSL last year. It's really 2+ clubs- FC Valencia teams, and SWAP teams, and a mish mash of others. When moving to CSL they got many "gift" promotions, and at the end of the year they will get reality relegations... although can you get relegated from Bronze? Coach Carlos, and most of their FCV coaches have a difficult time getting teams moved up the ladder, but that can be said about many other clubs. The guy may not be great, but this way of anonymous criticism isn't the way to go.
When you can explain why a parent is allowed to excoriate a coach by name, but remain anonymous himself, then I will take your post seriously.

Because the administrators of this forum allow it. They apparently don't demand that the users never mention other peoples' names. So I guess you should address your gripes to them.
We just left a team and club due to the coach being toxic. He created a very toxic environment. His director and board are aware of the situation. They think the coach is a unhappy person and can’t explain his anger and mood swings. Their reasoning for keeping him. They have no other coach ready and willing to commit to the team. Their words not mine!

So this coach could get away with being an Ass. What did I do? We left! I can’t respect a club that allows a coach to behave this way. It’s embarrassing and I’m glad I’m not part of that toxic environment anymore.

This sounds like the president at a small south bay club. But he is the president and coach. I don't think he has a board. You must be talking about a different club.

If the coach you talk about is as bad as you say, it will catch up to him. The club I mentioned I hear did not get to play presidio and some teams left to other clubs.
This sounds like the president at a small south bay club. But he is the president and coach. I don't think he has a board. You must be talking about a different club.

If the coach you talk about is as bad as you say, it will catch up to him. The club I mentioned I hear did not get to play presidio and some teams left to other clubs.
stuff doesnt catch up too much. how many shady coaches do we see out there? i could spit out two dozen off the top of my head in South OC that been around for over 10 years and bounce around leaving messes. the used car salesman coach and/or director will always find a home - as long as there are clubs who are constructed solely to make money. Sad part is these are the types that end up as DOCs at clubs.